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[1.12.2] [SOLVED] Getting player by String in ClientChatRecievedEvent?


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So in ClientChatRecievedEvent, once a player name is present in a received message, is there any way to get the EntityPlayer instance from the player name String?

Is there any way to get the EntityPlayer instance in ClientChatRecievedEvent at all? Should I use a different Event?

Any suggestions are welcome.

Thank you!

Edited by Differentiation
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Not sure what you are planning on doing with this event but its possible. This event is client side so you can just call "Minecraft.getMinecraft().player" to get the client side player (EntityPlayerSP) and if for some reason you need it on the server side you can always just use "ServerChatEvent " or even send a packet to the server with the players username to lookup via UserNameCache and get the EntityPlayer MP via "FMLCommonHandler.instance ().getMinecraftServerInstance ().getPlayerList ().getPlayerByUUID ()"


PS: Sorry about the formatting

- Wurmatron

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14 minutes ago, Wurmatron said:


This will crash me on a Dedicated Server.

14 minutes ago, Wurmatron said:

FMLCommonHandler.instance ().getMinecraftServerInstance ().getPlayerList ().getPlayerByUUID ()

Is there a way to get the UUID from the String of the player's name (e.g. "Differentiation" would give "6c12d8f3233c44d3baf0cf32e9f089dd")?

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5 hours ago, Differentiation said:

This will crash me on a Dedicated Server.


In a case where code is in a class that doesn't have @SideOnly annotation, you're right that you it is best to only reference classes that are known to be loaded. However, in this case if you're on the client it is probably best to use the Minecraft method to get the player. So this is a case where you can use your proxy. In your client proxy create a method called getPlayer() that returns the Minecraft.getMinecraft().player and in the server proxy create a method with same name that returns null. To be doubly sure, in the event you can also check if the world is remote. Anyway, using the proxy will ensure that the whatever side you're on, the method called only references classes that exist on that side.

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5 hours ago, jabelar said:

In a case where code is in a class that doesn't have @SideOnly annotation, you're right that you it is best to only reference classes that are known to be loaded. However, in this case if you're on the client it is probably best to use the Minecraft method to get the player. So this is a case where you can use your proxy. In your client proxy create a method called getPlayer() that returns the Minecraft.getMinecraft().player and in the server proxy create a method with same name that returns null. To be doubly sure, in the event you can also check if the world is remote. Anyway, using the proxy will ensure that the whatever side you're on, the method called only references classes that exist on that side.

I already had that method in the proxies, I just forgot it's there to my disposal xD

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