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it was pams bone craft.


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Trying to set up a server with my custom modpack "Zest Nest" any insight into the server shutdown would be great. what are the nest steps I need to take?


This is the last bit of console. (more can be given if needed.)



] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.10.2
[12:45:07] [Server thread/ERROR]: Encountered an unexpected exception
net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from Pam's BoneCraft (bonecraft)

Caused by: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.pam.bonecraft.ServerProxy

    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ProxyInjector.inject(ProxyInjector.java:88) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod(FMLModContainer.java:593) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor10.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventSubscriber.handleEvent(EventSubscriber.java:74) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventSubscriber.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventSubscriber.java:47) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:322) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:304) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:275) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(LoadController.java:243) ~[LoadController.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(LoadController.java:221) ~[LoadController.class:?]
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventSubscriber.handleEvent(EventSubscriber.java:74) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventSubscriber.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventSubscriber.java:47) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:322) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:304) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:275) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(LoadController.java:145) ~[LoadController.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(Loader.java:559) ~[Loader.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(FMLServerHandler.java:98) ~[FMLServerHandler.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(FMLCommonHandler.java:328) ~[FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
    at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(DedicatedServer.java:121) ~[ld.class:?]
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:431) [MinecraftServer.class:?]
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [?:1.8.0_111]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.pam.bonecraft.ServerProxy
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:191) ~[launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModClassLoader.loadClass(ModClassLoader.java:75) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:348) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ProxyInjector.inject(ProxyInjector.java:71) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod(FMLModContainer.java:593) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor10.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventSubscriber.handleEvent(EventSubscriber.java:74) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventSubscriber.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventSubscriber.java:47) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:322) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:304) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:275) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(LoadController.java:243) ~[LoadController.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(LoadController.java:221) ~[LoadController.class:?]
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventSubscriber.handleEvent(EventSubscriber.java:74) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventSubscriber.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventSubscriber.java:47) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:322) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:304) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:275) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(LoadController.java:145) ~[LoadController.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(Loader.java:559) ~[Loader.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(FMLServerHandler.java:98) ~[FMLServerHandler.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(FMLCommonHandler.java:328) ~[FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
    at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(DedicatedServer.java:121) ~[ld.class:?]
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:431) ~[MinecraftServer.class:?]
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:182) ~[launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModClassLoader.loadClass(ModClassLoader.java:75) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:348) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ProxyInjector.inject(ProxyInjector.java:71) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod(FMLModContainer.java:593) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor10.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventSubscriber.handleEvent(EventSubscriber.java:74) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventSubscriber.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventSubscriber.java:47) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:322) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:304) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:275) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(LoadController.java:243) ~[LoadController.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(LoadController.java:221) ~[LoadController.class:?]
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventSubscriber.handleEvent(EventSubscriber.java:74) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventSubscriber.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventSubscriber.java:47) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:322) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:304) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:275) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(LoadController.java:145) ~[LoadController.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(Loader.java:559) ~[Loader.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(FMLServerHandler.java:98) ~[FMLServerHandler.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(FMLCommonHandler.java:328) ~[FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
    at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(DedicatedServer.java:121) ~[ld.class:?]
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:431) ~[MinecraftServer.class:?]
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
[12:45:08] [Server thread/ERROR]: This crash report has been saved to: /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/./crash-reports/crash-2017-12-12_12.45.07-server.txt
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds



fml server log



[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting tracing printstreams for STDOUT/STDERR.
[12:44:47] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.10.2 loading
[12:44:47] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Java is OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.8.0_111, running on Linux:amd64:4.4.0-101-generic, installed at /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Java classpath at launch is forge-1.10.2-
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Java library path at launch is /usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/jni:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib/jni:/lib:/usr/lib
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enabling runtime deobfuscation
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class FMLCorePlugin
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Added access transformer class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.AccessTransformer to enqueued access transformers
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod FMLCorePlugin
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class FMLForgePlugin
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod FMLForgePlugin
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: All fundamental core mods are successfully located
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Attempting to load commandline specified mods, relative to /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/.
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Discovering coremods
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy [1.10.2]UncraftingTable-1.6.5.jar
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in [1.10.2]UncraftingTable-1.6.5.jar
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy [1.10.x]FenceOverhaul-1.2.1.jar
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in [1.10.x]FenceOverhaul-1.2.1.jar
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ActuallyAdditions-1.10.2-r105.jar
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ActuallyAdditions-1.10.2-r105.jar
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy AmbientSounds v2.1.2 mc1.10.2.jar
[12:44:47] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in AmbientSounds v2.1.2 mc1.10.2.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class SoundFixPatchingLoader
[12:44:47] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod com.creativemd.ambientsounds.soundfix.SoundFixPatchingLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod SoundFixPatchingLoader
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy animania-1.10.2-1.4.3.jar
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in animania-1.10.2-1.4.3.jar
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy antiqueatlas-1.9.4-4.4.6.jar
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in antiqueatlas-1.9.4-4.4.6.jar
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy AppleCore-mc1.10.2-3.1.0.jar
[12:44:47] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in AppleCore-mc1.10.2-3.1.0.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:47] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class AppleCore
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: The coremod squeek.applecore.AppleCore requested minecraft version 1.10.2 and minecraft is 1.10.2. It will be loaded.
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod AppleCore
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy AutoRegLib-1.0-2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in AutoRegLib-1.0-2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy BetterAchievements-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in BetterAchievements-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy BetterFoliage-MC1.10.2-2.1.11.jar
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in BetterFoliage-MC1.10.2-2.1.11.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class BetterFoliageLoader
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: The coremod mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageLoader requested minecraft version 1.10.2 and minecraft is 1.10.2. It will be loaded.
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod BetterFoliageLoader
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy BetterFps-1.4.5-1.10.jar
[12:44:48] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Loading tweaker guichaguri.betterfps.tweaker.BetterFpsTweaker from BetterFps-1.4.5-1.10.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy BetterTitleScreen-1.10.2-1.2e.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in BetterTitleScreen-1.10.2-1.2e.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy BiomesOPlenty-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in BiomesOPlenty-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy BlockDrops-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in BlockDrops-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Blur-1.0.4-14.jar
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Blur-1.0.4-14.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class BlurPlugin
[12:44:48] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod com.tterrag.blur.BlurPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod BlurPlugin
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy boatifull-0.11.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in boatifull-0.11.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CarryOn MC1.10.2 v1.7.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in CarryOn MC1.10.2 v1.7.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ChestTransporter-1.10.2-2.5.18.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ChestTransporter-1.10.2-2.5.18.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Chisel-MC1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Chisel-MC1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy chiselsandbits-12.16.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in chiselsandbits-12.16.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ClaySoldiersMod-1.10.2-3.0.0-alpha.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ClaySoldiersMod-1.10.2-3.0.0-alpha.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Clipboard-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Clipboard-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CodeChickenLib-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in CodeChickenLib-1.10.2-, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class CCLCorePlugin
[12:44:48] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod codechicken.lib.asm.CCLCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod CCLCorePlugin
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy compatlayer-1.10-0.2.9.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in compatlayer-1.10-0.2.9.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CookingForBlockheads_1.10.2-4.2.45.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in CookingForBlockheads_1.10.2-4.2.45.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy corpsecomplex-1.10.2-1.0.0-bp1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in corpsecomplex-1.10.2-1.0.0-bp1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CosmeticArmorReworked-1.10.2-v2a.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in CosmeticArmorReworked-1.10.2-v2a.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CraftStudioAPI-universal-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in CraftStudioAPI-universal-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CraftTweaker-1.10.2-3.0.26.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in CraftTweaker-1.10.2-3.0.26.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CreativeCore v1.7.3 mc1.10.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in CreativeCore v1.7.3 mc1.10.2.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class CreativePatchingLoader
[12:44:48] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod com.creativemd.creativecore.core.CreativePatchingLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod CreativePatchingLoader
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CTM-MC1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in CTM-MC1.10.2-, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class CTMCorePlugin
[12:44:48] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod team.chisel.ctm.client.asm.CTMCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod CTMCorePlugin
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CustomMainMenu-MC1.10.2-2.0.5.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in CustomMainMenu-MC1.10.2-2.0.5.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy cyberware-1.9.4-1.10.2-beta-0.2.10.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in cyberware-1.9.4-1.10.2-beta-0.2.10.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy DeathQuotes-1.2.0-mc1.9to1.10.2-forge.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in DeathQuotes-1.2.0-mc1.9to1.10.2-forge.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy DebugServerInfo-1.10.2-1.0.5.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in DebugServerInfo-1.10.2-1.0.5.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy dirt2path-1.6.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in dirt2path-1.6.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Dynamic Lighting-1.3.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Dynamic Lighting-1.3.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy DynamicSurroundings-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in DynamicSurroundings-1.10.2-, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class TransformLoader
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: coremod named DynamicSurroundingsCore is loading
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: The coremod org.blockartistry.DynSurround.asm.TransformLoader requested minecraft version 1.10.2 and minecraft is 1.10.2. It will be loaded.
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod DynamicSurroundingsCore
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Elytra-Port-1.10.2-1.0.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy EnderCore-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in EnderCore-1.10.2-, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class EnderCorePlugin
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: The coremod com.enderio.core.common.transform.EnderCorePlugin requested minecraft version 1.10.2 and minecraft is 1.10.2. It will be loaded.
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod EnderCorePlugin
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.193.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.193.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Erosion-2.1.2 for 1.10.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Erosion-2.1.2 for 1.10.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Exotic Birds 1.10.2-1.4.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Exotic Birds 1.10.2-1.4.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ExtraBitManipulation-1.10.2-2.5.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ExtraBitManipulation-1.10.2-2.5.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ExtraPlanets-0.8.4.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ExtraPlanets-0.8.4.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ExtraRails-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ExtraRails-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy extrautils2-1.10.2-1.6.8.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in extrautils2-1.10.2-1.6.8.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ExtremeReactors-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ExtremeReactors-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy fairylights-2.1.2-1.10.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in fairylights-2.1.2-1.10.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Farseek-1.9.4-2.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Farseek-1.9.4-2.2.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class FarseekCoreMod
[12:44:48] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod farseek.core.FarseekCoreMod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod FarseekCoreMod
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy FastLeafDecay-v11.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in FastLeafDecay-v11.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Forgelin-1.6.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Forgelin-1.6.0.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class ForgelinPlugin
[12:44:48] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod net.shadowfacts.forgelin.preloader.ForgelinPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod ForgelinPlugin
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ForgeMultipart-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ForgeMultipart-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy FTBLib-1.1x-3.6.5.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in FTBLib-1.1x-3.6.5.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy FTBUtilities-1.1x-3.6.5.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in FTBUtilities-1.1x-3.6.5.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy FullscreenWindowed-1.10.2-1.5.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in FullscreenWindowed-1.10.2-1.5.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Galacticraft-Planets-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Galacticraft-Planets-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy GalacticraftCore-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in GalacticraftCore-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy geneticsreborn-mc1.10.2-v1.05.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in geneticsreborn-mc1.10.2-v1.05.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy gravestone-1.5.13.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in gravestone-1.5.13.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy hopperducts-mc1.9.4-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in hopperducts-mc1.9.4-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Hwyla-1.8.17-B31_1.10.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Hwyla-1.8.17-B31_1.10.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ImmersiveEngineering-0.10-61.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ImmersiveEngineering-0.10-61.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy immersivepetroleum-1.10.2-1.1.3.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in immersivepetroleum-1.10.2-1.1.3.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy infinitylib-0.11.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in infinitylib-0.11.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy instantunify-1.10.2-1.0.4.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in instantunify-1.10.2-1.0.4.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy jehc-1.10.2-1.2.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in jehc-1.10.2-1.2.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy jei_1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in jei_1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy JustAFewFish-1.5.3_for_1.10.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in JustAFewFish-1.5.3_for_1.10.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy JustEnoughResources-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in JustEnoughResources-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy keywizard-1.10.2-1.5.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in keywizard-1.10.2-1.5.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy LargeVeins-1.10.2-1.0.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in LargeVeins-1.10.2-1.0.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy LLOverlayReloaded-1.1.1-mc[1.9-1.11].jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in LLOverlayReloaded-1.1.1-mc[1.9-1.11].jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy magicmirror 1.2 [1.10.2].jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in magicmirror 1.2 [1.10.2].jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy malisisblocks-1.10.2-4.2.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in malisisblocks-1.10.2-4.2.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy malisiscore-1.10.2-4.4.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in malisiscore-1.10.2-4.4.0.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class MalisisCorePlugin
[12:44:48] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod net.malisis.core.asm.MalisisCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod MalisisCorePlugin
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy malisisdoors-1.10.2-5.2.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in malisisdoors-1.10.2-5.2.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Mantle-1.10.2-1.1.5.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Mantle-1.10.2-1.1.5.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy mcjtylib-1.1x-2.5.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in mcjtylib-1.1x-2.5.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy MCMultiPart-1.4.0-universal.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in MCMultiPart-1.4.0-universal.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy MicdoodleCore-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Adding MicdoodleCore-1.10.2- to the list of known coremods, it will not be examined again
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class MicdoodlePlugin
[12:44:48] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodlePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Added access transformer class micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodleAccessTransformer to enqueued access transformers
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod MicdoodlePlugin
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy MistWorld_1.10.2_alpha_a_03.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in MistWorld_1.10.2_alpha_a_03.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy MmmMmmMmmMmm-1.10.2-1.13.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in MmmMmmMmmMmm-1.10.2-1.13.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy modid-1.1-1.10.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in modid-1.1-1.10.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ModTweaker2-2.0.13.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ModTweaker2-2.0.13.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy More-Planets-1.10.2-2.0.10-GC119.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in More-Planets-1.10.2-2.0.10-GC119.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Morpheus-1.10.2-3.1.13.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Morpheus-1.10.2-3.1.13.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy MrTJPCore-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in MrTJPCore-1.10.2-, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class CorePlugin
[12:44:48] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod mrtjp.core.handler.CorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod CorePlugin
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy MTLib-1.0.3.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in MTLib-1.0.3.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy NaturesCompass-1.10.2-1.3.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in NaturesCompass-1.10.2-1.3.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy NetherPortalFix_1.10.2-3.3.7.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in NetherPortalFix_1.10.2-3.3.7.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy NotEnoughPotions-1.3_for_1.10.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in NotEnoughPotions-1.3_for_1.10.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ObsidianPlates-1.1.1_1.9.4.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ObsidianPlates-1.1.1_1.9.4.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy oops-1.10-5.14.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in oops-1.10-5.14.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy OpenBlocks-1.10.2-1.7.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in OpenBlocks-1.10.2-1.7.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy OpenComputers-MC1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in OpenComputers-MC1.10.2-, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class TransformerLoader
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: The coremod li.cil.oc.common.launch.TransformerLoader requested minecraft version 1.10.2 and minecraft is 1.10.2. It will be loaded.
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod TransformerLoader
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy OpenEye-1.10.2-0.8.jar
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Adding OpenEye-1.10.2-0.8.jar to the list of known coremods, it will not be examined again
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class CorePlugin
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: coremod named OpenEyePlugin is loading
[12:44:48] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod openeye.CorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod OpenEyePlugin
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy OpenModsLib-1.10.2-0.11.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in OpenModsLib-1.10.2-0.11.2.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class OpenModsCorePlugin
[12:44:48] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod openmods.core.OpenModsCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openmods.core.OpenModsCorePlugin.<init>(OpenModsCorePlugin.java:18): <OpenModsLib 0.11.2>\o
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod OpenModsCorePlugin
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Pam's BoneCraft 1.9.4-1.10.2d.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Pam's BoneCraft 1.9.4-1.10.2d.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Pam's HarvestCraft 1.10.2j.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Pam's HarvestCraft 1.10.2j.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Pam's Simple Recipes 1.9.4-1.10.2a.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Pam's Simple Recipes 1.9.4-1.10.2a.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy pamscookables-1.10.2_1.0.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in pamscookables-1.10.2_1.0.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy PlayerRevive v1.2.8 mc1.10.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy PotionCore-1.5.2_for_1.10.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in PotionCore-1.5.2_for_1.10.2.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class PotionCoreFMLLoadingPlugin
[12:44:48] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod com.tmtravlr.potioncore.asm.PotionCoreFMLLoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod PotionCoreFMLLoadingPlugin
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ProjectRed-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ProjectRed-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ProjectRed-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ProjectRed-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ProjectRed-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ProjectRed-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Quark-r1.1-70.jar
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Quark-r1.1-70.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class LoadingPlugin
[12:44:48] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod vazkii.quark.base.asm.LoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod LoadingPlugin
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy refinedstorage-1.2.26.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in refinedstorage-1.2.26.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ResourceLoader-MC1.9.4-1.5.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in ResourceLoader-MC1.9.4-1.5.1.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class LoadingPlugin
[12:44:48] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod lumien.resourceloader.asm.LoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod LoadingPlugin
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy rftools-1.1x-7.15.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in rftools-1.1x-7.15.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy roots-0.208.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in roots-0.208.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Runes-of-Wizardry-1.10.2-0.7.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Runes-of-Wizardry-1.10.2-0.7.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy RunesofWizardry-Classics-1.10.2-0.4.3-b2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in RunesofWizardry-Classics-1.10.2-0.4.3-b2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy SaltyMod-1.10.2-1.8.d.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in SaltyMod-1.10.2-1.8.d.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy SanLib-1.10.2-1.3.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in SanLib-1.10.2-1.3.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Scannable-MC1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Scannable-MC1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ServerObserver-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ServerObserver-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy SGCraft-1.13.2-mc1.10.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in SGCraft-1.13.2-mc1.10.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ShadowMC-1.10.2-3.6.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ShadowMC-1.10.2-3.6.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy signpost-1.10.2-1.06.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in signpost-1.10.2-1.06.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy soundCap-1.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in soundCap-1.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy SoundFilters-0.9_for_1.9.4.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in SoundFilters-0.9_for_1.9.4.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy SpiceOfLife-mc1.9.4-1.3.11.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in SpiceOfLife-mc1.9.4-1.3.11.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy stg-1.0.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in stg-1.0.2.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Streams-1.9.4-0.4.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Streams-1.9.4-0.4.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy SuperCircuitMaker-1.0.4.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in SuperCircuitMaker-1.0.4.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy TConstruct-1.10.2-2.6.5.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in TConstruct-1.10.2-2.6.5.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy TheBetweenlands-2.0.4-alpha-universal.jar
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in TheBetweenlands-2.0.4-alpha-universal.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class TheBetweenlandsLoadingPlugin
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: The coremod thebetweenlands.core.TheBetweenlandsLoadingPlugin requested minecraft version 1.10.2 and minecraft is 1.10.2. It will be loaded.
