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  1. so for around 2 weeks i am not getting a debug.log in any forge instances. the normal log file is fine. i even tried a clean installation of forge. looking at my file it seems the last debug.log i got was from the 24.6. i have no idea what the cause of this might be. the launcher i use is the vanilla launcher
  2. fixed the issue. it did had to to something with the mapping. the reason it didnt work is because i simply used the build jar from the dependency project which of course is obfuscated. needed to use a deobf version of the jar for it to work.
  3. it was the lib folder not libs as i was testing stuff. i know that libs auto adds jars. if you mean mcp yes, both projects have the same mapping
  4. I have the following mod: https://github.com/Flemmli97/FateUBW with the following dependency: https://github.com/Flemmli97/TenshiLib The Fate mod contains the following buildscript (modified as i didnt upload the dependency to curseforge yet): https://pastebin.com/gBypZSrr. It takes the build jar from my file system. When i try to build the project it throws errors like this: "EntityGaeBolg is not abstract and does not override abstract method writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound) in Entity" Relevant classes: https://github.com/Flemmli97/FateUBW/blob/master/src/main/java/com/flemmli97/fatemod/common/entity/EntityGaeBolg.java EntityGaeBolg extends EntityProjectile from the dependency mod TenshiLib which does indeed override said method: https://github.com/Flemmli97/TenshiLib/blob/master/src/main/java/com/flemmli97/tenshilib/common/entity/EntityProjectile.java Judging from another error log: "EntityBabylonWeapon.java:62: error: abstract method entityInit() in Entity cannot be accessed directly" i think the methods of the super class EntityProjectile got lost but i dont know why it does this. Anyone have any ideas?
  5. I have an entity which a player can control via a gui. That entity is also a chunkloader so controlling becomes possible no matter where that entity will be. The gui also displays the entity with specific data e.g. if i tell the entity to stand still it would have a sitting animation which also should be shown in the gui. Now if the entity goes out of render distance its not available to the client anymore and thus the gui shows nothing too. Now all of the client-server sync happens in the EntityTracker but thats all hard coded. The factors of wether an entity should be added/removed to the client world is determined by the tracking distance, which you specify when you register your entity, and your render distance (EntityTrackerEntry#updatePlayerEntity). Is there any other way i can keep an entity always loaded on the client side?
  6. oh... ok then. thx. i was always wondering why then people are saying this. cause codewise it says no limit.
  7. So in 1.13 metadata wont be a thing anymore. To make updating easier for me i now wanting to convert my code to not use metadata. the thing is the expected item + block amount of my mod will probably be around 1000 so i am asking if its smart to do it now (1.12) already, where ids are limited.
  8. I have an entity which keeps the chunk its inside loaded and when it dies it should unload the chunk. To test if my code is working i set up a repeating command block with "say hi", spawned in the entity at the command block and then moved away from it (far enough of course). The log printed "hi" so the chunk loading works. But now if i want to unload the chunk (kill the entity) something strange happens. I put an log message inside onLivingUpdate so i can see if the entity is still ticking. Then the entity upon "killing" it is not immediately removed from the world, but like the enderdragon stays a while. The first thing i do in onDeathUpdate is unload the chunk the entity is in. The logger from the entity stops sending stuff so it seems the entity is unloaded. But the command block is continuing sending the message. How can the command block stay loaded, while the entity does not? the entity and command block is at the same spot and the entity is not moving from there either. Since the entity is immediately unloaded in onDeathUpdate and it cant get processed further so if i tp back the entity will of course still be there. Also tp to that spot and away fixes that issue. Now here the said code: The constructor of the entity (its private since its an abstract helper class) onLivingUpdate onDeathUpdate: and here the complete entity code: https://github.com/Flemmli97/FateUBW/blob/master/src/main/java/com/flemmli97/fatemod/common/entity/servant/EntityServant.java
  9. in theory i should be able to edit the players data file when the entity is saved to disk. that way i can save the chunk, where the entity is saved even after the player is gone
  10. So i have an entity, which when spawned a special way is "binded" to the player. Like a pet but the player can only have one of it. I save the reference to that entity in an capability and then i can manipulate that entity in various ways. That works fine. The issue i have is with saving/loading. I currently save the entitys uuid and then during load search for that uuid. if found i then sets the players data to that entity. however of course if the entity is in an unloaded chunk during the nbt read progress it wont find it and so fails to "rebind" that entity to the player. I also do the same progress from the entity side (save player uuid and search for player) so then when the entity loads it does get rebind to the player. however during the time when the entity is unloaded the data in the capability is of course null so i cant do anything to the entity. is there ways to manipulate unloaded entitys (like tp them to you)? is it smart to save the chunk, the entity is saved and temporarily load that chunk to do stuff?
  11. oh, didnt think of that. yes that worked perfectly
  12. Im trying to disable an entities ai under certain circumstances. As of now i tried to do it with potions. i do not want to do entity#setNoAI as that also disables general movement of it (means it floats in midair and stuff). EntityLiving#tasks has a control flag but due to call order even if i set it in my potion it gets cancelled (or maybe i did it wrong). Is there any way to disable the execution of the ai from an entity? This is my current potion class:
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