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Everything posted by Gamecool_10

  1. Ah... sorry for posting again, but I ran into another error and was wondering if any of you folks know what this meant. Alright so, I was able to setupDecompileWorkspace and make a workspace on IntelliJ IDEA using .\gradlw. However, when I tried running the Minecraft Client... I was presented with this error. https://pastebin.com/F242a1zG It seems that the main problem is presented here: Searching through the Internet, I found some people had this same issue but... in the 1.6 era of Minecraft. Seems that Java 7 fixed it, but that version of Java isn't available on the Oracle website anymore. Does anyone have some insight on this? Worst case scenario I'll probably just delete everything and start over from scratch.
  2. Good god I've been bamboozled... That has to be it. Thanks for the help man! I appreciate it.
  3. How much RAM do I need exactly to run the... I believe it's the JVM? Dameon or JVM, one of those. I downloaded the one that's circled, but now that you mention it, was I supposed to download the other one? I didn't realize until now that the one I downloaded was called "windows-i586"
  4. Ah, I see now. I suspected that, since my main issue had to do with Gradle, I would post it here. Should I leave this thread up? Or should I delete it and post it in that sub-forum instead?
  5. In the stickied post, NO SUPPORT REQUESTS, luacs1998 says: "This is a forum for discussion of ForgeGradle, not for asking for help using it. Please head to Support: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/board,15.0.html" This was also mentioned in the top post of the Forge Support & Bug Reports section. Same link, also dead.
  6. Howdy! So, seeing as how a lot of other folks post their issues with gradle here and how the link to the "modder support" forum is dead, I've decided to post this here. Quick backstory: I wanted to try my hand at modding with my somewhat beginner Java knowledge, or at least, have it set up for later. Trouble is I can't even get the workspace setup. Every time I run '.\gradlew setupDecompWorkspace', I get an error. The error: https://pastebin.com/zmGVRt9h The error with --stacktrace: https://pastebin.com/fMD3rn80 The MC version I'm on is 1.12 The JDK version I'm using is "1.8.0_131" The Forge version I'm using is (Latest) I've been searching up a solution to this for the past two days but to no avail, I'm sure I'm missing something small. From what I can see, It says that I don't have enough memory to run the dameon. I changed the properties of gradle in my USER_HOME/.gradle/gradle.properties file to use 2 Gigabytes... but it doesn't seem to do it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm really excited to get started on modding Minecraft, but I can't even get past Level 0. If you need any more information, let me know. Thank you in advance!
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