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod TheBetweenlandsLoadingPlugin
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ToolBelt-1.10.2-1.7.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ToolBelt-1.10.2-1.7.1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Totemic-1.10.2-0.8.3.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Totemic-1.10.2-0.8.3.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Trapcraft-1.10.2-v2.4.1a-universal.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Trapcraft-1.10.2-v2.4.1a-universal.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy WailaHarvestability-mc1.10.2-1.1.10.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in WailaHarvestability-mc1.10.2-1.1.10.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy WearableBackpacks-1.10.2-1.7.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in WearableBackpacks-1.10.2-1.7.0.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy wolfarmor-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in wolfarmor-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Wopper-1.10.2-r1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Wopper-1.10.2-r1.jar
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy zerocore-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in zerocore-1.10.2-
[12:44:48] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
[12:44:48] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Loading tweak class name guichaguri.betterfps.tweaker.BetterFpsTweaker
[12:44:48] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
[12:44:48] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
[12:44:48] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
[12:44:48] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod FMLCorePlugin {net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.FMLCorePlugin} class transformers
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.BlamingTransformer
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.SideTransformer
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.EventSubscriptionTransformer
[12:44:48] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.EventSubscriberTransformer
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for FMLCorePlugin {net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.FMLCorePlugin}
[12:44:48] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin FMLCorePlugin
[12:44:49] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Read 915 binary patches
[12:44:49] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loading deobfuscation resource /deobfuscation_data-1.10.2.lzma with 32371 records
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft Forge. Certificate fingerprint e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class FMLCorePlugin run successfully
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod FMLForgePlugin {net.minecraftforge.classloading.FMLForgePlugin} class transformers
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for FMLForgePlugin {net.minecraftforge.classloading.FMLForgePlugin}
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin FMLForgePlugin
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class FMLForgePlugin run successfully
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod SoundFixPatchingLoader {com.creativemd.ambientsounds.soundfix.SoundFixPatchingLoader} class transformers
[12:44:50] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer com.creativemd.ambientsounds.soundfix.SoundFixTransformer
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for SoundFixPatchingLoader {com.creativemd.ambientsounds.soundfix.SoundFixPatchingLoader}
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin SoundFixPatchingLoader
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class SoundFixPatchingLoader run successfully
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod CCLCorePlugin {codechicken.lib.asm.CCLCorePlugin} class transformers
[12:44:50] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer codechicken.lib.asm.ClassHeirachyManager
[12:44:50] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer codechicken.lib.asm.CCL_ASMTransformer
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for CCLCorePlugin {codechicken.lib.asm.CCLCorePlugin}
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin CCLCorePlugin
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class CCLCorePlugin run successfully
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod CreativePatchingLoader {com.creativemd.creativecore.core.CreativePatchingLoader} class transformers
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for CreativePatchingLoader {com.creativemd.creativecore.core.CreativePatchingLoader}
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin CreativePatchingLoader
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class CreativePatchingLoader run successfully
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod ForgelinPlugin {net.shadowfacts.forgelin.preloader.ForgelinPlugin} class transformers
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for ForgelinPlugin {net.shadowfacts.forgelin.preloader.ForgelinPlugin}
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin ForgelinPlugin
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class ForgelinPlugin run successfully
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod MicdoodlePlugin {micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodlePlugin} class transformers
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodlePlugin:getASMTransformerClass:101]: Successfully Registered Transformer
[12:44:50] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodleTransformer
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for MicdoodlePlugin {micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodlePlugin}
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin MicdoodlePlugin
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodlePlugin:injectData:294]: [Micdoodle8Core]: Patching game...
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodlePlugin:injectData:294]: [Micdoodle8Core]: Patching game...
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class MicdoodlePlugin run successfully
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod CorePlugin {mrtjp.core.handler.CorePlugin} class transformers
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for CorePlugin {mrtjp.core.handler.CorePlugin}
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin CorePlugin
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class CorePlugin run successfully
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod TransformerLoader {li.cil.oc.common.launch.TransformerLoader} class transformers
[12:44:50] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer li.cil.oc.common.asm.ClassTransformer
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for TransformerLoader {li.cil.oc.common.launch.TransformerLoader}
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin TransformerLoader
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class TransformerLoader run successfully
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod OpenEyePlugin {openeye.CorePlugin} class transformers
[12:44:50] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer openeye.asm.MultiTransformer
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for OpenEyePlugin {openeye.CorePlugin}
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin OpenEyePlugin
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class CorePlugin run successfully
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod PotionCoreFMLLoadingPlugin {com.tmtravlr.potioncore.asm.PotionCoreFMLLoadingPlugin} class transformers
[12:44:50] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer com.tmtravlr.potioncore.asm.ArmorHandlerTransformer
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for PotionCoreFMLLoadingPlugin {com.tmtravlr.potioncore.asm.PotionCoreFMLLoadingPlugin}
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin PotionCoreFMLLoadingPlugin
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class PotionCoreFMLLoadingPlugin run successfully
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod LoadingPlugin {vazkii.quark.base.asm.LoadingPlugin} class transformers
[12:44:50] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer vazkii.quark.base.asm.ClassTransformer
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for LoadingPlugin {vazkii.quark.base.asm.LoadingPlugin}
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin LoadingPlugin
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class LoadingPlugin run successfully
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod TheBetweenlandsLoadingPlugin {thebetweenlands.core.TheBetweenlandsLoadingPlugin} class transformers
[12:44:50] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer thebetweenlands.core.TheBetweenlandsClassTransformer
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for TheBetweenlandsLoadingPlugin {thebetweenlands.core.TheBetweenlandsLoadingPlugin}
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin TheBetweenlandsLoadingPlugin
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class TheBetweenlandsLoadingPlugin run successfully
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod OpenModsCorePlugin {openmods.core.OpenModsCorePlugin} class transformers
[12:44:50] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer openmods.core.OpenModsClassTransformer
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for OpenModsCorePlugin {openmods.core.OpenModsCorePlugin}
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin OpenModsCorePlugin
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openmods.config.simple.ConfigProcessor.process(ConfigProcessor.java:83): Parsing config file './config/OpenModsLibCore.json'
[12:44:50] [main/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update(StateTracker.java:26): State of pre_world_render_hook updated from DISABLED to ENABLED
[12:44:50] [main/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update(StateTracker.java:26): State of player_render_hook updated from DISABLED to ENABLED
[12:44:50] [main/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update(StateTracker.java:26): State of map_gen_fix updated from DISABLED to ENABLED
[12:44:50] [main/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update(StateTracker.java:26): State of player_damage_hook updated from DISABLED to ENABLED
[12:44:50] [main/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update(StateTracker.java:26): State of movement_callback updated from DISABLED to ENABLED
[12:44:50] [main/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update(StateTracker.java:26): State of horse_null_fix updated from DISABLED to ENABLED
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openmods.core.BundledJarUnpacker.setup(BundledJarUnpacker.java:65): Copying file calc-0.2.jar from /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/OpenModsLib-1.10.2-0.11.2.jar to /tmp/mc_libs/0/calc-0.2.jar
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class OpenModsCorePlugin run successfully
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class guichaguri.betterfps.tweaker.BetterFpsTweaker
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [BetterFps/]: Loading Mappings...
[12:44:50] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 195 rules from AccessTransformer config file forge_at.cfg
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 86 rules from AccessTransformer config file micdoodlecore_at.cfg
[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 1 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/ResourceLoader-MC1.9.4-1.5.1.jar!META-INF/ResourceLoader_At.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 2 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/Streams-1.9.4-0.4.jar!META-INF/streams_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 7 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/rftools-1.1x-7.15.jar!META-INF/rftools_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 8 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/Mantle-1.10.2-1.1.5.jar!META-INF/mantle_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 102 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/extrautils2-1.10.2-1.6.8.jar!META-INF/extrautils2_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 5 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/CTM-MC1.10.2-!META-INF/ctm_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 7 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/Farseek-1.9.4-2.2.jar!META-INF/farseek_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 2 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/CosmeticArmorReworked-1.10.2-v2a.jar!META-INF/cosmeticarmorreworked_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 29 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/ImmersiveEngineering-0.10-61.jar!META-INF/ImmersiveEngineering_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 4 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/ServerObserver-1.10.2-!META-INF/serverobserver_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 9 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/BiomesOPlenty-1.10.2-!META-INF/biomesoplenty_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 37 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/DynamicSurroundings-1.10.2-!META-INF/dsurround_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 33 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/TConstruct-1.10.2-2.6.5.jar!META-INF/tconstruct_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 4 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/NetherPortalFix_1.10.2-3.3.7.jar!META-INF/netherportalfix_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 10 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/OpenComputers-MC1.10.2-!META-INF/oc_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 2 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/CookingForBlockheads_1.10.2-4.2.45.jar!META-INF/cookingforblockheads_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 3 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/SanLib-1.10.2-1.3.0.jar!META-INF/sanlib_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 13 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/malisiscore-1.10.2-4.4.0.jar!META-INF/malisiscore_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 1 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/FullscreenWindowed-1.10.2-1.5.1.jar!META-INF/fw_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 9 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/BetterFoliage-MC1.10.2-2.1.11.jar!META-INF/BetterFoliage_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 9 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/JustEnoughResources-1.10.2-!META-INF/jeresources_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 22 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/More-Planets-1.10.2-2.0.10-GC119.jar!META-INF/moreplanets_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 1 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/MmmMmmMmmMmm-1.10.2-1.13.jar!META-INF/testdummy_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 19 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/CustomMainMenu-MC1.10.2-2.0.5.jar!META-INF/CustomMainMenu_At.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 7 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/jei_1.10.2-!META-INF/jei_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 9 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/FTBLib-1.1x-3.6.5.jar!META-INF/ftbl_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 37 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/CodeChickenLib-1.10.2-!META-INF/ccl_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 5 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/chiselsandbits-12.16.jar!META-INF/chiselsandbits_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 8 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/Chisel-MC1.10.2-!META-INF/chisel_at.cfg

[12:44:50] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Validating minecraft
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Minecraft validated, launching...
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod MalisisCorePlugin {net.malisis.core.asm.MalisisCorePlugin} class transformers
[12:44:51] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer net.malisis.core.util.chunkcollision.ChunkCollisionTransformer
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: [ChunkCollisionTransformer] Hook registered for net.minecraft.world.World
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: [ChunkCollisionTransformer] Hook registered for net.minecraft.world.World
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: [ChunkCollisionTransformer] Hook registered for net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: [ChunkCollisionTransformer] Hook registered for net.minecraft.network.NetHandlerPlayServer
[12:44:51] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer net.malisis.core.util.chunkblock.ChunkBlockTransformer
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: [ChunkBlockTransformer] Hook registered for net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk
[12:44:51] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer net.malisis.core.renderer.transformer.MalisisRendererTransformer
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: [MalisisRendererTransformer] Hook registered for net.minecraft.client.renderer.BlockRendererDispatcher
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: [MalisisRendererTransformer] Hook registered for net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderItem
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: [MalisisRendererTransformer] Hook registered for net.minecraft.client.renderer.BlockModelShapes
[12:44:51] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer net.malisis.core.renderer.icon.asm.TextureMapTransformer
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: [TextureMapTransformer] Hook registered for net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap
[12:44:51] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer net.malisis.core.util.clientnotif.ClientNotifTransformer
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: [ClientNotifTransformer] Hook registered for net.minecraft.world.World
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: [ClientNotifTransformer] Hook registered for net.minecraft.world.WorldServer
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for MalisisCorePlugin {net.malisis.core.asm.MalisisCorePlugin}
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin MalisisCorePlugin
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class MalisisCorePlugin run successfully
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod LoadingPlugin {lumien.resourceloader.asm.LoadingPlugin} class transformers
[12:44:51] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer lumien.resourceloader.asm.ClassTransformer
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for LoadingPlugin {lumien.resourceloader.asm.LoadingPlugin}
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin LoadingPlugin
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class LoadingPlugin run successfully
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod AppleCore {squeek.applecore.AppleCore} class transformers
[12:44:51] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer squeek.applecore.asm.TransformerModuleHandler
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for AppleCore {squeek.applecore.AppleCore}
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin AppleCore
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class AppleCore run successfully
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod FarseekCoreMod {farseek.core.FarseekCoreMod} class transformers
[12:44:51] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer farseek.core.FarseekClassTransformer
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for FarseekCoreMod {farseek.core.FarseekCoreMod}
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin FarseekCoreMod
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class FarseekCoreMod run successfully
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod BetterFoliageLoader {mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageLoader} class transformers
[12:44:51] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [farseek.farseek/]: Found method replacements in ./mods/Streams-1.9.4-0.4.jar:
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [farseek.farseek/]: Found method replacements in ./mods/Farseek-1.9.4-2.2.jar:
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [farseek.farseek/]: Found method replacements in jar:file:/home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/Farseek-1.9.4-2.2.jar!/META-INF/farseek_cm.cfg:
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for BetterFoliageLoader {mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageLoader}
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin BetterFoliageLoader
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class BetterFoliageLoader run successfully
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod DynamicSurroundingsCore {org.blockartistry.DynSurround.asm.TransformLoader} class transformers
[12:44:51] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer org.blockartistry.DynSurround.asm.Transformer
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for DynamicSurroundingsCore {org.blockartistry.DynSurround.asm.TransformLoader}
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin DynamicSurroundingsCore
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class TransformLoader run successfully
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod BlurPlugin {com.tterrag.blur.BlurPlugin} class transformers
[12:44:51] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer com.tterrag.blur.BlurTransformer
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for BlurPlugin {com.tterrag.blur.BlurPlugin}
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin BlurPlugin
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class BlurPlugin run successfully
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod CTMCorePlugin {team.chisel.ctm.client.asm.CTMCorePlugin} class transformers
[12:44:51] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer team.chisel.ctm.client.asm.CTMTransformer
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for CTMCorePlugin {team.chisel.ctm.client.asm.CTMCorePlugin}
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin CTMCorePlugin
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class CTMCorePlugin run successfully
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod EnderCorePlugin {com.enderio.core.common.transform.EnderCorePlugin} class transformers
[12:44:51] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer com.enderio.core.common.transform.EnderCoreTransformer
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for EnderCorePlugin {com.enderio.core.common.transform.EnderCorePlugin}
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin EnderCorePlugin
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class EnderCorePlugin run successfully
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: Found hooks for net.minecraft.world.World (aid)
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: Found hooks for net.minecraft.world.World (aid)
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: Found hooks for net.minecraft.world.WorldServer (ls)
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [dsurround Transform/]: Transforming net.minecraft.world.WorldServer
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [dsurround Transform/]: Hooking func_73051_P
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.SingleClassTransformer.visitMethod(SingleClassTransformer.java:24): Applying method transformer crash_handler for method a((Ljava/io/File;)Z)
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.injectors.CrashHandlerInjector.visitMethodInsn(CrashHandlerInjector.java:33): Adding handler for 'crash_handler'
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.injectors.CrashHandlerInjector.visitMethodInsn(CrashHandlerInjector.java:33): Adding handler for 'crash_handler'
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.injectors.CrashHandlerInjector.visitMethodInsn(CrashHandlerInjector.java:33): Adding handler for 'crash_handler'
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [FML/]: [Potion Core] Setting armor handler.
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [FML/]: [Potion Core] Finished setting armor handler.
[12:44:51] [main/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openmods.core.OpenModsClassTransformer$5$1.createVisitor(OpenModsClassTransformer.java:157): Trying to patch EntityPlayer (class: zs)
[12:44:51] [main/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update(StateTracker.java:26): State of player_damage_hook updated from ENABLED to ACTIVATED
[12:44:51] [main/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update(StateTracker.java:26): State of player_damage_hook updated from ACTIVATED to FINISHED
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [EnderCore/]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer finished, added func_184613_cA() overriding EntityLivingBase
[12:44:51] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer}
[12:44:52] [main/INFO] [BetterFps/]: Patching net.minecraft.block.Block... (akf)
[12:44:52] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [team.chisel.ctm.client.asm.CTMTransformer:transform:43]: Transforming Class [net.minecraft.block.Block], Method [getExtendedState]
[12:44:52] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [team.chisel.ctm.client.asm.CTMTransformer:transform:98]: Transforming net.minecraft.block.Block Finished.
[12:44:52] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: Found hooks for net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock (acl)
[12:44:52] [main/INFO] [FML/]: [Quark ASM] Transforming BlockPistonBase
[12:44:52] [main/INFO] [FML/]: [Quark ASM] Applying Transformation to method (Names [doMove, func_176319_a, a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/util/EnumFacing;Z)Z / (Laid;Lcm;Lct;Z)Z)
[12:44:52] [main/INFO] [FML/]: [Quark ASM] Located Method, patching...
[12:44:52] [main/INFO] [FML/]: [Quark ASM] Patching org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode@4e48462d in node org.objectweb.asm.tree.VarInsnNode@17216605
[12:44:52] [main/INFO] [FML/]: [Quark ASM] Patch result: true
[12:44:52] [main/INFO] [BetterFps/]: Patching net.minecraft.block.BlockHopper... (ams)
[12:44:52] [main/INFO] [BetterFps/]: Patching math utils with "RIVENS_HALF" algorithm
[12:44:52] [main/DEBUG] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.SingleClassTransformer.visitMethod(SingleClassTransformer.java:24): Applying method transformer tile_entity_load for method a((Laid;Ldr;)Laqk;)
[12:44:52] [main/DEBUG] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.injectors.ExceptionHandlerInjector.addHandler(ExceptionHandlerInjector.java:65): Adding handler for 'tile_entity_construct'
[12:44:52] [main/DEBUG] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.injectors.ExceptionHandlerInjector.addHandler(ExceptionHandlerInjector.java:65): Adding handler for 'tile_entity_read'
[12:44:53] [main/INFO] [OpenComputers/]: Successfully patched sg.recreateLeash.
[12:44:53] [main/INFO] [BetterFps/]: Patching net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityBeacon... (aqj)
[12:44:53] [main/INFO] [BetterFps/]: Patching net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityHopper... (aqx)
[12:44:53] [main/INFO] [FML/]: [Quark ASM] Transforming EntityBoat
[12:44:53] [main/INFO] [FML/]: [Quark ASM] Applying Transformation to method (Names [attackEntityFrom, func_76986_a, a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/util/DamageSource;F)Z / (Lrh;F)Z)
[12:44:53] [main/INFO] [FML/]: [Quark ASM] Located Method, patching...
[12:44:53] [main/INFO] [FML/]: [Quark ASM] Patch result: true
[12:44:54] [main/DEBUG] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.SingleClassTransformer.visitMethod(SingleClassTransformer.java:24): Applying method transformer entity_load for method a((Ldr;Laid;)Lrw;)
[12:44:54] [main/DEBUG] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.injectors.ExceptionHandlerInjector.addHandler(ExceptionHandlerInjector.java:65): Adding handler for 'entity_construct'
[12:44:54] [main/DEBUG] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.injectors.ExceptionHandlerInjector.addHandler(ExceptionHandlerInjector.java:65): Adding handler for 'entity_read'
[12:44:54] [main/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openmods.core.OpenModsClassTransformer$7$1.createVisitor(OpenModsClassTransformer.java:194): Trying to patch EntityHorse (class: wr)
[12:44:54] [main/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update(StateTracker.java:26): State of horse_null_fix updated from ENABLED to ACTIVATED
[12:44:54] [main/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update(StateTracker.java:26): State of horse_null_fix updated from ACTIVATED to FINISHED
[12:44:54] [main/INFO] [EnderCore/]: Transforming Class [net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAICreeperSwell], Method [func_75246_d]
[12:44:54] [main/INFO] [EnderCore/]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAICreeperSwell Finished.
