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[1.12.2] How to create a custom RendererLivingEntity client side


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I want to render some data below the name tag on player entities. Searching this forum I get that I need to create a custom renderer for doing this. But, I'm new to modding and don't know how to go about it. Is there a particular tutorial I could look at or could someone give some pointers? Thanks in advance!

Edited by Cospaia
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To modify vanilla behavior you often should consider using events. There is a RenderLivingEvent which allows you to replace the renderer. So what you can do is create your own player renderer class that copies the vanilla one but adds the text you want to add and then handle the event to use your renderer instead.


So to start you need to learn how to handle events. I have a tutorial on this here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/p/minecraft-forge-172-event-handling.html I need to update the list of available events but most of the information should be good to get you started.


Get an event handler working for RenderLivingEvent and have it check for player. Actually I think that event is generic so maybe you can just handle RenderLivingEvent<EntityPlayerSP> or similar.


Then copy the RenderPlayer class into your own class and add stuff you want.


Then make sure your event handler replaces the renderer with your own.


Try what you can and post the code if you get stuck. We can help further then.

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Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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On 2/18/2018 at 8:24 PM, jabelar said:

Get an event handler working for RenderLivingEvent and have it check for player. Actually I think that event is generic so maybe you can just handle RenderLivingEvent<EntityPlayerSP> or similar.


Thanks. I am not sure I follow along, but I have this handler right now (before I posted this question, that is):


    public void render(RenderLivingEvent.Pre event) {
        float health = event.getEntity().getHealth();
        String name = event.getEntity().getDisplayName().getFormattedText();
        //System.out.println(name + ", " + health);
        event.getEntity().setCustomNameTag("" + health + "§c❤");


Which adds a health display for living entities, except for players. The event has a RenderLivingEntity instance, according to : http://takahikokawasaki.github.io/minecraft-resources/javadoc/forge/1.7.10-


I want the health display to render like a below name objective in vanilla, which seems to require that I somehow can modify the behaviour of this renderer. Am I taking the wrong approach thinking like this?

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§c can be replaced with EnumChatFormatting.RED

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Now I have gotten the mod to do what I want. But I'm not sure I am doing it right. So posting some code here for feedback.


This is the event handler:


    public void render(RenderLivingEvent.Pre event) {
        EntityLivingBase entity = event.getEntity();
        RenderLivingBase baseRenderer = event.getRenderer();
        if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer) {
            if (this.renderer == null) {
                this.renderer = new RenderPlayerHealthDisplay(baseRenderer.getRenderManager(), baseRenderer.getMainModel(), 1.0F);
            String health = String.format("%.1f", event.getEntity().getHealth()) + " §c❤";
            this.renderer.renderHealthDisplay((AbstractClientPlayer) entity, event.getX(), event.getY(), event.getZ(), health);


Which uses this subclass of RenderLivingBase:


public class RenderPlayerHealthDisplay extends RenderLivingBase<AbstractClientPlayer> {

    public RenderPlayerHealthDisplay(RenderManager renderManagerIn, ModelBase modelBaseIn, float shadowSizeIn) {
        super(renderManagerIn, modelBaseIn, shadowSizeIn);

    public void renderHealthDisplay(AbstractClientPlayer entity, double x, double y, double z, String s) {
        double distanceSq = entity.getDistanceSq(this.renderManager.renderViewEntity);
        y += (double)((float)this.getFontRendererFromRenderManager().FONT_HEIGHT * 1.15F * 0.025F);

        if (distanceSq < 100.0D)
            Scoreboard scoreboard = entity.getWorldScoreboard();
            ScoreObjective scoreobjective = scoreboard.getObjectiveInDisplaySlot(2);

            if (scoreobjective != null)
                y += (double)((float)this.getFontRendererFromRenderManager().FONT_HEIGHT * 1.15F * 0.025F);
        this.renderLivingLabel(entity, s, x, y, z, 64);

    protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(AbstractClientPlayer entity) {
        return entity.getLocationSkin();


(The scoreboard handling is how it is done in RenderPlayer.)


This displays the health above player's nametags. But should I be instantiating a full new renderer like this? It seems it would be more efficient to replace  the render class being sent to the event. Don't know if that makes sense, but anyway.

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Did I say the mod works? Well, it has a terrible flaw right now. When it is built as a jar package and used in the regular launcher, the heart is not rendered as it should, but instead as four strange looking characters. (Looks like a Unicode issue.) So, it works in the dev server, but not in the real one. Anyone have any clue what that could be about?

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10 minutes ago, Cospaia said:

Did I say the mod works? Well, it has a terrible flaw right now. When it is built as a jar package and used in the regular launcher, the heart is not rendered as it should, but instead as four strange looking characters. (Looks like a Unicode issue.) So, it works in the dev server, but not in the real one. Anyone have any clue what that could be about?


We got it working by using \u2764 instead of a literal heart in the code. Strange, but whatever works, works. :)

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1 hour ago, Cospaia said:

Found it. I needed to use TextFormatting.RED

Yeah, the name changed. At least twice. EnumChatFormatting is the only one I remember.

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