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Posts posted by AndyLun

  1. Alright, so after digging through the minecraft source code, I found out you can modify the tool's mining speed by overriding the function func_150893_a and returning a float value. That does work if I hard-code a value into the return line. Seems like minecraft only checks the function once so even if I'm doing some logic checking and returning a different value during runtime doesn't affect the mining speed....


    Anyone have any idea on how to change the mining speed during runtime ? Thanks in advance.

  2. Thanks for the reply.

    However, I can't seem to find any methods that sets the 'material' of an item.


    I figured out the setHarvestLevel, but that only sets if the block broken will drop an item...

    How do I set the actual mining speed of the pickaxe ?

  3. Can anyone please provide a screenshot ?


    **Note : I am using the advanced workspace setup, or the so-called "Pahimar Setup" for 1.7.2.


    This, I can be sure it's not working.



    Draco18s' isn't working, too.


    mardiff, I don't understand.

  4. Alright, i'm using this workspace setup : http://www.wuppy29.com/minecraft/modding-tutorials/wuppys-minecraft-forge-modding-tutorials-for-1-7-set-up-part-2b-advanced-forge-setup/


    So, I am unable to get the assets to work (including lang files [tile.block.name !] and textures [magenta-black squares !]).

    Currently I have this folder structure in my mod project :



    -src (buildpath)

    --packages and codes


    --[mymodid(yes, in all small case)]





    -----my textures

    -mcmod.info [This isn't working, too. Maybe different location ?]


    Any help is appreciated.

  5. Hi,

    I am going to make a custom block which looks different from other solid square blocks.


    For example,

    the Microscope in the MineChem 2 Mod.


    As Shown in this video :


    Watch that video at 0:53

    The Microscope.


    It is rendered not as same as other squar-ish blocks. It's outline(the black one) is square but it don't looks like that.


    Hope the information provided is enough. Please Help Me

    Thanks.... A LOT

  6. Oh Great It worked !!!!!


    This is my code :

        public void onNeighborBlockChange(World world, int x, int y, int z, int neighborId) {
        	if(!world.isRemote) {
        	int blockId = world.getBlockId(x, y-1, z);
        	if(blockId == 0) {
        		this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y-1, z, blockId, 0);
        		world.setBlockWithNotify(x, y, z, 0);
        	super.onNeighborBlockChange(world, x, y, z, neighborId);

  7. Clearer screenshot please ? Use the F2 in game.


    You could try changing the texture of your new glass to the texture of the vanilla glass

    aka. "/terrain.png", and the iconIndex is 50.


    Then post another screenshot of that.

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