[12:44:54] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating vanilla freeze snapshot
[12:44:54] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Vanilla freeze snapshot created
[12:44:54] [main/INFO] [BetterFps/]: Patching net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer... (ld)
[12:44:54] [main/DEBUG] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.SingleClassTransformer.visitMethod(SingleClassTransformer.java:24): Applying method transformer chunk_write for method a((Lasv;Laid;Ldr;)V)
[12:44:54] [main/DEBUG] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.injectors.ExceptionHandlerInjector.addHandler(ExceptionHandlerInjector.java:65): Adding handler for 'entity_write'
[12:44:54] [main/DEBUG] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.injectors.ExceptionHandlerInjector.addHandler(ExceptionHandlerInjector.java:65): Adding handler for 'tile_entity_write'
[12:44:54] [main/INFO] [EnderCore/]: Transforming Class [net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerFurnace], Method [func_82846_b]
[12:44:54] [main/INFO] [EnderCore/]: Transforming net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerFurnace Finished.
[12:44:55] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: MinecraftForge v12.18.3.2511 Initialized
[12:44:55] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Replaced 231 ore recipes
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: File /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/config/injectedDependencies.json not found. No dependencies injected
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Building injected Mod Containers [net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLContainer, net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeModContainer, com.creativemd.creativecore.core.CreativeCoreDummy, micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodleModContainer, li.cil.oc.common.launch.CoreModContainer, openeye.Mod, com.tmtravlr.potioncore.asm.PotionCoreCoremod, openmods.core.OpenModsCore]
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Attempting to load mods contained in the minecraft jar file and associated classes
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/forge-1.10.2-, examining for mod candidates
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/AmbientSounds v2.1.2 mc1.10.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/AppleCore-mc1.10.2-3.1.0.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/BetterFoliage-MC1.10.2-2.1.11.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/BetterFps-1.4.5-1.10.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/Blur-1.0.4-14.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/CodeChickenLib-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/CreativeCore v1.7.3 mc1.10.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/CTM-MC1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/DynamicSurroundings-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/EnderCore-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/Farseek-1.9.4-2.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/Forgelin-1.6.0.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/malisiscore-1.10.2-4.4.0.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/MicdoodleCore-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/MrTJPCore-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/OpenComputers-MC1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/OpenEye-1.10.2-0.8.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/OpenModsLib-1.10.2-0.11.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/PotionCore-1.5.2_for_1.10.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/Quark-r1.1-70.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/ResourceLoader-MC1.9.4-1.5.1.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods/TheBetweenlands-2.0.4-alpha-universal.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /tmp/mc_libs/0/calc-0.2.jar, examining for mod candidates
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Minecraft jar mods loaded successfully
[12:44:55] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found 0 mods from the command line. Injecting into mod discoverer
[12:44:55] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Searching /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/mods for mods
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file [1.10.2]UncraftingTable-1.6.5.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file [1.10.x]FenceOverhaul-1.2.1.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ActuallyAdditions-1.10.2-r105.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file AmbientSounds v2.1.2 mc1.10.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file animania-1.10.2-1.4.3.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file antiqueatlas-1.9.4-4.4.6.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file AppleCore-mc1.10.2-3.1.0.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file AutoRegLib-1.0-2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file BetterAchievements-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file BetterFoliage-MC1.10.2-2.1.11.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping already parsed coremod or tweaker BetterFps-1.4.5-1.10.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file BetterTitleScreen-1.10.2-1.2e.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file BiomesOPlenty-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file BlockDrops-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Blur-1.0.4-14.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file boatifull-0.11.0.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file CarryOn MC1.10.2 v1.7.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ChestTransporter-1.10.2-2.5.18.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Chisel-MC1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file chiselsandbits-12.16.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ClaySoldiersMod-1.10.2-3.0.0-alpha.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Clipboard-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file CodeChickenLib-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file compatlayer-1.10-0.2.9.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file CookingForBlockheads_1.10.2-4.2.45.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file corpsecomplex-1.10.2-1.0.0-bp1.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file CosmeticArmorReworked-1.10.2-v2a.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file CraftStudioAPI-universal-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file CraftTweaker-1.10.2-3.0.26.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file CreativeCore v1.7.3 mc1.10.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file CTM-MC1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file CustomMainMenu-MC1.10.2-2.0.5.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file cyberware-1.9.4-1.10.2-beta-0.2.10.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file DeathQuotes-1.2.0-mc1.9to1.10.2-forge.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file DebugServerInfo-1.10.2-1.0.5.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file dirt2path-1.6.1.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Dynamic Lighting-1.3.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file DynamicLights-1.10.2.zip
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file DynamicSurroundings-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Elytra-Port-1.10.2-1.0.0.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file EnderCore-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.193.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Erosion-2.1.2 for 1.10.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Exotic Birds 1.10.2-1.4.1.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ExtraBitManipulation-1.10.2-2.5.1.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ExtraPlanets-0.8.4.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ExtraRails-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file extrautils2-1.10.2-1.6.8.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ExtremeReactors-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file fairylights-2.1.2-1.10.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Farseek-1.9.4-2.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file FastLeafDecay-v11.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Forgelin-1.6.0.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ForgeMultipart-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file FTBLib-1.1x-3.6.5.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file FTBUtilities-1.1x-3.6.5.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file FullscreenWindowed-1.10.2-1.5.1.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Galacticraft-Planets-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file GalacticraftCore-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file geneticsreborn-mc1.10.2-v1.05.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file gravestone-1.5.13.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file hopperducts-mc1.9.4-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Hwyla-1.8.17-B31_1.10.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ImmersiveEngineering-0.10-61.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file immersivepetroleum-1.10.2-1.1.3.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file infinitylib-0.11.0.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file instantunify-1.10.2-1.0.4.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file jehc-1.10.2-1.2.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file jei_1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file JustAFewFish-1.5.3_for_1.10.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file JustEnoughResources-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file keywizard-1.10.2-1.5.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file LargeVeins-1.10.2-1.0.0.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file LLOverlayReloaded-1.1.1-mc[1.9-1.11].jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file magicmirror 1.2 [1.10.2].jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file malisisblocks-1.10.2-4.2.0.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file malisiscore-1.10.2-4.4.0.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file malisisdoors-1.10.2-5.2.0.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Mantle-1.10.2-1.1.5.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file mcjtylib-1.1x-2.5.0.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file MCMultiPart-1.4.0-universal.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping already parsed coremod or tweaker MicdoodleCore-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file MistWorld_1.10.2_alpha_a_03.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file MmmMmmMmmMmm-1.10.2-1.13.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file modid-1.1-1.10.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ModTweaker2-2.0.13.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file More-Planets-1.10.2-2.0.10-GC119.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Morpheus-1.10.2-3.1.13.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file MrTJPCore-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file MTLib-1.0.3.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file NaturesCompass-1.10.2-1.3.1.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file NetherPortalFix_1.10.2-3.3.7.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file NotEnoughPotions-1.3_for_1.10.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ObsidianPlates-1.1.1_1.9.4.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file oops-1.10-5.14.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file OpenBlocks-1.10.2-1.7.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file OpenComputers-MC1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping already parsed coremod or tweaker OpenEye-1.10.2-0.8.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file OpenModsLib-1.10.2-0.11.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's BoneCraft 1.9.4-1.10.2d.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft 1.10.2j.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's Simple Recipes 1.9.4-1.10.2a.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file pamscookables-1.10.2_1.0.0.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file PlayerRevive v1.2.8 mc1.10.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file PotionCore-1.5.2_for_1.10.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ProjectRed-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ProjectRed-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ProjectRed-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Quark-r1.1-70.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file refinedstorage-1.2.26.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ResourceLoader-MC1.9.4-1.5.1.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file rftools-1.1x-7.15.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file roots-0.208.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Runes-of-Wizardry-1.10.2-0.7.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file RunesofWizardry-Classics-1.10.2-0.4.3-b2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file SaltyMod-1.10.2-1.8.d.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file SanLib-1.10.2-1.3.0.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Scannable-MC1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ServerObserver-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file SGCraft-1.13.2-mc1.10.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ShadowMC-1.10.2-3.6.1.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file signpost-1.10.2-1.06.1.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file soundCap-1.0.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file SoundFilters-0.9_for_1.9.4.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file SpiceOfLife-mc1.9.4-1.3.11.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file stg-1.0.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Streams-1.9.4-0.4.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file SuperCircuitMaker-1.0.4.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file TConstruct-1.10.2-2.6.5.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file TheBetweenlands-2.0.4-alpha-universal.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ToolBelt-1.10.2-1.7.1.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Totemic-1.10.2-0.8.3.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Trapcraft-1.10.2-v2.4.1a-universal.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file WailaHarvestability-mc1.10.2-1.1.10.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file WearableBackpacks-1.10.2-1.7.0.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file wolfarmor-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Wopper-1.10.2-r1.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file zerocore-1.10.2-
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file forge-1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container forge-1.10.2- appears to be missing an mcmod.info file
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file calc-0.2.jar for potential mods
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container calc-0.2.jar appears to be missing an mcmod.info file
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file [1.10.2]UncraftingTable-1.6.5.jar for potential mods
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file [1.10.2]UncraftingTable-1.6.5.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (org.jglrxavpok.mods.decraft.ModUncrafting) - loading
[12:44:55] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:55] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid uncraftingTable is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:44:55] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:44:55] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:44:55] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
[12:44:55] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
[12:44:55] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:44:55] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)...
[12:44:55] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [uncraftingTable/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file [1.10.x]FenceOverhaul-1.2.1.jar for potential mods
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file [1.10.x]FenceOverhaul-1.2.1.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (weatherpony.fenceoverhual.FenceOverhaulMod) - loading
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [fenceoverhaul/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ActuallyAdditions-1.10.2-r105.jar for potential mods
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file ActuallyAdditions-1.10.2-r105.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.ActuallyAdditions) - loading
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [actuallyadditions/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [BuildCraft|Energy] []
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file AmbientSounds v2.1.2 mc1.10.2.jar for potential mods
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file AmbientSounds v2.1.2 mc1.10.2.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.creativemd.ambientsounds.AmbientSounds) - loading
[12:44:55] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Disabling mod ambientsounds it is client side only.
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Skipping mod com.creativemd.ambientsounds.AmbientSounds, container opted to not load.
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file animania-1.10.2-1.4.3.jar for potential mods
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file animania-1.10.2-1.4.3.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.animania.Animania) - loading
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [animania/]: Parsed dependency info : [craftstudioapi] [craftstudioapi, quark, biomesoplenty, botania] []
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file antiqueatlas-1.9.4-4.4.6.jar for potential mods
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file antiqueatlas-1.9.4-4.4.6.jar
[12:44:55] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (hunternif.mc.atlas.AntiqueAtlasMod) - loading
[12:44:55] [Server thread/TRACE] [antiqueatlas/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (kenkron.antiqueatlasoverlay.AntiqueAtlasOverlayMod) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Disabling mod antiqueatlasoverlay it is client side only.
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Skipping mod kenkron.antiqueatlasoverlay.AntiqueAtlasOverlayMod, container opted to not load.
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file AppleCore-mc1.10.2-3.1.0.jar for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container AppleCore-mc1.10.2-3.1.0.jar appears to be missing an mcmod.info file
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (squeek.applecore.AppleCore) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid AppleCore is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)...
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [AppleCore/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [JEI@[3.8.1,), Forge@[,)] []
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file AutoRegLib-1.0-2.jar for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file AutoRegLib-1.0-2.jar
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (vazkii.arl.AutoRegLib) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid AutoRegLib is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)...
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [AutoRegLib/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file BetterAchievements-1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file BetterAchievements-1.10.2-
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (betterachievements.BetterAchievements) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid BetterAchievements is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)...
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [BetterAchievements/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file BetterFoliage-MC1.10.2-2.1.11.jar for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file BetterFoliage-MC1.10.2-2.1.11.jar
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (mods.betterfoliage.BetterFoliageMod) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Disabling mod betterfoliage it is client side only.
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Skipping mod mods.betterfoliage.BetterFoliageMod, container opted to not load.
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file BetterTitleScreen-1.10.2-1.2e.jar for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file BetterTitleScreen-1.10.2-1.2e.jar
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.amadornes.bts.BetterTitleScreen) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Disabling mod bettertitlescreen it is client side only.
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Skipping mod com.amadornes.bts.BetterTitleScreen, container opted to not load.
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file BiomesOPlenty-1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file BiomesOPlenty-1.10.2-
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (biomesoplenty.core.BiomesOPlenty) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid BiomesOPlenty is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)...
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomesOPlenty/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file BlockDrops-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file BlockDrops-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (mrriegel.blockdrops.BlockDrops) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Disabling mod blockdrops it is client side only.
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Skipping mod mrriegel.blockdrops.BlockDrops, container opted to not load.
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Blur-1.0.4-14.jar for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Blur-1.0.4-14.jar
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.tterrag.blur.Blur) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Disabling mod blur it is client side only.
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Skipping mod com.tterrag.blur.Blur, container opted to not load.
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file boatifull-0.11.0.jar for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file boatifull-0.11.0.jar
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.infinityraider.boatifull.Boatifull) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [boatifull/]: Parsed dependency info : [infinitylib] [infinitylib] []
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CarryOn MC1.10.2 v1.7.jar for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file CarryOn MC1.10.2 v1.7.jar
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (tschipp.carryon.CarryOn) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [carryon/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ChestTransporter-1.10.2-2.5.18.jar for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file ChestTransporter-1.10.2-2.5.18.jar
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (cubex2.mods.chesttransporter.ChestTransporter) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid ChestTransporter is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainerFactory.build(ModContainerFactory.java:86)...
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [ChestTransporter/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Chisel-MC1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Chisel-MC1.10.2-
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (team.chisel.Chisel) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [chisel/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file chiselsandbits-12.16.jar for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file chiselsandbits-12.16.jar
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (mod.chiselsandbits.core.ChiselsAndBits) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [chiselsandbits/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), mcmultipart, JEI@[,)] []
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ClaySoldiersMod-1.10.2-3.0.0-alpha.2.jar for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container ClaySoldiersMod-1.10.2-3.0.0-alpha.2.jar appears to be missing an mcmod.info file
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (de.sanandrew.mods.claysoldiers.util.ClaySoldiersMod) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [claysoldiers/]: Parsed dependency info : [sanlib@[1.0.0,], Forge@[,]] [Forge@[,], sanlib@[1.0.0,]] []
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Clipboard-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Clipboard-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (net.shadowfacts.clipboard.Clipboard) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Using custom language adapter net.shadowfacts.forgelin.KotlinAdapter for net.shadowfacts.clipboard.Clipboard (modid: clipboard)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [clipboard/]: Parsed dependency info : [shadowmc@[3.5.0,)] [shadowmc@[3.5.0,)] []
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CodeChickenLib-1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file CodeChickenLib-1.10.2-
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (codechicken.lib.CodeChickenLib) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid CodeChickenLib is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainerFactory.build(ModContainerFactory.java:86)...
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [CodeChickenLib/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [CodeChickenLib/]: Attempting to load the file version.properties from CodeChickenLib-1.10.2- to locate a version number for CodeChickenLib
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [CodeChickenLib/]: Mod CodeChickenLib is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (codechicken.lib.render.item.EntityRendererHooks) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [ccl-entityhook/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] [*]
[12:44:56] [Server thread/INFO] [ccl-entityhook/]: Mod ccl-entityhook is missing the required element 'name'. Substituting ccl-entityhook
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ccl-entityhook/]: Attempting to load the file version.properties from CodeChickenLib-1.10.2- to locate a version number for ccl-entityhook
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [ccl-entityhook/]: Mod ccl-entityhook is missing the required element 'version' and no fallback can be found. Substituting '1.0'.
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file compatlayer-1.10-0.2.9.jar for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file compatlayer-1.10-0.2.9.jar
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CookingForBlockheads_1.10.2-4.2.45.jar for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file CookingForBlockheads_1.10.2-4.2.45.jar
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (net.blay09.mods.cookingforblockheads.CookingForBlockheads) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [cookingforblockheads/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [mousetweaks[2.8,)] []
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [cookingforblockheads/]: Attempting to load the file version.properties from CookingForBlockheads_1.10.2-4.2.45.jar to locate a version number for cookingforblockheads
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [cookingforblockheads/]: Mod cookingforblockheads is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 4.2.45
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file corpsecomplex-1.10.2-1.0.0-bp1.jar for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file corpsecomplex-1.10.2-1.0.0-bp1.jar
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (c4.corpsecomplex.CorpseComplex) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [corpsecomplex/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), ToughAsNails, wearablebackpacks, powerinventory, thut_wearables, Baubles, rpginventory, cosmeticarmorreworked, tombstone, advInv] []
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CosmeticArmorReworked-1.10.2-v2a.jar for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file CosmeticArmorReworked-1.10.2-v2a.jar
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (lain.mods.cos.CosmeticArmorReworked) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [cosmeticarmorreworked/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge] [] []
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [cosmeticarmorreworked/]: Attempting to load the file version.properties from CosmeticArmorReworked-1.10.2-v2a.jar to locate a version number for cosmeticarmorreworked
[12:44:56] [Server thread/WARN] [cosmeticarmorreworked/]: Mod cosmeticarmorreworked is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.10.2-v2a
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CraftStudioAPI-universal- for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file CraftStudioAPI-universal-
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.leviathanstudio.craftstudio.CraftStudioApi) - loading
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [craftstudioapi/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:56] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CraftTweaker-1.10.2-3.0.26.jar for potential mods
[12:44:56] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file CraftTweaker-1.10.2-3.0.26.jar
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.blamejared.ctgui.MTRecipe) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Disabling mod ctgui it is client side only.
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Skipping mod com.blamejared.ctgui.MTRecipe, container opted to not load.
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (minetweaker.mc1102.MineTweakerMod) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid MineTweaker3 is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainerFactory.build(ModContainerFactory.java:86)...
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [MineTweaker3/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [JEI@[,)] []
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (minetweaker.mods.jei.JEIMod) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [crafttweakerjei/]: Parsed dependency info : [MineTweaker3] [] [MineTweaker3]
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CreativeCore v1.7.3 mc1.10.2.jar for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file CreativeCore v1.7.3 mc1.10.2.jar
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.creativemd.creativecore.CreativeCore) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [creativecore/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CTM-MC1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file CTM-MC1.10.2-
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (team.chisel.ctm.CTM) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Disabling mod ctm it is client side only.
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Skipping mod team.chisel.ctm.CTM, container opted to not load.
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CustomMainMenu-MC1.10.2-2.0.5.jar for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file CustomMainMenu-MC1.10.2-2.0.5.jar
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (lumien.custommainmenu.CustomMainMenu) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Disabling mod custommainmenu it is client side only.
