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Conditional crafting recipes?


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Hi all, I have a question.


Let's say I want to have some crafting recipes that either give a different result are simply unavailable depending on a variable. (The question is not how to store/read this variable, but how to hijack the vanilla crafting process.)


Two simple completely arbitrary examples:


1. Standard crafting recipe is 4 sand becomes 1 sandstone. Now I want to check some data stored on the player and if variable A = 3, putting 4 sand into the crafting box gives 4 sandstone instead of 1.

2. Usually, putting one piece of sand into the crafting box does nothing. If variable A = 4, it should be able to be crafted into glass.


The idea is that this variable can be different for each player, so some should get these crafting options and others not.


Is it even possible with vanilla crafting? I know that Thaumcraft has crafting recipes that you have to unlock first and per player, but those use a special custom crafting table.


Regards :)

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Yes, see Choonster's TestMod3

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You'll need to read this variable from the crafting player (ForgeHooks.getCraftingPlayer) in the appropriate methods to determine the return value. You can either hardcode the variable, value and result or allow them to be specified via the JSON recipe file (possibly via the existing recipe conditions system, like I do in the class Draco18s linked).


For a dynamic input item, you'll need to create your own Ingredient implementation and override Ingredient#apply to check the variable and return true or false depending on its value and the ItemStack argument.

For a dynamic output item, you'll need to create your own IRecipe implementation (probably extending an existing one like ShapedOreRecipe/ShapelessOreRecipe) and implement IRecipe#getCraftingResult to check the variable and return the appropriate item.


For a dynamically unlocked recipe, you'll need to create your own IRecipe implementation and implement IRecipe#matches to check the variable and return false if it's not the right value.


7 hours ago, Draco18s said:

Yes, see Choonster's TestMod3


That class allows for load-time conditions to enable/disable an Ingredient, which isn't quite what the OP wants.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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