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  1. Today
  2. # Problematic frame: # C [libopenal.so+0x9fb4d] It is always the same issue - this refers to the Linux OS - so your system may prevent Java from working I am not familiar with Linux - check for similar/related issues
  3. Create a new instance and start with Embeddium/Oculus and Valkyrien Skies Try different builds of Embeddium/Valkyrien Skies until you find a working combination - then add the rest of your mods one by one or in groups
  4. There are some mods missing Missing or unsupported mandatory dependencies: Mod ID: 'octolib', Requested by: 'ramcompat', Expected range: '[0.1,)', Actual version: '[MISSING]' Mod ID: 'forge', Requested by: 'tfc', Expected range: '[47.1.3,47.1.6),[47.1.81,47.2.0),[47.2.6,)', Actual version: '47.2.0' Mod ID: 'relics', Requested by: 'ramcompat', Expected range: '[0.6.5,)', Actual version: '[MISSING]' Add octolib and relics and update tfc to build 47.2.6
  5. Make a test with adding LMFT https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lmft
  6. I don't know if this error is occurring due to a mod, can someone help me?
  7. As the title, how to remove exist particle in client level?
  8. latest.log: <script src="https://paste.ee/e/TkzZY/0"></script> Any help please
  9. Yesterday
  10. Hello, I tried playing a modpack I made (I'm not very experienced in modpack making) and, except some problems I achieved to solve, everything went good. However, when I recently tried to re-test the pack with new mods my game crashed. All the changes happened in the span of a noon tho so I barely know which mod were added and when exactly. Here the error : The pack is forge 47.2.0 for minecraft 1.20.1 I use Rubidium+Oculus and also Valkyrien Skies. (i list them here since they're often buggy with other mods) Here the entire crash log : https://pastebin.com/zFt15tJV I hope someone can help me and thanks.
  11. CurseForge and Forge are separate things. Forge loads the mods, CurseForge is a mod download website. Forge 49.0.48 has a known bug with the non-Forge mods.toml detection. To fix this, either the mod authors need to set a valid loaderVersion (e.g. "*" to allow everything, or "[49,)" for 1.20.4+) or you need to temporarily downgrade to 49.0.44 until I release a new version of Forge that has this bug fixed.
  12. Hello there, I recently came across an issue with Forge version 49.0.48, but not with Forge version 49.0.38. I have an image but am not sure how to upload it. The issue being that in Version 38 all my mods work correctly but in 48, several mods are now, randomly, not being recognized as Forge mods when I downloaded them using Forge's install feature. The mods in question being; Compact Storage by witchica Iron Ender Chests by Lupin Iron Ladders by nNined Stone Chest by ロ_ロ The person I contacted originally that directed me to this forum was able to replicate this and so have I.
  13. Log files here is log files for java , 17.0.8 and 21.0.3
  14. Did it crash before you added mods to the pack? If not, try readding the mods 1-2 at a time testing in between to find the broken/incompatible mod
  15. Hey so I'm trying to play Dungeons, Dragons, and Space Shuttles with a few mods added and I keep getting this error right before it finishes startup. Linked below is the mod list and the crash log. Can anyone help me? I'm desperate https://pastebin.com/TRdTzY3c https://pastebin.com/AbFjj8xf
  16. You should just send a packet to the client over the network, and handle movement on the client when the packet is received https://docs.minecraftforge.net/en/latest/networking/
  17. Add the crash-report or latest.log (logs-folder) with sites like https://paste.ee/ and paste the link to it here
  18. [1.20.2]I registered a new item and added it to the COMBAT inventory. I want to know how to adjust the position of this new item
  19. Each time i join im in the world for a bit but then i get disconnecte and im givin this errorr Latest Log
  20. org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.mixintransformererror forge This is the link that it sent me and the exit code is -1. What do I do?
  21. This is a bug in connection with Optifine Temporarily remove Optifine to use the workbench
  22. TileEntity Same issue with java , 17.0.8 and 21.0.3
  23. Read the error - it tells you how to fix it "Current Java is 1.8.0_271 but we require at least 17" You need Java 17, you're currently using Java 8
  24. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Java is 1.8.0_271 but we require at least 17 at net.minecraftforge.bootstrap.shim.Main.main(Main.java:32) Never have successfully gotten a minecraft server up and running so I thought i'd try again. Instant unfixable issue.
  25. the block is engineer's workbench and crash when I put a blue print on it, now I dont have access to my world
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