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Skipping mod lumien.custommainmenu.CustomMainMenu, container opted to not load.
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file cyberware-1.9.4-1.10.2-beta-0.2.10.jar for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file cyberware-1.9.4-1.10.2-beta-0.2.10.jar
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (flaxbeard.cyberware.Cyberware) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [cyberware/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file DeathQuotes-1.2.0-mc1.9to1.10.2-forge.jar for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file DeathQuotes-1.2.0-mc1.9to1.10.2-forge.jar
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (aln.deathquotes.DeathQuotes) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [deathquotes/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file DebugServerInfo-1.10.2-1.0.5.jar for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file DebugServerInfo-1.10.2-1.0.5.jar
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (net.dries007.dsi.DebugServerInfo) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [debugserverinfo/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [debugserverinfo/]: Attempting to load the file version.properties from DebugServerInfo-1.10.2-1.0.5.jar to locate a version number for debugserverinfo
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [debugserverinfo/]: Mod debugserverinfo is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.0.5
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file dirt2path-1.6.1.jar for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file dirt2path-1.6.1.jar
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.mr208.dirt2path.Dirt2Path) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [dirt2path/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Dynamic Lighting-1.3.jar for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Dynamic Lighting-1.3.jar
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.The1Silent.Dynamic_Lighting.Main) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [dynamic_lighting/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file DynamicLights-1.10.2.zip for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container DynamicLights-1.10.2.zip appears to be missing an mcmod.info file
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file DynamicSurroundings-1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file DynamicSurroundings-1.10.2-
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (org.blockartistry.DynSurround.DSurround) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [dsurround/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [galacticraftcore, ambientsounds] [presets]
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (org.blockartistry.Presets.Presets) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Disabling mod presets it is client side only.
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Skipping mod org.blockartistry.Presets.Presets, container opted to not load.
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Elytra-Port-1.10.2-1.0.0.jar for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container Elytra-Port-1.10.2-1.0.0.jar appears to be missing an mcmod.info file
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (stevekung.mods.elytraport.ElytraPort) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [elytra_port/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [Forge@[,)] []
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file EnderCore-1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file EnderCore-1.10.2-
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.enderio.core.EnderCore) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [endercore/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [ttCore] []
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.193.jar for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.193.jar
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (crazypants.enderio.EnderIO) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid EnderIO is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainerFactory.build(ModContainerFactory.java:86)...
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [EnderIO/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,), endercore@[1.10.2-,)] [Forge@[,), endercore@[1.10.2-,), Waila@[1.7.0-B3_1.9.4,), JEI@[,)] []
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Erosion-2.1.2 for 1.10.2.jar for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Erosion-2.1.2 for 1.10.2.jar
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.cutievirus.erosion.Erosion) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [erosion/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Exotic Birds 1.10.2-1.4.1.jar for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Exotic Birds 1.10.2-1.4.1.jar
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (pavocado.exoticbirds.init.ExoticbirdsMod) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [exoticbirds/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ExtraBitManipulation-1.10.2-2.5.1.jar for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file ExtraBitManipulation-1.10.2-2.5.1.jar
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.phylogeny.extrabitmanipulation.ExtraBitManipulation) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid ExtraBitManipulation is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainerFactory.build(ModContainerFactory.java:86)...
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [ExtraBitManipulation/]: Parsed dependency info : [chiselsandbits@[12.11,)] [chiselsandbits@[12.11,), Baubles, galacticraftcore] []
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ExtraPlanets-0.8.4.jar for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file ExtraPlanets-0.8.4.jar
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.mjr.extraplanets.ExtraPlanets) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [extraplanets/]: Parsed dependency info : [galacticraftplanets, galacticraftcore, Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), galacticraftcore, galacticraftplanets] []
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ExtraRails-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file ExtraRails-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (net.shadowfacts.extrarails.ExtraRails) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid ExtraRails is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainerFactory.build(ModContainerFactory.java:86)...
[12:44:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [ExtraRails/]: Parsed dependency info : [shadowmc@[3.4.2,)] [shadowmc@[3.4.2,)] []
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file extrautils2-1.10.2-1.6.8.jar for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file extrautils2-1.10.2-1.6.8.jar
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.rwtema.extrautils2.ExtraUtils2) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [extrautils2/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), JEI@[,)] []
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ExtremeReactors-1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file ExtremeReactors-1.10.2-
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.BigReactors) - loading
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [bigreactors/]: Parsed dependency info : [zerocore@[1.10.2-,), Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), zerocore@[1.10.2-,), minefactoryreloaded, ComputerCraft, OpenComputers, Mekanism, thermalexpansion, appliedenergistics2] []
[12:44:57] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file fairylights-2.1.2-1.10.2.jar for potential mods
[12:44:57] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file fairylights-2.1.2-1.10.2.jar
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.pau101.fairylights.FairyLights) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [fairylights/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Farseek-1.9.4-2.2.jar for potential mods
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Farseek-1.9.4-2.2.jar
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (farseek.FarseekMod) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [farseek/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge@[12.17,)] [Forge@[12.17,)] []
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [farseek/]: Attempting to load the file version.properties from Farseek-1.9.4-2.2.jar to locate a version number for farseek
[12:44:58] [Server thread/WARN] [farseek/]: Mod farseek is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 2.2
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file FastLeafDecay-v11.jar for potential mods
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file FastLeafDecay-v11.jar
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (net.olafkeijsers.fastleafdecay.FastLeafDecay) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [fastleafdecay/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Forgelin-1.6.0.jar for potential mods
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Forgelin-1.6.0.jar
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (net.shadowfacts.forgelin.Forgelin) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Using custom language adapter net.shadowfacts.forgelin.KotlinAdapter for net.shadowfacts.forgelin.Forgelin (modid: forgelin)
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [forgelin/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ForgeMultipart-1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file ForgeMultipart-1.10.2-
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (codechicken.microblock.handler.MicroblockMod) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [microblockcbe/]: Parsed dependency info : [forgemultipartcbe] [forgemultipartcbe] []
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [microblockcbe/]: Attempting to load the file version.properties from ForgeMultipart-1.10.2- to locate a version number for microblockcbe
[12:44:58] [Server thread/WARN] [microblockcbe/]: Mod microblockcbe is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (codechicken.multipart.handler.MultipartMod) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [forgemultipartcbe/]: Parsed dependency info : [CodeChickenLib@[2.5.6,)] [CodeChickenLib@[2.5.6,)] []
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [forgemultipartcbe/]: Attempting to load the file version.properties from ForgeMultipart-1.10.2- to locate a version number for forgemultipartcbe
[12:44:58] [Server thread/WARN] [forgemultipartcbe/]: Mod forgemultipartcbe is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (codechicken.multipart.minecraft.MinecraftMultipartMod) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [minecraftmultipartcbe/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [minecraftmultipartcbe/]: Attempting to load the file version.properties from ForgeMultipart-1.10.2- to locate a version number for minecraftmultipartcbe
[12:44:58] [Server thread/WARN] [minecraftmultipartcbe/]: Mod minecraftmultipartcbe is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file FTBLib-1.1x-3.6.5.jar for potential mods
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file FTBLib-1.1x-3.6.5.jar
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.FTBLibMod) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [ftbl/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [Baubles, JEI, nei, Waila, MineTweaker3, mcmultipart, chiselsandbits] []
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file FTBUtilities-1.1x-3.6.5.jar for potential mods
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file FTBUtilities-1.1x-3.6.5.jar
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.feed_the_beast.ftbu.FTBU) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [ftbu/]: Parsed dependency info : [ftbl] [ftbl] []
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file FullscreenWindowed-1.10.2-1.5.1.jar for potential mods
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file FullscreenWindowed-1.10.2-1.5.1.jar
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.hancinworld.fw.FullscreenWindowed) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Disabling mod fw it is client side only.
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Skipping mod com.hancinworld.fw.FullscreenWindowed, container opted to not load.
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Galacticraft-Planets-1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container Galacticraft-Planets-1.10.2- appears to be missing an mcmod.info file
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.planets.GalacticraftPlanets) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [galacticraftplanets/]: Parsed dependency info : [galacticraftcore] [galacticraftcore] []
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file GalacticraftCore-1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container GalacticraftCore-1.10.2- appears to be missing an mcmod.info file
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.GalacticraftCore) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [galacticraftcore/]: Parsed dependency info : [Micdoodlecore, FML@[,), Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), FML@[,), Micdoodlecore, IC2] []
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file geneticsreborn-mc1.10.2-v1.05.jar for potential mods
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file geneticsreborn-mc1.10.2-v1.05.jar
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.theundertaker11.geneticsreborn.GeneticsReborn) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [geneticsreborn/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file gravestone-1.5.13.jar for potential mods
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file gravestone-1.5.13.jar
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (de.maxhenkel.gravestone.Main) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [gravestone/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file hopperducts-mc1.9.4- for potential mods
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file hopperducts-mc1.9.4-
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (net.fybertech.hopperducts.HopperDuctsMod) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [hopperducts/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Hwyla-1.8.17-B31_1.10.2.jar for potential mods
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Hwyla-1.8.17-B31_1.10.2.jar
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (mcp.mobius.waila.Waila) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:58] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid Waila is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:44:58] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:44:58] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:44:58] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[12:44:58] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:44:58] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
[12:44:58] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainerFactory.build(ModContainerFactory.java:86)...
[12:44:58] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [Waila/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ImmersiveEngineering-0.10-61.jar for potential mods
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file ImmersiveEngineering-0.10-61.jar
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (blusunrize.immersiveengineering.ImmersiveEngineering) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [immersiveengineering/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,]] [Forge@[,], JEI@[,), Railcraft, tconstruct@[1.10.2-2.5,), theoneprobe@[1.4.4,)] []
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file immersivepetroleum-1.10.2-1.1.3.jar for potential mods
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file immersivepetroleum-1.10.2-1.1.3.jar
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (flaxbeard.immersivepetroleum.ImmersivePetroleum) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [immersivepetroleum/]: Parsed dependency info : [immersiveengineering] [immersiveengineering] []
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file infinitylib-0.11.0.jar for potential mods
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file infinitylib-0.11.0.jar
[12:44:58] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.infinityraider.infinitylib.InfinityLib) - loading
[12:44:58] [Server thread/TRACE] [infinitylib/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file instantunify-1.10.2-1.0.4.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file instantunify-1.10.2-1.0.4.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (mrriegel.instantunify.InstantUnify) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [instantunify/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] [unidict]
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file jehc-1.10.2-1.2.2.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container jehc-1.10.2-1.2.2.jar appears to be missing an mcmod.info file
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (ru.pearx.jehc.JEHC) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [jehc/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file jei_1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file jei_1.10.2-
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (mezz.jei.JustEnoughItems) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid JEI is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainerFactory.build(ModContainerFactory.java:86)...
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [JEI/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file JustAFewFish-1.5.3_for_1.10.2.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file JustAFewFish-1.5.3_for_1.10.2.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.tmtravlr.jaff.JAFFMod) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [jaff/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file JustEnoughResources-1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file JustEnoughResources-1.10.2-
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (jeresources.JEResources) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Disabling mod jeresources it is client side only.
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Skipping mod jeresources.JEResources, container opted to not load.
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file keywizard-1.10.2-1.5.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file keywizard-1.10.2-1.5.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.github.mrnerdy42.keywizard.KeyWizard) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Disabling mod keywizard it is client side only.
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Skipping mod com.github.mrnerdy42.keywizard.KeyWizard, container opted to not load.
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file LargeVeins-1.10.2-1.0.0.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file LargeVeins-1.10.2-1.0.0.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (net.shadowfacts.largeveins.LargeVeins) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Using custom language adapter net.shadowfacts.forgelin.KotlinAdapter for net.shadowfacts.largeveins.LargeVeins (modid: largeveins)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [largeveins/]: Parsed dependency info : [shadowmc] [shadowmc] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file LLOverlayReloaded-1.1.1-mc[1.9-1.11].jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file LLOverlayReloaded-1.1.1-mc[1.9-1.11].jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.mmyzd.llor.LightLevelOverlayReloaded) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Disabling mod llor it is client side only.
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Skipping mod com.mmyzd.llor.LightLevelOverlayReloaded, container opted to not load.
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file magicmirror 1.2 [1.10.2].jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file magicmirror 1.2 [1.10.2].jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (it.ostpol.magicmirror.magicmirror) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [magicmirror/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file malisisblocks-1.10.2-4.2.0.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container malisisblocks-1.10.2-4.2.0.jar appears to be missing an mcmod.info file
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (net.malisis.blocks.MalisisBlocks) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [malisisblocks/]: Parsed dependency info : [malisiscore] [malisiscore] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file malisiscore-1.10.2-4.4.0.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file malisiscore-1.10.2-4.4.0.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (net.malisis.core.MalisisCore) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [malisiscore/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file malisisdoors-1.10.2-5.2.0.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file malisisdoors-1.10.2-5.2.0.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (net.malisis.doors.MalisisDoors) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [malisisdoors/]: Parsed dependency info : [malisiscore] [malisiscore] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Mantle-1.10.2-1.1.5.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Mantle-1.10.2-1.1.5.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (slimeknights.mantle.Mantle) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [mantle/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file mcjtylib-1.1x-2.5.0.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file mcjtylib-1.1x-2.5.0.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file MCMultiPart-1.4.0-universal.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container MCMultiPart-1.4.0-universal.jar appears to be missing an mcmod.info file
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (mcmultipart.MCMultiPartMod) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcmultipart/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file MistWorld_1.10.2_alpha_a_03.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file MistWorld_1.10.2_alpha_a_03.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (ru.liahim.mist.common.Mist) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [mist/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file MmmMmmMmmMmm-1.10.2-1.13.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file MmmMmmMmmMmm-1.10.2-1.13.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (boni.dummy.TestDummyMod) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [testdummy/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[12.15,)] [Forge@[12.15,)] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file modid-1.1-1.10.2.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file modid-1.1-1.10.2.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.mariofish.craftableelytra.CraftableElytra) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [craftelytra/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ModTweaker2-2.0.13.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file ModTweaker2-2.0.13.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (modtweaker.ModTweaker) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [modtweaker/]: Parsed dependency info : [mtlib, MineTweaker3] [MineTweaker3, mtlib] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file More-Planets-1.10.2-2.0.10-GC119.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container More-Planets-1.10.2-2.0.10-GC119.jar appears to be missing an mcmod.info file
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (stevekung.mods.moreplanets.core.MorePlanetsCore) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [moreplanets/]: Parsed dependency info : [galacticraftplanets, galacticraftcore, Micdoodlecore] [galacticraftcore, galacticraftplanets, Micdoodlecore, forge@[,)] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Morpheus-1.10.2-3.1.13.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Morpheus-1.10.2-3.1.13.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (net.quetzi.morpheus.Morpheus) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid Morpheus is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainerFactory.build(ModContainerFactory.java:86)...
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [Morpheus/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file MrTJPCore-1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file MrTJPCore-1.10.2-
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (mrtjp.core.handler.MrTJPCoreMod) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid MrTJPCoreMod is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainerFactory.build(ModContainerFactory.java:86)...
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [MrTJPCoreMod/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge] [] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [MrTJPCoreMod/]: Attempting to load the file version.properties from MrTJPCore-1.10.2- to locate a version number for MrTJPCoreMod
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [MrTJPCoreMod/]: Mod MrTJPCoreMod is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file MTLib-1.0.3.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file MTLib-1.0.3.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.blamejared.mtlib.MTLib) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [mtlib/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file NaturesCompass-1.10.2-1.3.1.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file NaturesCompass-1.10.2-1.3.1.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.chaosthedude.naturescompass.NaturesCompass) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [naturescompass/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file NetherPortalFix_1.10.2-3.3.7.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container NetherPortalFix_1.10.2-3.3.7.jar appears to be missing an mcmod.info file
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (net.blay09.mods.netherportalfix.NetherPortalFix) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [netherportalfix/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [netherportalfix/]: Attempting to load the file version.properties from NetherPortalFix_1.10.2-3.3.7.jar to locate a version number for netherportalfix
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [netherportalfix/]: Mod netherportalfix is missing the required element 'version' and no fallback can be found. Substituting '1.0'.
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file NotEnoughPotions-1.3_for_1.10.2.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file NotEnoughPotions-1.3_for_1.10.2.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.tmtravlr.nep.NotEnoughPotions) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [nep/]: Parsed dependency info : [potioncore] [potioncore] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ObsidianPlates-1.1.1_1.9.4.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file ObsidianPlates-1.1.1_1.9.4.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.bigxplosion.obsidianplates.ObsidianPlates) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid ObsidianPlates is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainerFactory.build(ModContainerFactory.java:86)...
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [ObsidianPlates/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file oops-1.10-5.14.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file oops-1.10-5.14.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.elytradev.oops.OopsMod) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [oops/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file OpenBlocks-1.10.2-1.7.2.jar for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file OpenBlocks-1.10.2-1.7.2.jar
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (openblocks.OpenBlocks) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [openblocks/]: Parsed dependency info : [openmods@[0.11.2,0.12)] [openmods@[0.11.2,0.12)] []
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file OpenComputers-MC1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file OpenComputers-MC1.10.2-
[12:44:59] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (li.cil.oc.OpenComputers) - loading
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid OpenComputers is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainerFactory.build(ModContainerFactory.java:86)...
