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Problems with the updateTick method


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I am currently working on a redstone block that implements logic gates in your world. For the block updates I currently use "neightbourChanged(IBlockState, World, BlockPos, Block, BlockPos)" method. But, because I have gates that, when self powered, should form a clock, throw a StackOverflow (doesn't crash the game though). So, I've tried to use the "updateTick(World, BlockPos, IBlockState, Random)" method. By debugging I found out that the method only gets called when the blocks should be activated, but never when they should be deactivated, wich is a problem. I tried to figure out why the method doesn't get called on deactivation, but the stacktrace didn't give me any clue. When looking at the example I used, the redstone comparator, "updateTick(...)" allways gets called, no matter if turned on or off.

Here's the method:


public void neighborChanged(IBlockState state, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Block blockIn, BlockPos fromPos)
    boolean flag = this.shouldBePowered(worldIn, pos, state); //Is only important fo calculating whether the gate should give an output. 
                                                              //This is the only time the method gets called

    if(flag && !state.getValue(ACTIVE))
        worldIn.setBlockState(pos, getPoweredState(state));
        worldIn.notifyNeighborsOfStateChange(pos, this, false);
    else if(!flag && state.getValue(ACTIVE))
        worldIn.setBlockState(pos, getUnpoweredState(state));
        worldIn.notifyNeighborsOfStateChange(pos, this, false);

Disclaimer: I still use "neighbourChanged(...)", I only swaped out the method names and parameters. That's what I did originaly as well.

Forge version: 1.12.2-

Every gate is only one block, with the blockstate "ACTIVE" and "FACING", indicating whether the gate is active and which direction the block faces respectively.


If you need anything else, feel free to ask :)

Edited by Keheck
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On 2/9/2019 at 6:15 AM, Laike_Endaril said:

If you can link to a repo or post the full code of your class it will be easier to debug.


Also, if you're getting an error with a stacktrace, post that as well.

I uploaded my project to GitHub https://github.com/Keheck/Logicblox

I want every "neighbourChanged" method to be "updateTick"

Edited by Keheck
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I just downloaded the source from your repo, but it's missing some critical components (which are part of the standard forge MDK setup), such as...
...all gradle-related files (root folder)

...all git-related files (root folder)

...the mcmod.info file (resources folder)


There should have been a .gitignore file included in the forge MDK which correctly handles your repo file filter, and should have included all these things in your repo

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13 hours ago, Laike_Endaril said:

I just downloaded the source from your repo, but it's missing some critical components (which are part of the standard forge MDK setup), such as...
...all gradle-related files (root folder)

...all git-related files (root folder)

...the mcmod.info file (resources folder)


There should have been a .gitignore file included in the forge MDK which correctly handles your repo file filter, and should have included all these things in your repo

I uploaded the whole project in one folder. Btw, I deleted the "mcmod.info" file. The mod information is created during pre-init

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Thanks for adding in the build file; it makes importing the project much easier.

After looking through your BlockClock and many related classes, I believe adding a TileEntity is the best approach for a clock.  You can probably make a clock without using a TE, but it might be tricky to preserve the internal timer state when the world unloads/reloads.  I suppose you might be able to get away with using a blockstate property as a timer, but I haven't tried this.


Consider taking a look at the BlockDaylightDetector class.  It may not be a clock in the way you're thinking, but some of its code could probably be useful here.  It uses a TileEntity as well.


That's about as far as my guesswork is going on this one.  If you still have trouble you'll need advice from someone with more related experience than I have.

Edited by Laike_Endaril
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