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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Chibill

  1. Don't worry about it that's FML (Forge Mod Loader) yelling that hay there's a file here that should not be but the thing is FML puts it there to use but in dev it forgets that it put it there and think you the modded did a bit of mixed up coding in my opinion but its okay its normal in dev.
  2. Run minecraft with more ram there's a stack over flow cause by running out of memory so your mods classes are not all loaded.
  3. That does not remove a crafting recipe. With a crafting handler you could say if its the recipe close the gui and drop the items.
  4. Actually I think if you can grab the update method in the helmet on the client side you can run Minecraft.getMinecraft.gameSettings.gammaSetting = 1000F;
  5. I would use a render event and change the brightness player setting to a big number like 1000000 and it will make it bight.
  6. One bit of info with the new inetty system I can only ever get packets to send when in debug mode.
  7. Most mods use asses trasnaformers to fix the problem.
  8. Run it with stack trace enabled and give us that log also try installing the latest build and testing it and why are you importing the whole forge package just import what you need.
  9. I beleave its because it to be somehow passing ()V to what it expects to be a int or it seems to be a problem with how it was added. I have not messed with ASM but I want too so yeah it ecpexting an int on the stack.
  10. Thank you once again and I can filter out the bosses be seeing if they use the one interface.
  11. I have code to grab a copy of the entity list is there any simple why other then a bit of checking superclass and interfaces to only get monsters and animal with out the bosses and entity items? If so how would I use it?
  12. then its not forge go bother the mod auther that made the one doing it.
  13. Inventory Tweeks is a mod its in your .minecraft/mods folder [16:45:41 INFO]: Client> [16:45:41] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod invtweaks.forge.asm.FMLPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft it says that the core mod invtweaks or Inventory Tweaks does not have a @MCVersion annotation basicly it does not say what version of MC is safe for it to run on. I belieave it to be a 1.6 mod and 1.7 can't run 1.6 mods so it crashes when trying to load it.
  14. Your welcome I as going to try this in my mod so i had to find that stuff too.
  15. It would be the container you are looking for not the tileentity and its in net.minecraft.inventories
  16. set the unlocalized name to the one of the item you want the name of then its display name will be the name of that item. to change just change the display name or look at the anvil's code on how it renames.
  17. I will try but that would make a memory leak if I was on the server and disconnected and reconnected. But okay I will try.
  18. Any help still no idea why this is not working.
  19. this fires client side https://github.com/chibill/AdditionalCrafting/blob/master/AdditionalCrafting-1.7.2/src/java/chibill/additionalcrafting/common/ACEventHandler.java but if I change the @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) to @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) nothing happens.
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