[12:44:59] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:44:59] [Server thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [BuildCraft|Core, ComputerCraft, EnderStorage, ForgeMultipart, IC2, JEI@[3.14.4,), MineFactoryReloaded, ProjRed|Transmission, RedLogic, StargateTech2, Thaumcraft, ThermalExpansion] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file OpenModsLib-1.10.2-0.11.2.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file OpenModsLib-1.10.2-0.11.2.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (openmods.OpenMods) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [openmods/]: Parsed dependency info : [openmodscore] [openmodscore] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Pam's BoneCraft 1.9.4-1.10.2d.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Pam's BoneCraft 1.9.4-1.10.2d.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.pam.bonecraft.bonecraft) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [bonecraft/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Pam's HarvestCraft 1.10.2j.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Pam's HarvestCraft 1.10.2j.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.pam.harvestcraft.HarvestCraft) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [harvestcraft/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Pam's Simple Recipes 1.9.4-1.10.2a.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Pam's Simple Recipes 1.9.4-1.10.2a.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.pam.simplerecipes.simplerecipes) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [simplerecipes/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file pamscookables-1.10.2_1.0.0.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file pamscookables-1.10.2_1.0.0.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (atm.bloodworkxgaming.atm1tweaks.PamsCookables) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [pamscookables/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file PlayerRevive v1.2.8 mc1.10.2.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file PlayerRevive v1.2.8 mc1.10.2.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.creativemd.playerrevive.PlayerRevive) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [playerrevive/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file PotionCore-1.5.2_for_1.10.2.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file PotionCore-1.5.2_for_1.10.2.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.tmtravlr.potioncore.PotionCore) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [potioncore/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ProjectRed-1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file ProjectRed-1.10.2-
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (mrtjp.projectred.ProjectRedCore) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-core/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge, forgemultipartcbe, MrTJPCoreMod] [forgemultipartcbe, MrTJPCoreMod] [projectred-transmission, projectred-integration, projectred-fabrication, projectred-illumination, projectred-expansion, projectred-transportation, projectred-exploration, projectred-compatibility]
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [projectred-core/]: Attempting to load the file version.properties from ProjectRed-1.10.2- to locate a version number for projectred-core
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [projectred-core/]: Mod projectred-core is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ProjectRed-1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file ProjectRed-1.10.2-
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (mrtjp.projectred.ProjectRedIntegration) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-integration/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [projectred-core] [projectred-core] [projectred-fabrication]
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [projectred-integration/]: Attempting to load the file version.properties from ProjectRed-1.10.2- to locate a version number for projectred-integration
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [projectred-integration/]: Mod projectred-integration is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (mrtjp.projectred.ProjectRedTransmission) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-transmission/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [projectred-core] [projectred-core] [projectred-expansion, projectred-fabrication]
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [projectred-transmission/]: Attempting to load the file version.properties from ProjectRed-1.10.2- to locate a version number for projectred-transmission
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [projectred-transmission/]: Mod projectred-transmission is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ProjectRed-1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file ProjectRed-1.10.2-
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (mrtjp.projectred.ProjectRedIllumination) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-illumination/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [projectred-core] [projectred-core] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [projectred-illumination/]: Attempting to load the file version.properties from ProjectRed-1.10.2- to locate a version number for projectred-illumination
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [projectred-illumination/]: Mod projectred-illumination is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Quark-r1.1-70.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Quark-r1.1-70.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (vazkii.quark.base.Quark) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid Quark is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainerFactory.build(ModContainerFactory.java:86)...
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [Quark/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,), AutoRegLib] [Forge@[,)] [AutoRegLib]
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file refinedstorage-1.2.26.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file refinedstorage-1.2.26.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.raoulvdberge.refinedstorage.RS) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [refinedstorage/]: Parsed dependency info : [mcmultipart@[1.2.1,), Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), mcmultipart@[1.2.1,), JEI@[,), commoncapabilities@[1.3.1,)] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ResourceLoader-MC1.9.4-1.5.1.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file ResourceLoader-MC1.9.4-1.5.1.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (lumien.resourceloader.ResourceLoader) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid ResourceLoader is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainerFactory.build(ModContainerFactory.java:86)...
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:45:00] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Disabling mod ResourceLoader it is client side only.
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Skipping mod lumien.resourceloader.ResourceLoader, container opted to not load.
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file rftools-1.1x-7.15.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file rftools-1.1x-7.15.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (mcjty.rftools.RFTools) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [rftools/]: Parsed dependency info : [mcjtylib_ng@[2.5.0,), compatlayer@[0.2.9,)] [mcjtylib_ng@[2.5.0,), compatlayer@[0.2.9,), Forge@[,), forge@[,)] [xnet@[1.5.0,)]
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file roots-0.208.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file roots-0.208.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (elucent.roots.Roots) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [roots/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Runes-of-Wizardry-1.10.2-0.7.2.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Runes-of-Wizardry-1.10.2-0.7.2.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.zpig333.runesofwizardry.RunesOfWizardry) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [runesofwizardry/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file RunesofWizardry-Classics-1.10.2-0.4.3-b2.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file RunesofWizardry-Classics-1.10.2-0.4.3-b2.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (xilef11.mc.runesofwizardry_classics.RunesofWizardry_Classics) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [runesofwizardry_classics/]: Parsed dependency info : [runesofwizardry@[1.10.2-0.7.2,)] [runesofwizardry@[1.10.2-0.7.2,)] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file SaltyMod-1.10.2-1.8.d.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file SaltyMod-1.10.2-1.8.d.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (ru.liahim.saltmod.SaltMod) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid SaltMod is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainerFactory.build(ModContainerFactory.java:86)...
[12:45:00] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [SaltMod/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file SanLib-1.10.2-1.3.0.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file SanLib-1.10.2-1.3.0.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (de.sanandrew.mods.sanlib.SanLib) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [sanlib/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,]] [Forge@[,]] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (de.sanandrew.mods.sanlib.sanplayermodel.SanPlayerModel) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [sanplayermodel/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [sanlib] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Scannable-MC1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Scannable-MC1.10.2-
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (li.cil.scannable.common.Scannable) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [scannable/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ServerObserver-1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file ServerObserver-1.10.2-
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (net.teamfruit.serverobserver.ServerObserver) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [serverobserver/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file SGCraft-1.13.2-mc1.10.2.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file SGCraft-1.13.2-mc1.10.2.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (gcewing.sg.SGCraft) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [sgcraft/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ShadowMC-1.10.2-3.6.1.jar for potential mods
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file ShadowMC-1.10.2-3.6.1.jar
[12:45:00] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (net.shadowfacts.shadowmc.ShadowMC) - loading
[12:45:00] [Server thread/TRACE] [shadowmc/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file signpost-1.10.2-1.06.1.jar for potential mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file signpost-1.10.2-1.06.1.jar
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (gollorum.signpost.Signpost) - loading
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [signpost/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file soundCap-1.0.jar for potential mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file soundCap-1.0.jar
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file SoundFilters-0.9_for_1.9.4.jar for potential mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file SoundFilters-0.9_for_1.9.4.jar
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.tmtravlr.soundfilters.SoundFiltersMod) - loading
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [soundfilters/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file SpiceOfLife-mc1.9.4-1.3.11.jar for potential mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file SpiceOfLife-mc1.9.4-1.3.11.jar
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (squeek.spiceoflife.ModSpiceOfLife) - loading
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid SpiceOfLife is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainerFactory.build(ModContainerFactory.java:86)...
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [SpiceOfLife/]: Parsed dependency info : [AppleCore] [AppleCore] []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file stg-1.0.2.jar for potential mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file stg-1.0.2.jar
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.exidex.stg.STG) - loading
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [stg/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Streams-1.9.4-0.4.jar for potential mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Streams-1.9.4-0.4.jar
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (streams.StreamsMod) - loading
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [streams/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [farseek@[2,3)] [farseek@[2,3)] []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [streams/]: Attempting to load the file version.properties from Streams-1.9.4-0.4.jar to locate a version number for streams
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [streams/]: Mod streams is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 0.4
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file SuperCircuitMaker-1.0.4.jar for potential mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file SuperCircuitMaker-1.0.4.jar
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.amadornes.rscircuits.SCM) - loading
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [rscircuits/]: Parsed dependency info : [mcmultipart@[1.3.0,), Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), mcmultipart@[1.3.0,)] []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file TConstruct-1.10.2-2.6.5.jar for potential mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file TConstruct-1.10.2-2.6.5.jar
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (slimeknights.tconstruct.TConstruct) - loading
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [tconstruct/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,), mantle@[1.10.2-1.1.4,)] [Forge@[,), mantle@[1.10.2-1.1.4,), JEI@[,)] []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file TheBetweenlands-2.0.4-alpha-universal.jar for potential mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file TheBetweenlands-2.0.4-alpha-universal.jar
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (thebetweenlands.common.TheBetweenlands) - loading
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [thebetweenlands/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ToolBelt-1.10.2-1.7.1.jar for potential mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file ToolBelt-1.10.2-1.7.1.jar
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (gigaherz.toolbelt.ToolBelt) - loading
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [toolbelt/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Baubles, Forge@[,)] []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Totemic-1.10.2-0.8.3.jar for potential mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Totemic-1.10.2-0.8.3.jar
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (totemic_commons.pokefenn.Totemic) - loading
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [totemic/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Trapcraft-1.10.2-v2.4.1a-universal.jar for potential mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Trapcraft-1.10.2-v2.4.1a-universal.jar
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (trapcraft.TrapcraftMod) - loading
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [trapcraft/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file WailaHarvestability-mc1.10.2-1.1.10.jar for potential mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file WailaHarvestability-mc1.10.2-1.1.10.jar
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (squeek.wailaharvestability.ModWailaHarvestability) - loading
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: * The modid WailaHarvestability is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(FMLModContainer.java:143)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(FMLModContainer.java:128)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: *  at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainerFactory.build(ModContainerFactory.java:86)...
[12:45:01] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: ****************************************
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Disabling mod WailaHarvestability it is client side only.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Skipping mod squeek.wailaharvestability.ModWailaHarvestability, container opted to not load.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file WearableBackpacks-1.10.2-1.7.0.jar for potential mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file WearableBackpacks-1.10.2-1.7.0.jar
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (net.mcft.copy.backpacks.WearableBackpacks) - loading
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [wearablebackpacks/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[12.18.3,)] [Forge@[12.18.3,)] []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file wolfarmor- for potential mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file wolfarmor-
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (com.attributestudios.wolfarmor.WolfArmorMod) - loading
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [wolfarmor/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [SophisticatedWolves] []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Wopper-1.10.2-r1.jar for potential mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file Wopper-1.10.2-r1.jar
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (de.ellpeck.wopper.Wopper) - loading
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [wopper/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file zerocore-1.10.2- for potential mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located mcmod.info file in file zerocore-1.10.2-
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/Mod; (it.zerono.mods.zerocore.internal.ZeroCore) - loading
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [zerocore/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), cofhcore] []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Forge Mod Loader has identified 133 mods to load
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API crazypants.enderio.api.teleport (owned by EnderIO providing EnderIOAPI|Teleport) embedded in EnderIO
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.event (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Event) embedded in OpenComputers
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.energy (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in geneticsreborn
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.api.event (owned by StorageDrawersAPI providing StorageDrawersAPI|event) embedded in refinedstorage
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.api.storage (owned by StorageDrawersAPI providing StorageDrawersAPI|storage) embedded in refinedstorage
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.block (owned by cofhapi providing cofhapi|block) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.prefab.entity (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.driver (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Driver) embedded in OpenComputers
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API dan200.computercraft.api.turtle (owned by ComputerCraft providing ComputerCraft|API|Turtle) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.energy (owned by cofhapi providing cofhapi|energy) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API dan200.computercraft.api.lua (owned by ComputerCraft providing ComputerCraft|API|Lua) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.api.storage.attribute (owned by StorageDrawersAPI providing StorageDrawersAPI|storage-attribute) embedded in refinedstorage
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.entity (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.item (owned by cofhapi providing cofhapi|item) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.driver.item (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Driver|Item) embedded in OpenComputers
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API dan200.computercraft.api.media (owned by ComputerCraft providing ComputerCraft|API|Media) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.item (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API blusunrize.immersiveengineering.api.energy.immersiveflux (owned by ImmersiveEngineering providing ImmersiveEngineering|ImmersiveFluxAPI) embedded in immersiveengineering
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mcp.mobius.waila.api (owned by Waila providing WailaAPI) embedded in Waila
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in geneticsreborn
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mod.chiselsandbits.api (owned by chiselsandbits providing ChiselsAndBitsAPI) embedded in chiselsandbits
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API betterachievements.api (owned by BetterAchievements providing BetterAchievements|API) embedded in BetterAchievements
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API crazypants.enderio.api.redstone (owned by EnderIO providing EnderIOAPI|Redstone) embedded in EnderIO
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.transmission.tile (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API dan200.computercraft.api.filesystem (owned by ComputerCraft providing ComputerCraft|API|FileSystem) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API erogenousbeef.bigreactors.api (owned by bigreactors providing bigreactors|API) embedded in bigreactors
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API hunternif.mc.atlas.api (owned by antiqueatlas providing antiqueatlasapi) embedded in antiqueatlas
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.api (owned by StorageDrawers providing StorageDrawersAPI) embedded in refinedstorage
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.internal (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Internal) embedded in OpenComputers
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.api.registry (owned by StorageDrawersAPI providing StorageDrawersAPI|registry) embedded in refinedstorage
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral (owned by ComputerCraft providing ComputerCraft|API|Peripheral) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.galaxies (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API it.zerono.mods.zerocore.api.multiblock.rectangular (owned by zerocore providing zerocore|API|multiblock|rectangular) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.transmission.grid (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API team.chisel.api (owned by chisel providing Chisel-API) embedded in chisel
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API team.chisel.api.carving (owned by Chisel providing ChiselAPI|Carving) embedded in chisel
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.transmission (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.fs (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|FileSystem) embedded in OpenComputers
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.prefab (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Prefab) embedded in OpenComputers
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.util (owned by cofhapi providing cofhapi|util) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in refinedstorage
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.energy (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in refinedstorage
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API it.zerono.mods.zerocore.api.multiblock (owned by zerocore providing zerocore|API|multiblock) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.tileentity (owned by cofhapi providing cofhapi|tileentity) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.event.client (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.api.pack (owned by StorageDrawersAPI providing StorageDrawersAPI|pack) embedded in refinedstorage
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.event.wgen (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.world (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.block (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API blusunrize.immersiveengineering.api (owned by ImmersiveEngineering providing ImmersiveEngineering|API) embedded in immersiveengineering
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.network (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Network) embedded in OpenComputers
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.power (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.manual (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Manual) embedded in OpenComputers
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.tile (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.prefab.core (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API thebetweenlands.api (owned by thebetweenlands providing BetweenlandsAPI) embedded in thebetweenlands
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.prefab.world.gen (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API it.zerono.mods.zerocore.api.multiblock.tier (owned by zerocore providing zerocore|API|multiblock|tier) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.machine (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Machine) embedded in OpenComputers
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mezz.jei.api (owned by JEI providing JustEnoughItemsAPI) embedded in JEI
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API dan200.computercraft.api.redstone (owned by ComputerCraft providing ComputerCraft|API|Redstone) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.api.config (owned by StorageDrawersAPI providing StorageDrawersAPI|config) embedded in refinedstorage
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API totemic_commons.pokefenn.api (owned by totemic providing totemic|API) embedded in totemic
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.prefab (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by cofhlib providing cofhapi) embedded in immersiveengineering
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by cofhlib providing cofhapi) embedded in actuallyadditions
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API dan200.computercraft.api (owned by ComputerCraft providing ComputerCraft|API) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.energy (owned by cofhapi providing cofhapi|energy) embedded in actuallyadditions
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.event.oxygen (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.recipe (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.api.inventory (owned by StorageDrawersAPI providing StorageDrawersAPI|inventory) embedded in refinedstorage
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API it.zerono.mods.zerocore.api.multiblock.validation (owned by zerocore providing zerocore|API|multiblock|validation) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cubex2.mods.chesttransporter.api (owned by ChestTransporter providing chesttransporter|api) embedded in ChestTransporter
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API dan200.computercraft.api.permissions (owned by ComputerCraft providing ComputerCraft|API|Permissions) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api (owned by actuallyadditions providing actuallyadditionsapi) embedded in actuallyadditions
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API crazypants.enderio.api.tool (owned by EnderIO providing EnderIOAPI|Tools) embedded in EnderIO
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API openblocks.api (owned by openblocks providing openblocks|api) embedded in openblocks
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API squeek.applecore.api (owned by AppleCore providing AppleCoreAPI) embedded in AppleCore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.core (owned by cofhapi providing cofhapi|core) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.energy (owned by cofhapi providing cofhapi|energy) embedded in immersiveengineering
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by cofhlib providing cofhapi) embedded in zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API crazypants.enderio.api (owned by EnderIO providing EnderIOAPI) embedded in EnderIO
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Core) embedded in OpenComputers
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.vector (owned by galacticraftcore providing Galacticraft API) embedded in galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.creativemd.playerrevive.api (owned by playerrevive providing PlayerReviveAPI) embedded in playerrevive
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.api.render (owned by StorageDrawersAPI providing StorageDrawersAPI|render) embedded in refinedstorage
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.component (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Component) embedded in OpenComputers
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent StorageDrawers from APIContainer{StorageDrawersAPI|registry:1.7.10-1.2.0}
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI|registry: owner: StorageDrawersAPI, dependents: [refinedstorage]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent StorageDrawers from APIContainer{StorageDrawersAPI|storage:1.7.10-1.2.0}
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI|storage: owner: StorageDrawersAPI, dependents: [refinedstorage]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [actuallyadditions] containing declared API package cofh.api.energy (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [sgcraft] containing declared API package cofh.api.energy (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [extrautils2] containing declared API package cofh.api.energy (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [zerocore] containing declared API package cofh.api.energy (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [cyberware] containing declared API package cofh.api.energy (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [immersiveengineering] containing declared API package cofh.api.energy (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHLib from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|energy:1.8.9R1.2.0B1}
