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Everything posted by ChampionAsh5357

  1. Make sure you don't have a client-only mod on your server. This suggests you do, or a mod is poorly programmed.
  2. You can technically screw with it using a biome modifier to force the config check yourself; however, I still recommend against it. You can make an optional biome modifier. Create your own that checks if the mod is loaded first, and don't do anything if it isn't.
  3. I think it's fine because you are updating the initial state. The 2 is just a flag bit that says update the client.
  4. You should just let people change this via a datapack. That's literally the point since they can replace the values themselves.
  5. Use a capability on the level or SavedData depending on what you're trying to do.
  6. This is not how you add slots. See https://docs.minecraftforge.net/en/1.19.x/gui/menus/#data-synchronization
  7. I think that's a good enough solution since block entities are updated on the client before they actually get the data from the server iirc. You can try syncing on block update though.
  8. 45.0.65 forces the game to crash if somebody has badly implemented the Sheets class and 45.0.64 adds pack in colored tooltips. There are likely many mods which are doing their own thing here which we now prevent.
  9. Seems to be an issue with vault. You can try to remove it.
  10. Likely using incompatible version of sophisticatedcore and sophisticatedbackpacks.
  11. Since you're using an AMD graphics card, update to the latest "Recommended WHQL" graphics drivers. Do not get the "Optional" one: https://www.amd.com/en/support
  12. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently, supported versions are 1.19.4 (Latest) and 1.18.2 (LTS).
  13. Likely using an incompatible create addon with create. You're going to need to upgrade and downgrade to find the compatible versions.
  14. Add more memory to the Minecraft launcher. You can search up on the internet how to do so.
  15. Likely an incompatible version of iafgear. Try removing or updating.
  16. Try removing OptiFine. It tends to play badly with rendering mods.
  17. Likely an issue with chunkanimator; try removing.
  18. It's likely one of the mods, but I am unable to pick it out. I would just split the mods into batches and test trying to create a new world and keep splitting until you find the erroring mod.
  19. You are likely using a create addon that does not work with the current version of create. Either downgrade create of upgrade the addon.
  20. Are the worlds in the correct folder within your game directory?
  21. Please provide the debug.log from the logs folder within the game directory via a gist or pastebin.
  22. You are using Java 20; you must use Java 17.
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