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Everything posted by DaemonUmbra

  1. So you want to be able to mess with packets that aren't yours?
  2. Run the Forge installer, then create a new Launcher Profile/Installation that references it.
  3. What events do you need? If they're necessary it's preferred that they get added to Forge so others can use them as well.
  4. You downloaded them, did you not? Just make sure any that you didn't get from CurseForge get replaced with versions from CurseForge.
  5. You can have any number of versions of Forge installed as will fit on your drive. In the end installing Forge just drops Forge's files and a manifest in a certain place, it's the Launcher Profile/Installation that pulls that manifest and its associated files to run the game.
  6. Forge installs itself as a version of Minecraft. Make a new Profile/Installation and select Forge from the version dropdown. (Note: For some reason Forge 1.12.2 gets booted to the bottom of the list.)
  7. 28.0.45 introduced a breaking change that mods need to update to account for, downgrade to 28.0.41 until your mods update
  8. You should never need to delete a Forge version, especially not manually. Forge installs itself as a version of Minecraft. Make a new Profile/Installation and select Forge from the version dropdown. (Note: For some reason Forge 1.12.2 gets booted to the bottom of the list.)
  9. The filenames of one or more of your mods suggests you got them from a repost site. Please read up on the StopModReposts project (link in my signature) for info on why this is a bad thing.
  10. Please provide your installer log, it will have the same name as the installer but with .log on the end: Installer: forge-{version}-installer.jar Log: forge-{version}-installer.jar.log Note: If you have Windows Explorer set to hide file extensions(as is the default setting), they will look like this: Installer: forge-{version}-installer Log: forge-{version}-installer.jar Please make your own thread.
  11. Update to the latest version of Java 8. https://adoptopenjdk.net
  12. The filenames say otherwise, what sites did you get them from? and give URLs, don't just say "the official site(s)"
  13. Because they were made by jredfox, a coremod-crazy moron I recommend ditching the mod completely because of his insanity and "I do what I want, fuck every other mod" attitude
  14. Forge 28.0.45 contained a breaking change that mods need to be updated to account for
  15. The filenames of one or more of your mods suggests you got them from a repost site. Please read up on the StopModReposts project (link in my signature) for info on why this is a bad thing.
  16. What Profile/Installation are you starting? Unnamed Profile or one you made yourself?
  17. Forge 28.0.45 contained a breaking change that all mods need to be updated to account for
  18. 1.7.10 is no longer supported on this forum due to its age. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  19. Forge 28.0.45 has a breaking change in the way of some events being moved from one package to another, mods need to be updated to work with this version
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