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHAPI|energy: owner: CoFHAPI, dependents: [geneticsreborn, refinedstorage, actuallyadditions, sgcraft, extrautils2, zerocore, cyberware, immersiveengineering]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Driver|Item: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent cofhlib from APIContainer{cofhapi|block:1.6.0}
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API cofhapi|block: owner: cofhapi, dependents: [zerocore]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent StorageDrawers from APIContainer{StorageDrawersAPI|inventory:1.7.10-1.2.0}
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI|inventory: owner: StorageDrawersAPI, dependents: [refinedstorage]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API WailaAPI: owner: Waila, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ctm-api-utils: owner: ctm, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API zerocore|API|multiblock|validation: owner: zerocore, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API EnderIOAPI|Teleport: owner: EnderIO, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API actuallyadditionsapi: owner: actuallyadditions, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ctm-api-models: owner: ctm, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API EnderIOAPI|Redstone: owner: EnderIO, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ComputerCraft|API|Peripheral: owner: ComputerCraft, dependents: [zerocore]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API EnderIOAPI|Tools: owner: EnderIO, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ctm-api-textures: owner: ctm, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Event: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [zerocore] containing declared API package cofh.api.item (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHLib from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|item:1.8.9R1.2.0B1}
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHAPI|item: owner: CoFHAPI, dependents: [zerocore]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ChiselAPI|Carving: owner: Chisel, dependents: [chisel]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API jeresources|API: owner: jeresources, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API zerocore|API|multiblock: owner: zerocore, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [sgcraft] containing declared API package li.cil.oc.api.network (owned by OpenComputers|Core) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Network: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers, sgcraft]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ComputerCraft|API|Turtle: owner: ComputerCraft, dependents: [zerocore]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API JustEnoughItemsAPI: owner: JEI, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [sgcraft] containing declared API package li.cil.oc.api.manual (owned by OpenComputers|Core) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Manual: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers, sgcraft]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API totemic|API: owner: totemic, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [sgcraft] containing declared API package li.cil.oc.api (owned by OpenComputers|Core) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Core: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers, sgcraft]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Internal: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API Chisel-API: owner: chisel, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ComputerCraft|API: owner: ComputerCraft, dependents: [zerocore]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Component: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent StorageDrawers from APIContainer{StorageDrawersAPI|pack:1.7.10-1.2.0}
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI|pack: owner: StorageDrawersAPI, dependents: [refinedstorage]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API compatlayer: owner: McJty, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API mcjtylib_ng: owner: McJty, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ComputerCraft|API|FileSystem: owner: ComputerCraft, dependents: [zerocore]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ImmersiveEngineering|ImmersiveFluxAPI: owner: ImmersiveEngineering, dependents: [immersiveengineering]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent StorageDrawers from APIContainer{StorageDrawersAPI|render:1.7.10-1.2.0}
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI|render: owner: StorageDrawersAPI, dependents: [refinedstorage]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [sgcraft] containing declared API package li.cil.oc.api.driver (owned by OpenComputers|Core) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Driver: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers, sgcraft]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BetweenlandsAPI: owner: thebetweenlands, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ComputerCraft|API|Media: owner: ComputerCraft, dependents: [zerocore]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ChiselsAndBitsAPI: owner: chiselsandbits, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API AppleCoreAPI: owner: AppleCore, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ComputerCraft|API|Lua: owner: ComputerCraft, dependents: [zerocore]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ImmersiveEngineering|API: owner: ImmersiveEngineering, dependents: [immersiveengineering]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI: owner: StorageDrawers, dependents: [refinedstorage]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent cofhlib from APIContainer{cofhapi|core:1.6.0}
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API cofhapi|core: owner: cofhapi, dependents: [zerocore]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent cofhlib from APIContainer{cofhapi|item:1.6.0}
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API cofhapi|item: owner: cofhapi, dependents: [zerocore]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API openblocks|api: owner: openblocks, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [actuallyadditions] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [zerocore] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [immersiveengineering] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHAPI: owner: CoFHLib, dependents: [geneticsreborn, refinedstorage, actuallyadditions, zerocore, immersiveengineering]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API bigreactors|API: owner: bigreactors, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ComputerCraft|API|Redstone: owner: ComputerCraft, dependents: [zerocore]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API zerocore|API|multiblock|rectangular: owner: zerocore, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent StorageDrawers from APIContainer{StorageDrawersAPI|config:1.7.10-1.2.0}
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI|config: owner: StorageDrawersAPI, dependents: [refinedstorage]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ComputerCraft|API|Permissions: owner: ComputerCraft, dependents: [zerocore]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [refinedstorage] containing declared API package cofh.api.energy (owned by cofhapi) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [sgcraft] containing declared API package cofh.api.energy (owned by cofhapi) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [extrautils2] containing declared API package cofh.api.energy (owned by cofhapi) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [cyberware] containing declared API package cofh.api.energy (owned by cofhapi) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [geneticsreborn] containing declared API package cofh.api.energy (owned by cofhapi) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent cofhlib from APIContainer{cofhapi|energy:1.6.0}
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API cofhapi|energy: owner: cofhapi, dependents: [zerocore, actuallyadditions, immersiveengineering, refinedstorage, sgcraft, extrautils2, cyberware, geneticsreborn]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API EnderIOAPI: owner: EnderIO, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent StorageDrawers from APIContainer{StorageDrawersAPI|event:1.7.10-1.2.0}
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI|event: owner: StorageDrawersAPI, dependents: [refinedstorage]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [sgcraft] containing declared API package li.cil.oc.api.machine (owned by OpenComputers|Core) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Machine: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers, sgcraft]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API antiqueatlasapi: owner: antiqueatlas, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Prefab: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API Galacticraft API: owner: galacticraftcore, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [refinedstorage] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by cofhlib) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [geneticsreborn] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by cofhlib) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API cofhapi: owner: cofhlib, dependents: [immersiveengineering, actuallyadditions, zerocore, refinedstorage, geneticsreborn]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API PlayerReviveAPI: owner: playerrevive, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [sgcraft] containing declared API package li.cil.oc.api.fs (owned by OpenComputers|Core) without associated API reference
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|FileSystem: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers, sgcraft]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent StorageDrawers from APIContainer{StorageDrawersAPI|storage-attribute:1.7.10-1.2.0}
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI|storage-attribute: owner: StorageDrawersAPI, dependents: [refinedstorage]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ctm-api: owner: ctm, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API chesttransporter|api: owner: ChestTransporter, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent cofhlib from APIContainer{cofhapi|tileentity:1.6.0}
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API cofhapi|tileentity: owner: cofhapi, dependents: [zerocore]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent cofhlib from APIContainer{cofhapi|util:1.6.0}
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API cofhapi|util: owner: cofhapi, dependents: [zerocore]
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BetterAchievements|API: owner: BetterAchievements, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API zerocore|API|multiblock|tier: owner: zerocore, dependents: []
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Received a system property request ''
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: System property request managing the state of 0 mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: After merging, found state information for 0 mods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [uncraftingTable/]: Enabling mod uncraftingTable
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [fenceoverhaul/]: Enabling mod fenceoverhaul
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [actuallyadditions/]: Enabling mod actuallyadditions
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [animania/]: Enabling mod animania
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [antiqueatlas/]: Enabling mod antiqueatlas
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [AppleCore/]: Enabling mod AppleCore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [AutoRegLib/]: Enabling mod AutoRegLib
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BetterAchievements/]: Enabling mod BetterAchievements
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [BiomesOPlenty/]: Enabling mod BiomesOPlenty
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [boatifull/]: Enabling mod boatifull
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [carryon/]: Enabling mod carryon
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ChestTransporter/]: Enabling mod ChestTransporter
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [chisel/]: Enabling mod chisel
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [chiselsandbits/]: Enabling mod chiselsandbits
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [claysoldiers/]: Enabling mod claysoldiers
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [clipboard/]: Enabling mod clipboard
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [CodeChickenLib/]: Enabling mod CodeChickenLib
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ccl-entityhook/]: Enabling mod ccl-entityhook
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [cookingforblockheads/]: Enabling mod cookingforblockheads
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [corpsecomplex/]: Enabling mod corpsecomplex
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [cosmeticarmorreworked/]: Enabling mod cosmeticarmorreworked
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [craftstudioapi/]: Enabling mod craftstudioapi
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [MineTweaker3/]: Enabling mod MineTweaker3
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [crafttweakerjei/]: Enabling mod crafttweakerjei
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [creativecore/]: Enabling mod creativecore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [cyberware/]: Enabling mod cyberware
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [deathquotes/]: Enabling mod deathquotes
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [debugserverinfo/]: Enabling mod debugserverinfo
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [dirt2path/]: Enabling mod dirt2path
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [dynamic_lighting/]: Enabling mod dynamic_lighting
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [dsurround/]: Enabling mod dsurround
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [elytra_port/]: Enabling mod elytra_port
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [endercore/]: Enabling mod endercore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [EnderIO/]: Enabling mod EnderIO
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [erosion/]: Enabling mod erosion
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [exoticbirds/]: Enabling mod exoticbirds
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ExtraBitManipulation/]: Enabling mod ExtraBitManipulation
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [extraplanets/]: Enabling mod extraplanets
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ExtraRails/]: Enabling mod ExtraRails
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [extrautils2/]: Enabling mod extrautils2
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [bigreactors/]: Enabling mod bigreactors
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [fairylights/]: Enabling mod fairylights
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [farseek/]: Enabling mod farseek
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [fastleafdecay/]: Enabling mod fastleafdecay
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [forgelin/]: Enabling mod forgelin
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [microblockcbe/]: Enabling mod microblockcbe
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [forgemultipartcbe/]: Enabling mod forgemultipartcbe
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [minecraftmultipartcbe/]: Enabling mod minecraftmultipartcbe
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ftbl/]: Enabling mod ftbl
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ftbu/]: Enabling mod ftbu
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [galacticraftplanets/]: Enabling mod galacticraftplanets
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [galacticraftcore/]: Enabling mod galacticraftcore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [geneticsreborn/]: Enabling mod geneticsreborn
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [gravestone/]: Enabling mod gravestone
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [hopperducts/]: Enabling mod hopperducts
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [Waila/]: Enabling mod Waila
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [immersiveengineering/]: Enabling mod immersiveengineering
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [immersivepetroleum/]: Enabling mod immersivepetroleum
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [infinitylib/]: Enabling mod infinitylib
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [instantunify/]: Enabling mod instantunify
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [jehc/]: Enabling mod jehc
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [JEI/]: Enabling mod JEI
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [jaff/]: Enabling mod jaff
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [largeveins/]: Enabling mod largeveins
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [magicmirror/]: Enabling mod magicmirror
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [malisisblocks/]: Enabling mod malisisblocks
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [malisiscore/]: Enabling mod malisiscore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [malisisdoors/]: Enabling mod malisisdoors
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [mantle/]: Enabling mod mantle
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [mcmultipart/]: Enabling mod mcmultipart
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [mist/]: Enabling mod mist
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [testdummy/]: Enabling mod testdummy
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [craftelytra/]: Enabling mod craftelytra
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [modtweaker/]: Enabling mod modtweaker
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [moreplanets/]: Enabling mod moreplanets
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [Morpheus/]: Enabling mod Morpheus
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [MrTJPCoreMod/]: Enabling mod MrTJPCoreMod
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [mtlib/]: Enabling mod mtlib
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [naturescompass/]: Enabling mod naturescompass
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [netherportalfix/]: Enabling mod netherportalfix
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [nep/]: Enabling mod nep
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ObsidianPlates/]: Enabling mod ObsidianPlates
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [oops/]: Enabling mod oops
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [openblocks/]: Enabling mod openblocks
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [OpenComputers/]: Enabling mod OpenComputers
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [openmods/]: Enabling mod openmods
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [bonecraft/]: Enabling mod bonecraft
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [harvestcraft/]: Enabling mod harvestcraft
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [simplerecipes/]: Enabling mod simplerecipes
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [pamscookables/]: Enabling mod pamscookables
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [playerrevive/]: Enabling mod playerrevive
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [potioncore/]: Enabling mod potioncore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [projectred-core/]: Enabling mod projectred-core
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [projectred-integration/]: Enabling mod projectred-integration
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [projectred-transmission/]: Enabling mod projectred-transmission
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [projectred-illumination/]: Enabling mod projectred-illumination
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [Quark/]: Enabling mod Quark
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [refinedstorage/]: Enabling mod refinedstorage
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [rftools/]: Enabling mod rftools
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [roots/]: Enabling mod roots
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [runesofwizardry/]: Enabling mod runesofwizardry
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [runesofwizardry_classics/]: Enabling mod runesofwizardry_classics
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [SaltMod/]: Enabling mod SaltMod
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [sanlib/]: Enabling mod sanlib
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [sanplayermodel/]: Enabling mod sanplayermodel
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [scannable/]: Enabling mod scannable
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [serverobserver/]: Enabling mod serverobserver
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [sgcraft/]: Enabling mod sgcraft
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [shadowmc/]: Enabling mod shadowmc
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [signpost/]: Enabling mod signpost
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [soundfilters/]: Enabling mod soundfilters
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [SpiceOfLife/]: Enabling mod SpiceOfLife
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [stg/]: Enabling mod stg
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [streams/]: Enabling mod streams
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [rscircuits/]: Enabling mod rscircuits
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [tconstruct/]: Enabling mod tconstruct
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [thebetweenlands/]: Enabling mod thebetweenlands
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [toolbelt/]: Enabling mod toolbelt
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [totemic/]: Enabling mod totemic
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [trapcraft/]: Enabling mod trapcraft
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [wearablebackpacks/]: Enabling mod wearablebackpacks
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [wolfarmor/]: Enabling mod wolfarmor
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [wopper/]: Enabling mod wopper
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [zerocore/]: Enabling mod zerocore
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Verifying mod requirements are satisfied
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: All mod requirements are satisfied
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Sorting mods into an ordered list
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Mod sorting completed successfully
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Mod sorting data
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ccl-entityhook(ccl-entityhook:1.0): CodeChickenLib-1.10.2- (before:*)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     uncraftingTable(Uncrafting Table:1.6.5): [1.10.2]UncraftingTable-1.6.5.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     fenceoverhaul(Fence Overhaul:1.2.1): [1.10.x]FenceOverhaul-1.2.1.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     CoFHAPI(API: CoFHAPI:1.8.9R1.2.0B1): mcjtylib-1.1x-2.5.0.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     CoFHAPI|energy(API: CoFHAPI|energy:1.8.9R1.2.0B1): geneticsreborn-mc1.10.2-v1.05.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     cofhapi(API: cofhapi:1.5.0): ImmersiveEngineering-0.10-61.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     cofhapi|energy(API: cofhapi|energy:1.6.0): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     actuallyadditions(Actually Additions:1.10.2-r105): ActuallyAdditions-1.10.2-r105.jar (after:BuildCraft|Energy)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     craftstudioapi(CraftStudio API:0.3.0-beta): CraftStudioAPI-universal- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     animania(Animania:1.4.3): animania-1.10.2-1.4.3.jar (required-after:craftstudioapi;after:quark;after:biomesoplenty;after:botania)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     antiqueatlas(Antique Atlas:4.4.6): antiqueatlas-1.9.4-4.4.6.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     JEI(Just Enough Items: jei_1.10.2- (required-after:Forge@[,);)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     AppleCore(AppleCore:3.1.0): AppleCore-mc1.10.2-3.1.0.jar (after:JEI@[3.8.1,); required-after:Forge@[,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     Quark(Quark:r1.1-70): Quark-r1.1-70.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);required-before:AutoRegLib;)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     AutoRegLib(AutoRegLib:1.0-2): AutoRegLib-1.0-2.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     BetterAchievements(Better Achievements: BetterAchievements-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     BiomesOPlenty(Biomes O' Plenty: BiomesOPlenty-1.10.2- (required-after:Forge@[,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     infinitylib(InfinityLib:1.10.2-0.11.0): infinitylib-0.11.0.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     boatifull(Boatifull:@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@): boatifull-0.11.0.jar (required-after:infinitylib)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     carryon(Carry On:1.7): CarryOn MC1.10.2 v1.7.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ChestTransporter(Chest Transporter:2.5.18): ChestTransporter-1.10.2-2.5.18.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ChiselAPI|Carving(API: ChiselAPI|Carving:0.0.1): Chisel-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     chisel(Chisel:MC1.10.2- Chisel-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     mcmultipart(MCMultiPart:1.4.0): MCMultiPart-1.4.0-universal.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     chiselsandbits(Chisels & Bits:12.16): chiselsandbits-12.16.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);after:mcmultipart;after:JEI@[,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     sanlib(SanAndreasPs Mod Library:1.3.0): SanLib-1.10.2-1.3.0.jar (required-after:Forge@[,])
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     claysoldiers(Clay Soldiers Mod:3.0.0-alpha.2): ClaySoldiersMod-1.10.2-3.0.0-alpha.2.jar (required-after:Forge@[,];required-after:sanlib@[1.0.0,])
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     shadowmc(ShadowMC:3.6.1): ShadowMC-1.10.2-3.6.1.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     clipboard(Clipboard:@VERSION@): Clipboard-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar (required-after:shadowmc@[3.5.0,);)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     CodeChickenLib(CodeChicken Lib: CodeChickenLib-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     cookingforblockheads(Cooking for Blockheads:4.2.45): CookingForBlockheads_1.10.2-4.2.45.jar (after:mousetweaks[2.8,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     cosmeticarmorreworked(CosmeticArmorReworked:1.10.2-v2a): CosmeticArmorReworked-1.10.2-v2a.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     wearablebackpacks(Wearable Backpacks:1.7.0): WearableBackpacks-1.10.2-1.7.0.jar (required-after:Forge@[12.18.3,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     corpsecomplex(Corpse Complex:1.0.0-bp1): corpsecomplex-1.10.2-1.0.0-bp1.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);after:ToughAsNails;after:wearablebackpacks;after:powerinventory;after:thut_wearables;after:Baubles;after:rpginventory;after:cosmeticarmorreworked;after:tombstone;after:advInv)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     crafttweakerjei(CraftTweaker JEI Support:1.0.1): CraftTweaker-1.10.2-3.0.26.jar (required-before:MineTweaker3;)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     MineTweaker3(MineTweaker 3:3.0.26): CraftTweaker-1.10.2-3.0.26.jar (after:JEI@[,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     creativecore(CreativeCore:1.7.4): CreativeCore v1.7.3 mc1.10.2.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     cyberware(Cyberware:beta-0.2.10): cyberware-1.9.4-1.10.2-beta-0.2.10.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     deathquotes(Death Quotes:1.2.0): DeathQuotes-1.2.0-mc1.9to1.10.2-forge.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     debugserverinfo(DebugServerInfo:1.0.5): DebugServerInfo-1.10.2-1.0.5.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     dirt2path(Dirt2Path:1.6.1): dirt2path-1.6.1.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     dynamic_lighting(Dynamic Lighting:1.3): Dynamic Lighting-1.3.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     galacticraftcore(Galacticraft Core: GalacticraftCore-1.10.2- (required-after:Forge@[,); required-after:FML@[,); required-after:Micdoodlecore; after:IC2;)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     dsurround(Dynamic Surroundings: DynamicSurroundings-1.10.2- (before: presets; after:galacticraftcore; after:ambientsounds)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     elytra_port(Elytra Port:1.0.0): Elytra-Port-1.10.2-1.0.0.jar (after:Forge@[,);)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     endercore(EnderCore:1.10.2- EnderCore-1.10.2- (after:ttCore)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     Waila(Waila:1.8.17-B31_1.10.2): Hwyla-1.8.17-B31_1.10.2.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     EnderIO(Ender IO:1.10.2-3.1.193): EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.193.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);required-after:endercore@[1.10.2-,);after:Waila@[1.7.0-B3_1.9.4,);after:JEI@[,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     erosion(Erosion:2.1.2): Erosion-2.1.2 for 1.10.2.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     exoticbirds(Exotic Birds:1.0): Exotic Birds 1.10.2-1.4.1.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ExtraBitManipulation(Extra Bit Manipulation:1.10.2-2.5.1): ExtraBitManipulation-1.10.2-2.5.1.jar (required-after:chiselsandbits@[12.11,);after:Baubles;after:galacticraftcore)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     galacticraftplanets(Galacticraft Planets: Galacticraft-Planets-1.10.2- (required-after:galacticraftcore;)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     extraplanets(Extra Planets:0.8.4): ExtraPlanets-0.8.4.jar (required-after:Forge@[,); required-after:galacticraftcore; required-after:galacticraftplanets; )
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ExtraRails(Extra Rails:1.1.1): ExtraRails-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar (required-after:shadowmc@[3.4.2,);)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     extrautils2(Extra Utilities 2:1.0): extrautils2-1.10.2-1.6.8.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);after:JEI@[,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     OpenComputersAPI|Driver|Item(API: OpenComputersAPI|Driver|Item:6.0.0-alpha): OpenComputers-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     OpenComputersAPI|Event(API: OpenComputersAPI|Event:6.0.0-alpha): OpenComputers-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     OpenComputersAPI|Network(API: OpenComputersAPI|Network:6.0.0-alpha): OpenComputers-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     OpenComputersAPI|Manual(API: OpenComputersAPI|Manual:6.0.0-alpha): OpenComputers-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     OpenComputersAPI|Core(API: OpenComputersAPI|Core:6.0.0-alpha): OpenComputers-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     OpenComputersAPI|Internal(API: OpenComputersAPI|Internal:6.0.0-alpha): OpenComputers-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     OpenComputersAPI|Component(API: OpenComputersAPI|Component:6.0.0-alpha): OpenComputers-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     OpenComputersAPI|Driver(API: OpenComputersAPI|Driver:6.0.0-alpha): OpenComputers-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     OpenComputersAPI|Machine(API: OpenComputersAPI|Machine:6.0.0-alpha): OpenComputers-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     OpenComputersAPI|Prefab(API: OpenComputersAPI|Prefab:6.0.0-alpha): OpenComputers-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     OpenComputersAPI|FileSystem(API: OpenComputersAPI|FileSystem:6.0.0-alpha): OpenComputers-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     OpenComputers(OpenComputers: OpenComputers-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     cofhapi|block(API: cofhapi|block:1.6.0): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ComputerCraft|API|Peripheral(API: ComputerCraft|API|Peripheral:1.80pr0): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     CoFHAPI|item(API: CoFHAPI|item:1.8.9R1.2.0B1): mcjtylib-1.1x-2.5.0.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ComputerCraft|API|Turtle(API: ComputerCraft|API|Turtle:1.80pr0): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ComputerCraft|API(API: ComputerCraft|API:1.80pr0): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ComputerCraft|API|FileSystem(API: ComputerCraft|API|FileSystem:1.80pr0): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ComputerCraft|API|Media(API: ComputerCraft|API|Media:1.80pr0): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ComputerCraft|API|Lua(API: ComputerCraft|API|Lua:1.80pr0): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     cofhapi|core(API: cofhapi|core:1.6.0): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     cofhapi|item(API: cofhapi|item:1.6.0): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ComputerCraft|API|Redstone(API: ComputerCraft|API|Redstone:1.80pr0): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ComputerCraft|API|Permissions(API: ComputerCraft|API|Permissions:1.80pr0): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     cofhapi|tileentity(API: cofhapi|tileentity:1.6.0): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     cofhapi|util(API: cofhapi|util:1.6.0): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     zerocore(Zero CORE:1.10.2- zerocore-1.10.2- (required-after:Forge@[,); after:cofhcore)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     bigreactors(Extreme Reactors:1.10.2- ExtremeReactors-1.10.2- (required-after:Forge@[,);required-after:zerocore@[1.10.2-,);after:minefactoryreloaded;after:ComputerCraft;after:OpenComputers;after:Mekanism;after:thermalexpansion;after:appliedenergistics2)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     fairylights(Fairy Lights:2.1.2): fairylights-2.1.2-1.10.2.jar (required-after:Forge@[,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     farseek(Farseek:2.2): Farseek-1.9.4-2.2.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     fastleafdecay(Fast Leaf Decay:v11): FastLeafDecay-v11.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     forgelin(Shadowfacts' Forgelin:1.6.0): Forgelin-1.6.0.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     forgemultipartcbe(Forge Multipart CBE: ForgeMultipart-1.10.2- (required-after:CodeChickenLib@[2.5.6,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     microblockcbe(Forge Microblocks: ForgeMultipart-1.10.2- (required-after:forgemultipartcbe)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     minecraftmultipartcbe(Minecraft Multipart Plugin: ForgeMultipart-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ftbl(FTBLib:0.0.0): FTBLib-1.1x-3.6.5.jar (after:Baubles;after:JEI;after:nei;after:Waila;after:MineTweaker3;after:mcmultipart;after:chiselsandbits)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ftbu(FTBUtilities:0.0.0): FTBUtilities-1.1x-3.6.5.jar (required-after:ftbl)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     geneticsreborn(Genetics Reborn:1.04): geneticsreborn-mc1.10.2-v1.05.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     gravestone(Gravestone Mod:1.5.13): gravestone-1.5.13.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     hopperducts(Hopper Ducts: hopperducts-mc1.9.4- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     mantle(Mantle:1.10.2- Mantle-1.10.2-1.1.5.jar (required-after:Forge@[,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     tconstruct(Tinkers' Construct:1.10.2- TConstruct-1.10.2-2.6.5.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);required-after:mantle@[1.10.2-1.1.4,);after:JEI@[,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ImmersiveEngineering|ImmersiveFluxAPI(API: ImmersiveEngineering|ImmersiveFluxAPI:1.0): ImmersiveEngineering-0.10-61.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ImmersiveEngineering|API(API: ImmersiveEngineering|API:1.0): ImmersiveEngineering-0.10-61.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     immersiveengineering(Immersive Engineering:0.10-61): ImmersiveEngineering-0.10-61.jar (required-after:Forge@[,];after:JEI@[,);after:Railcraft;after:tconstruct@[1.10.2-2.5,);after:theoneprobe@[1.4.4,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     immersivepetroleum(Immersive Petroleum:1.1.3): immersivepetroleum-1.10.2-1.1.3.jar (required-after:immersiveengineering;)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     instantunify(InstantUnify:1.0.4): instantunify-1.10.2-1.0.4.jar (before:unidict)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     jehc(Just Enough HarvestCraft:1.2.2): jehc-1.10.2-1.2.2.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     jaff(Just a Few Fish:1.5.3_for_1.10.2): JustAFewFish-1.5.3_for_1.10.2.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     largeveins(Large Veins:@VERSION@): LargeVeins-1.10.2-1.0.0.jar (required-after:shadowmc;)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     magicmirror(Magic Mirror:1.0): magicmirror 1.2 [1.10.2].jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     malisiscore(MalisisCore:1.10.2-4.4.0): malisiscore-1.10.2-4.4.0.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     malisisblocks(Malisis Blocks:1.10.2-4.2.0): malisisblocks-1.10.2-4.2.0.jar (required-after:malisiscore)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     malisisdoors(MalisisDoors:1.10.2-5.2.0): malisisdoors-1.10.2-5.2.0.jar (required-after:malisiscore)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     mist(Misty World:alpha_a_02): MistWorld_1.10.2_alpha_a_03.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     testdummy(MmmMmmMmmMmm:1.11): MmmMmmMmmMmm-1.10.2-1.13.jar (required-after:Forge@[12.15,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     craftelytra(Craftable Elytra:1.1): modid-1.1-1.10.2.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     mtlib(MTLib:@VERSION@): MTLib-1.0.3.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     modtweaker(Mod Tweaker:2.0.13): ModTweaker2-2.0.13.jar (required-after:MineTweaker3;required-after:mtlib;)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     moreplanets(More Planets:2.0.10): More-Planets-1.10.2-2.0.10-GC119.jar (required-after:galacticraftcore; required-after:galacticraftplanets; required-after:Micdoodlecore; after:forge@[,);)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     Morpheus(Morpheus:1.10.2-3.1.13): Morpheus-1.10.2-3.1.13.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     MrTJPCoreMod(MrTJPCore: MrTJPCore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     naturescompass(Nature's Compass:1.3.1): NaturesCompass-1.10.2-1.3.1.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     netherportalfix(NetherPortalFix:1.0): NetherPortalFix_1.10.2-3.3.7.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     potioncore(Potion Core:1.5.2_for_1.10.2): PotionCore-1.5.2_for_1.10.2.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     nep(Not Enough Potions:1.3_for_1.10.2): NotEnoughPotions-1.3_for_1.10.2.jar (required-after:potioncore)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ObsidianPlates(Obsidian Plates:1.1.1): ObsidianPlates-1.1.1_1.9.4.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     oops(Oops:@VERSION@): oops-1.10-5.14.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     openmods(OpenModsLib:0.11.2): OpenModsLib-1.10.2-0.11.2.jar (required-after:openmodscore)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     openblocks(OpenBlocks:1.7.2): OpenBlocks-1.10.2-1.7.2.jar (required-after:openmods@[0.11.2,0.12))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     bonecraft(Pam's BoneCraft:1.9.4-1.10.2d): Pam's BoneCraft 1.9.4-1.10.2d.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     harvestcraft(Pam's HarvestCraft:1.10.2j): Pam's HarvestCraft 1.10.2j.jar (required-after:Forge@[,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     simplerecipes(Pam's Simple Recipes:1.9.4-1.10.2a): Pam's Simple Recipes 1.9.4-1.10.2a.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     pamscookables(Pam's Cookables:1.0): pamscookables-1.10.2_1.0.0.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     playerrevive(Player Revive:1.0): PlayerRevive v1.2.8 mc1.10.2.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     projectred-core(ProjectRed Core: ProjectRed-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     projectred-integration(ProjectRed integration: ProjectRed-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     projectred-transmission(ProjectRed Transmission: ProjectRed-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     projectred-illumination(ProjectRed Illumination: ProjectRed-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     StorageDrawersAPI(API: StorageDrawersAPI:1.7.10-1.2.0): refinedstorage-1.2.26.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     StorageDrawersAPI|registry(API: StorageDrawersAPI|registry:1.7.10-1.2.0): refinedstorage-1.2.26.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     StorageDrawersAPI|storage(API: StorageDrawersAPI|storage:1.7.10-1.2.0): refinedstorage-1.2.26.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     StorageDrawersAPI|inventory(API: StorageDrawersAPI|inventory:1.7.10-1.2.0): refinedstorage-1.2.26.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     StorageDrawersAPI|pack(API: StorageDrawersAPI|pack:1.7.10-1.2.0): refinedstorage-1.2.26.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     StorageDrawersAPI|render(API: StorageDrawersAPI|render:1.7.10-1.2.0): refinedstorage-1.2.26.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     StorageDrawersAPI|config(API: StorageDrawersAPI|config:1.7.10-1.2.0): refinedstorage-1.2.26.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     StorageDrawersAPI|event(API: StorageDrawersAPI|event:1.7.10-1.2.0): refinedstorage-1.2.26.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     StorageDrawersAPI|storage-attribute(API: StorageDrawersAPI|storage-attribute:1.7.10-1.2.0): refinedstorage-1.2.26.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     refinedstorage(Refined Storage:1.2.26): refinedstorage-1.2.26.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);required-after:mcmultipart@[1.2.1,);after:JEI@[,);after:commoncapabilities@[1.3.1,);)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     compatlayer(API: compatlayer:0.2.9): compatlayer-1.10-0.2.9.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     mcjtylib_ng(API: mcjtylib_ng:2.5.0): mcjtylib-1.1x-2.5.0.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     rftools(RFTools:7.15): rftools-1.1x-7.15.jar (required-after:mcjtylib_ng@[2.5.0,);required-after:compatlayer@[0.2.9,);before:xnet@[1.5.0,);after:Forge@[,);after:forge@[,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     roots(Roots:0.208): roots-0.208.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     runesofwizardry(Runes of Wizardry:1.10.2-0.7.2): Runes-of-Wizardry-1.10.2-0.7.2.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     runesofwizardry_classics(Runes of Wizardry - Classic Dusts Pack:1.10.2-0.4.3-b2): RunesofWizardry-Classics-1.10.2-0.4.3-b2.jar (required-after:runesofwizardry@[1.10.2-0.7.2,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     SaltMod(Salty Mod:1.8.d): SaltyMod-1.10.2-1.8.d.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     sanplayermodel(SanAndreasPs Player Model:1.0.2): SanLib-1.10.2-1.3.0.jar (after:sanlib)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     scannable(Scannable: Scannable-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     serverobserver(ServerObserver: ServerObserver-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     sgcraft(SG Craft:1.13.2): SGCraft-1.13.2-mc1.10.2.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     signpost(Sign Post:1.06.1): signpost-1.10.2-1.06.1.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     soundfilters(Sound Filters:0.9_for_1.9): SoundFilters-0.9_for_1.9.4.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     SpiceOfLife(The Spice of Life:1.3.11): SpiceOfLife-mc1.9.4-1.3.11.jar (required-after:AppleCore)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     stg(SwingThroughGrass:1.0.2): stg-1.0.2.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     streams(Streams:0.4): Streams-1.9.4-0.4.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     rscircuits(Super Circuit Maker:1.0.4): SuperCircuitMaker-1.0.4.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);required-after:mcmultipart@[1.3.0,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     thebetweenlands(The Betweenlands:2.0.4-alpha): TheBetweenlands-2.0.4-alpha-universal.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     toolbelt(Tool Belt:1.7.1): ToolBelt-1.10.2-1.7.1.jar (after:Baubles;required-after:Forge@[,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     totemic(Totemic:1.10.2-0.8.3): Totemic-1.10.2-0.8.3.jar (required-after:Forge@[,))
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     trapcraft(Trapcraft:v2.4.1a): Trapcraft-1.10.2-v2.4.1a-universal.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     wolfarmor(Wolf Armor and Storage:1.3.1): wolfarmor- (after: SophisticatedWolves)
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     wopper(Wopper:1.10.2-r1): Wopper-1.10.2-r1.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     WailaAPI(API: WailaAPI:1.3): Hwyla-1.8.17-B31_1.10.2.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ctm-api-utils(API: ctm-api-utils:0.1.0): CTM-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     zerocore|API|multiblock|validation(API: zerocore|API|multiblock|validation:1.10.2-0.0.2): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     EnderIOAPI|Teleport(API: EnderIOAPI|Teleport:0.0.2): EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.193.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     actuallyadditionsapi(API: actuallyadditionsapi:29): ActuallyAdditions-1.10.2-r105.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ctm-api-models(API: ctm-api-models:0.1.0): CTM-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     EnderIOAPI|Redstone(API: EnderIOAPI|Redstone:0.0.2): EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.193.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     EnderIOAPI|Tools(API: EnderIOAPI|Tools:0.0.2): EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.193.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ctm-api-textures(API: ctm-api-textures:0.1.0): CTM-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     jeresources|API(API: jeresources|API: JustEnoughResources-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     zerocore|API|multiblock(API: zerocore|API|multiblock:1.10.2-0.0.2): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     JustEnoughItemsAPI(API: JustEnoughItemsAPI:4.10.1): jei_1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     totemic|API(API: totemic|API:1.10.2-3.2.0): Totemic-1.10.2-0.8.3.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     Chisel-API(API: Chisel-API:0.0.1): Chisel-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     BetweenlandsAPI(API: BetweenlandsAPI:1.3.0): TheBetweenlands-2.0.4-alpha-universal.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ChiselsAndBitsAPI(API: ChiselsAndBitsAPI:12.10.0): chiselsandbits-12.16.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     AppleCoreAPI(API: AppleCoreAPI:3.1.0): AppleCore-mc1.10.2-3.1.0.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     openblocks|api(API: openblocks|api:1.1): OpenBlocks-1.10.2-1.7.2.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     bigreactors|API(API: bigreactors|API:4.0.1): ExtremeReactors-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     zerocore|API|multiblock|rectangular(API: zerocore|API|multiblock|rectangular:1.10.2-0.0.2): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     EnderIOAPI(API: EnderIOAPI:0.0.2): EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.193.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     antiqueatlasapi(API: antiqueatlasapi:5.1): antiqueatlas-1.9.4-4.4.6.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     Galacticraft API(API: Galacticraft API:1.1): GalacticraftCore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     PlayerReviveAPI(API: PlayerReviveAPI:1): PlayerRevive v1.2.8 mc1.10.2.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     ctm-api(API: ctm-api:0.1.0): CTM-MC1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     chesttransporter|api(API: chesttransporter|api:1): ChestTransporter-1.10.2-2.5.18.jar ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     BetterAchievements|API(API: BetterAchievements|API: BetterAchievements-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:     zerocore|API|multiblock|tier(API: zerocore|API|multiblock|tier:1.10.2-0.0.2): zerocore-1.10.2- ()
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file AmbientSounds v2.1.2 mc1.10.2.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file BetterFoliage-MC1.10.2-2.1.11.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file BetterTitleScreen-1.10.2-1.2e.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file BlockDrops-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file Blur-1.0.4-14.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file compatlayer-1.10-0.2.9.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file CTM-MC1.10.2- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file CustomMainMenu-MC1.10.2-2.0.5.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file DynamicLights-1.10.2.zip in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file FullscreenWindowed-1.10.2-1.5.1.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file JustEnoughResources-1.10.2- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file keywizard-1.10.2-1.5.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file LLOverlayReloaded-1.1.1-mc[1.9-1.11].jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file mcjtylib-1.1x-2.5.0.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file ResourceLoader-MC1.9.4-1.5.1.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file soundCap-1.0.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file WailaHarvestability-mc1.10.2-1.1.10.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loading @Config anotation data
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcp/mcp]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mcp
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcp/mcp]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mcp
[12:45:01] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Minecraft Coder Pack took 0.001s
[12:45:01] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod FML
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Mod FML is using network checker : Invoking method checkModLists
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Testing mod FML to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: The mod FML accepts its own version (
[12:45:03] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, creativecoredummy, Micdoodlecore, OpenComputers|Core, OpenEye, potioncore_coremod, openmodscore, uncraftingTable, fenceoverhaul, actuallyadditions, animania, antiqueatlas, AppleCore, AutoRegLib, BetterAchievements, BiomesOPlenty, boatifull, carryon, ChestTransporter, chisel, chiselsandbits, claysoldiers, clipboard, CodeChickenLib, ccl-entityhook, cookingforblockheads, corpsecomplex, cosmeticarmorreworked, craftstudioapi, MineTweaker3, crafttweakerjei, creativecore, cyberware, deathquotes, debugserverinfo, dirt2path, dynamic_lighting, dsurround, elytra_port, endercore, EnderIO, erosion, exoticbirds, ExtraBitManipulation, extraplanets, ExtraRails, extrautils2, bigreactors, fairylights, farseek, fastleafdecay, forgelin, microblockcbe, forgemultipartcbe, minecraftmultipartcbe, ftbl, ftbu, galacticraftplanets, galacticraftcore, geneticsreborn, gravestone, hopperducts, Waila, immersiveengineering, immersivepetroleum, infinitylib, instantunify, jehc, JEI, jaff, largeveins, magicmirror, malisisblocks, malisiscore, malisisdoors, mantle, mcmultipart, mist, testdummy, craftelytra, modtweaker, moreplanets, Morpheus, MrTJPCoreMod, mtlib, naturescompass, netherportalfix, nep, ObsidianPlates, oops, openblocks, OpenComputers, openmods, bonecraft, harvestcraft, simplerecipes, pamscookables, playerrevive, potioncore, projectred-core, projectred-integration, projectred-transmission, projectred-illumination, Quark, refinedstorage, rftools, roots, runesofwizardry, runesofwizardry_classics, SaltMod, sanlib, sanplayermodel, scannable, serverobserver, sgcraft, shadowmc, signpost, soundfilters, SpiceOfLife, stg, streams, rscircuits, tconstruct, thebetweenlands, toolbelt, totemic, trapcraft, wearablebackpacks, wolfarmor, wopper, zerocore] at CLIENT
[12:45:03] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, creativecoredummy, Micdoodlecore, OpenComputers|Core, OpenEye, potioncore_coremod, openmodscore, uncraftingTable, fenceoverhaul, actuallyadditions, animania, antiqueatlas, AppleCore, AutoRegLib, BetterAchievements, BiomesOPlenty, boatifull, carryon, ChestTransporter, chisel, chiselsandbits, claysoldiers, clipboard, CodeChickenLib, ccl-entityhook, cookingforblockheads, corpsecomplex, cosmeticarmorreworked, craftstudioapi, MineTweaker3, crafttweakerjei, creativecore, cyberware, deathquotes, debugserverinfo, dirt2path, dynamic_lighting, dsurround, elytra_port, endercore, EnderIO, erosion, exoticbirds, ExtraBitManipulation, extraplanets, ExtraRails, extrautils2, bigreactors, fairylights, farseek, fastleafdecay, forgelin, microblockcbe, forgemultipartcbe, minecraftmultipartcbe, ftbl, ftbu, galacticraftplanets, galacticraftcore, geneticsreborn, gravestone, hopperducts, Waila, immersiveengineering, immersivepetroleum, infinitylib, instantunify, jehc, JEI, jaff, largeveins, magicmirror, malisisblocks, malisiscore, malisisdoors, mantle, mcmultipart, mist, testdummy, craftelytra, modtweaker, moreplanets, Morpheus, MrTJPCoreMod, mtlib, naturescompass, netherportalfix, nep, ObsidianPlates, oops, openblocks, OpenComputers, openmods, bonecraft, harvestcraft, simplerecipes, pamscookables, playerrevive, potioncore, projectred-core, projectred-integration, projectred-transmission, projectred-illumination, Quark, refinedstorage, rftools, roots, runesofwizardry, runesofwizardry_classics, SaltMod, sanlib, sanplayermodel, scannable, serverobserver, sgcraft, shadowmc, signpost, soundfilters, SpiceOfLife, stg, streams, rscircuits, tconstruct, thebetweenlands, toolbelt, totemic, trapcraft, wearablebackpacks, wolfarmor, wopper, zerocore] at SERVER
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod FML
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Forge Mod Loader took 2.035s
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [Forge/Forge]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Forge
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [Forge/Forge]: Preloading CrashReport Classes
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [Forge/Forge]:     net/minecraftforge/fml/client/SplashProgress$1
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [Forge/Forge]:     net/minecraftforge/fml/common/FMLCommonHandler$1
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [Forge/Forge]:     net/minecraftforge/fml/common/Loader$3
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/Forge]: Mod Forge is using network checker : No network checking performed
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/Forge]: Testing mod Forge to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/Forge]: The mod Forge accepts its own version (
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/Forge]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into Forge for type INSTANCE
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [Forge/Forge]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Forge
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Minecraft Forge took 0.012s
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [creativecoredummy/creativecoredummy]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod creativecoredummy
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [creativecoredummy/creativecoredummy]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod creativecoredummy
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - CreativeCoreDummy took 0.000s
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [Micdoodlecore/Micdoodlecore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Micdoodlecore
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [Micdoodlecore/Micdoodlecore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Micdoodlecore
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Micdoodle8 Core took 0.000s
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers|Core/OpenComputers|Core]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenComputers|Core
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers|Core/OpenComputers|Core]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenComputers|Core
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenComputers (Core) took 0.000s
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [OpenEye/OpenEye]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenEye
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [OpenEye/OpenEye]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenEye
[12:45:03] [OpenEye mod meta collector/DEBUG] [OpenEye/OpenEye]: openeye.logic.ModMetaCollector.<init>(ModMetaCollector.java:228): Starting mod metadata collection
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenEye took 0.006s
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [potioncore_coremod/potioncore_coremod]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod potioncore_coremod
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [potioncore_coremod/potioncore_coremod]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod potioncore_coremod
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Potion Core Coremod took 0.000s
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [openmodscore/openmodscore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod openmodscore
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [openmodscore/openmodscore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod openmodscore
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenModsLib Core took 0.001s
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [ccl-entityhook/ccl-entityhook]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ccl-entityhook
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ccl-entityhook/ccl-entityhook]: Preloading CrashReport Classes
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ccl-entityhook/ccl-entityhook]:     codechicken/lib/fingerprint/FingerprintViolatedCrashCallable
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ccl-entityhook/ccl-entityhook]:     codechicken/lib/render/item/CCRenderItem$1
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ccl-entityhook/ccl-entityhook]:     codechicken/lib/render/item/CCRenderItem$2
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ccl-entityhook/ccl-entityhook]:     codechicken/lib/render/item/CCRenderItem$3
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ccl-entityhook/ccl-entityhook]:     codechicken/lib/render/item/CCRenderItem$4
[12:45:03] [OpenEye mod meta collector/DEBUG] [OpenEye/OpenEye]: openeye.logic.ModMetaCollector.assignSignatureToClassSource(ModMetaCollector.java:262): Signature 'special:minecraft_server' assigned to file '/home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar'
[12:45:03] [OpenEye mod meta collector/DEBUG] [OpenEye/OpenEye]: openeye.logic.ModMetaCollector.assignSignatureToClassSource(ModMetaCollector.java:264): Failed to assign signature 'special:minecraft' to source of class net.minecraft.client.main.Main - class not found
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ccl-entityhook]: Mod ccl-entityhook is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ccl-entityhook]: Testing mod ccl-entityhook to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ccl-entityhook]: The mod ccl-entityhook accepts its own version (1.0)
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ccl-entityhook]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ccl-entityhook
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ccl-entityhook]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for ccl-entityhook
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ccl-entityhook]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into ccl-entityhook for type INSTANCE
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [ccl-entityhook/ccl-entityhook]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ccl-entityhook
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - ccl-entityhook took 0.054s
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [uncraftingTable/uncraftingTable]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod uncraftingTable
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/uncraftingTable]: Mod uncraftingTable is using network checker : Accepting version 1.6.5
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/uncraftingTable]: Testing mod uncraftingTable to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/uncraftingTable]: The mod uncraftingTable accepts its own version (1.6.5)
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/uncraftingTable]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into uncraftingTable
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/uncraftingTable]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for uncraftingTable
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/uncraftingTable]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class org.jglrxavpok.mods.decraft.init.ModBlocks
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/uncraftingTable]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class org.jglrxavpok.mods.decraft.init.ModBlocks
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/uncraftingTable]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class org.jglrxavpok.mods.decraft.common.config.ModConfiguration$ConfigEventHandler
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/uncraftingTable]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class org.jglrxavpok.mods.decraft.common.config.ModConfiguration$ConfigEventHandler
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/uncraftingTable]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class org.jglrxavpok.mods.decraft.stats.ModAchievementList$AchievementEventHandler
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/uncraftingTable]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class org.jglrxavpok.mods.decraft.stats.ModAchievementList$AchievementEventHandler
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/uncraftingTable]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class org.jglrxavpok.mods.decraft.init.ModItems
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/uncraftingTable]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class org.jglrxavpok.mods.decraft.init.ModItems
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/uncraftingTable]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into uncraftingTable for type INSTANCE
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [uncraftingTable/uncraftingTable]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod uncraftingTable
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Uncrafting Table took 0.051s
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [fenceoverhaul/fenceoverhaul]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod fenceoverhaul
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/fenceoverhaul]: Mod fenceoverhaul is using network checker : Accepting version 1.2.1
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/fenceoverhaul]: Testing mod fenceoverhaul to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/fenceoverhaul]: The mod fenceoverhaul accepts its own version (1.2.1)
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/fenceoverhaul]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into fenceoverhaul
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/fenceoverhaul]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for fenceoverhaul
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/fenceoverhaul]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into fenceoverhaul for type INSTANCE
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [fenceoverhaul/fenceoverhaul]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod fenceoverhaul
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Fence Overhaul took 0.008s
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [actuallyadditions/actuallyadditions]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod actuallyadditions
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/actuallyadditions]: Mod actuallyadditions is using network checker : Accepting version 1.10.2-r105
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/actuallyadditions]: Testing mod actuallyadditions to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/actuallyadditions]: The mod actuallyadditions accepts its own version (1.10.2-r105)
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/actuallyadditions]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into actuallyadditions
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/actuallyadditions]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for actuallyadditions
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/actuallyadditions]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into actuallyadditions for type INSTANCE
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [actuallyadditions/actuallyadditions]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod actuallyadditions
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Actually Additions took 0.034s
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [craftstudioapi/craftstudioapi]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod craftstudioapi
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/craftstudioapi]: Mod craftstudioapi is using network checker : Accepting version 0.3.0-beta
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/craftstudioapi]: Testing mod craftstudioapi to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/craftstudioapi]: The mod craftstudioapi accepts its own version (0.3.0-beta)
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/craftstudioapi]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into craftstudioapi
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/craftstudioapi]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for craftstudioapi
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/craftstudioapi]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class com.leviathanstudio.craftstudio.CraftStudioApi
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/craftstudioapi]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class com.leviathanstudio.craftstudio.CraftStudioApi
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/craftstudioapi]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into craftstudioapi for type INSTANCE
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [craftstudioapi/craftstudioapi]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod craftstudioapi
[12:45:03] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - CraftStudio API took 0.019s
[12:45:03] [Server thread/TRACE] [animania/animania]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod animania
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/animania]: Mod animania is using network checker : Accepting version 1.4.3
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/animania]: Testing mod animania to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/animania]: The mod animania accepts its own version (1.4.3)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/animania]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into animania
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/animania]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for animania
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/animania]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class com.animania.Animania
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/animania]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class com.animania.Animania
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/animania]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into animania for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [animania/animania]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod animania
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Animania took 0.195s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [antiqueatlas/antiqueatlas]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod antiqueatlas
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/antiqueatlas]: Mod antiqueatlas is using network checker : Accepting version 4.4.6
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/antiqueatlas]: Testing mod antiqueatlas to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/antiqueatlas]: The mod antiqueatlas accepts its own version (4.4.6)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/antiqueatlas]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into antiqueatlas
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/antiqueatlas]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for antiqueatlas
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/antiqueatlas]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into antiqueatlas for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [antiqueatlas/antiqueatlas]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod antiqueatlas
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Antique Atlas took 0.049s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [JEI/JEI]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod JEI
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [JEI/JEI]: Preloading CrashReport Classes
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [JEI/JEI]:     mezz/jei/gui/ingredients/GuiIngredientFast$1
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [JEI/JEI]:     mezz/jei/gui/ingredients/GuiIngredientFast$2
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/JEI]: Mod JEI is using network checker : Invoking method checkModLists
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/JEI]: Testing mod JEI to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/JEI]: The mod JEI accepts its own version (
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/JEI]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into JEI
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/JEI]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for JEI
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/JEI]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into JEI for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [JEI/JEI]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod JEI
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Just Enough Items took 0.014s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [AppleCore/AppleCore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod AppleCore
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/AppleCore]: Mod AppleCore is using network checker : No network checking performed
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/AppleCore]: Testing mod AppleCore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/AppleCore]: The mod AppleCore accepts its own version (3.1.0)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/AppleCore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into AppleCore
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/AppleCore]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for AppleCore
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/AppleCore]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into AppleCore for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [AppleCore/AppleCore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod AppleCore
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - AppleCore took 0.001s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [Quark/Quark]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Quark
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/Quark]: Mod Quark is using network checker : Accepting version r1.1-70
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/Quark]: Testing mod Quark to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/Quark]: The mod Quark accepts its own version (r1.1-70)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/Quark]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Quark
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/Quark]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for Quark
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/Quark]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into Quark for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [Quark/Quark]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Quark
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Quark took 0.005s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [AutoRegLib/AutoRegLib]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod AutoRegLib
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/AutoRegLib]: Mod AutoRegLib is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0-2
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/AutoRegLib]: Testing mod AutoRegLib to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/AutoRegLib]: The mod AutoRegLib accepts its own version (1.0-2)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/AutoRegLib]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into AutoRegLib
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/AutoRegLib]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for AutoRegLib
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/AutoRegLib]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into AutoRegLib for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [AutoRegLib/AutoRegLib]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod AutoRegLib
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - AutoRegLib took 0.004s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [BetterAchievements/BetterAchievements]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BetterAchievements
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/BetterAchievements]: Mod BetterAchievements is using network checker : Invoking method networkCheck
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/BetterAchievements]: Testing mod BetterAchievements to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/BetterAchievements]: The mod BetterAchievements accepts its own version (
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/BetterAchievements]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into BetterAchievements
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/BetterAchievements]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for BetterAchievements
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/BetterAchievements]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into BetterAchievements for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [BetterAchievements/BetterAchievements]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BetterAchievements
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Better Achievements took 0.008s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomesOPlenty/BiomesOPlenty]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BiomesOPlenty
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/BiomesOPlenty]: Mod BiomesOPlenty is using network checker : Accepting version
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/BiomesOPlenty]: Testing mod BiomesOPlenty to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/BiomesOPlenty]: The mod BiomesOPlenty accepts its own version (
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/BiomesOPlenty]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into BiomesOPlenty
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/BiomesOPlenty]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for BiomesOPlenty
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/BiomesOPlenty]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into BiomesOPlenty for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomesOPlenty/BiomesOPlenty]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BiomesOPlenty
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Biomes O' Plenty took 0.008s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [infinitylib/infinitylib]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod infinitylib
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/infinitylib]: Mod infinitylib is using network checker : Accepting version 1.10.2-0.11.0
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/infinitylib]: Testing mod infinitylib to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/infinitylib]: The mod infinitylib accepts its own version (1.10.2-0.11.0)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/infinitylib]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into infinitylib
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/infinitylib]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for infinitylib
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/infinitylib]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into infinitylib for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [infinitylib/infinitylib]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod infinitylib
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - InfinityLib took 0.033s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [boatifull/boatifull]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod boatifull
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/boatifull]: Mod boatifull is using network checker : Accepting version @MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/boatifull]: Testing mod boatifull to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/boatifull]: The mod boatifull accepts its own version (@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/boatifull]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into boatifull
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/boatifull]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for boatifull
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/boatifull]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into boatifull for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [boatifull/boatifull]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod boatifull
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Boatifull took 0.007s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [carryon/carryon]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod carryon
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/carryon]: Mod carryon is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/carryon]: Testing mod carryon to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/carryon]: The mod carryon accepts its own version (1.7)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/carryon]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into carryon
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/carryon]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for carryon
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/carryon]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class tschipp.carryon.CarryOn
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/carryon]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class tschipp.carryon.CarryOn
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/carryon]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class tschipp.carryon.common.config.CarryOnConfig$EventHandler
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/carryon]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class tschipp.carryon.common.config.CarryOnConfig$EventHandler
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/carryon]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into carryon for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [carryon/carryon]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod carryon
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Carry On took 0.039s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [ChestTransporter/ChestTransporter]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ChestTransporter
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ChestTransporter]: Mod ChestTransporter is using network checker : Accepting version 2.5.18
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ChestTransporter]: Testing mod ChestTransporter to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ChestTransporter]: The mod ChestTransporter accepts its own version (2.5.18)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ChestTransporter]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ChestTransporter
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ChestTransporter]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for ChestTransporter
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ChestTransporter]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into ChestTransporter for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [ChestTransporter/ChestTransporter]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ChestTransporter
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Chest Transporter took 0.040s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [chisel/chisel]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod chisel
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/chisel]: Mod chisel is using network checker : Accepting version MC1.10.2-
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/chisel]: Testing mod chisel to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/chisel]: The mod chisel accepts its own version (MC1.10.2-
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/chisel]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into chisel
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/chisel]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for chisel
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/chisel]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into chisel for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [chisel/chisel]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod chisel
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Chisel took 0.087s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcmultipart/mcmultipart]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mcmultipart
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/mcmultipart]: Mod mcmultipart is using network checker : Accepting version 1.4.0
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/mcmultipart]: Testing mod mcmultipart to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/mcmultipart]: The mod mcmultipart accepts its own version (1.4.0)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/mcmultipart]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into mcmultipart
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/mcmultipart]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for mcmultipart
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/mcmultipart]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into mcmultipart for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcmultipart/mcmultipart]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mcmultipart
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - MCMultiPart took 0.016s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [chiselsandbits/chiselsandbits]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod chiselsandbits
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/chiselsandbits]: Mod chiselsandbits is using network checker : Accepting version 12.16
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/chiselsandbits]: Testing mod chiselsandbits to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/chiselsandbits]: The mod chiselsandbits accepts its own version (12.16)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/chiselsandbits]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into chiselsandbits
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/chiselsandbits]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for chiselsandbits
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/chiselsandbits]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into chiselsandbits for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [chiselsandbits/chiselsandbits]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod chiselsandbits
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Chisels & Bits took 0.057s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [sanlib/sanlib]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod sanlib
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/sanlib]: Mod sanlib is using network checker : Accepting version 1.3.0
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/sanlib]: Testing mod sanlib to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/sanlib]: The mod sanlib accepts its own version (1.3.0)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/sanlib]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into sanlib
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/sanlib]: Skipping proxy injection for de.sanandrew.mods.sanlib.sanplayermodel.SanPlayerModel.proxy since it is not for mod sanlib
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/sanlib]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for sanlib
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/sanlib]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into sanlib for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [sanlib/sanlib]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod sanlib
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - SanAndreasPs Mod Library took 0.008s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [claysoldiers/claysoldiers]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod claysoldiers
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/claysoldiers]: Mod claysoldiers is using network checker : Accepting version 3.0.0-alpha.2
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/claysoldiers]: Testing mod claysoldiers to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/claysoldiers]: The mod claysoldiers accepts its own version (3.0.0-alpha.2)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/claysoldiers]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into claysoldiers
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/claysoldiers]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for claysoldiers
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/claysoldiers]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class de.sanandrew.mods.claysoldiers.registry.ItemRegistry
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/claysoldiers]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class de.sanandrew.mods.claysoldiers.registry.ItemRegistry
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/claysoldiers]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into claysoldiers for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [claysoldiers/claysoldiers]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod claysoldiers
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Clay Soldiers Mod took 0.017s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [shadowmc/shadowmc]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod shadowmc
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/shadowmc]: Mod shadowmc is using network checker : Accepting version 3.6.1
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/shadowmc]: Testing mod shadowmc to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/shadowmc]: The mod shadowmc accepts its own version (3.6.1)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/shadowmc]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into shadowmc
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/shadowmc]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for shadowmc
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/shadowmc]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into shadowmc for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [shadowmc/shadowmc]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod shadowmc
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - ShadowMC took 0.019s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [clipboard/clipboard]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod clipboard
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [KotlinAdapter/clipboard]: FML has asked for Clipboard to be constructed
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/clipboard]: Mod clipboard is using network checker : Accepting version @VERSION@
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/clipboard]: Testing mod clipboard to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/clipboard]: The mod clipboard accepts its own version (@VERSION@)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/clipboard]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into clipboard
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/clipboard]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for clipboard
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/clipboard]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into clipboard for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [clipboard/clipboard]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod clipboard
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Clipboard took 0.261s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [CodeChickenLib/CodeChickenLib]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CodeChickenLib
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [CodeChickenLib/CodeChickenLib]: Preloading CrashReport Classes
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [CodeChickenLib/CodeChickenLib]:     codechicken/lib/fingerprint/FingerprintViolatedCrashCallable
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [CodeChickenLib/CodeChickenLib]:     codechicken/lib/render/item/CCRenderItem$1
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [CodeChickenLib/CodeChickenLib]:     codechicken/lib/render/item/CCRenderItem$2
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [CodeChickenLib/CodeChickenLib]:     codechicken/lib/render/item/CCRenderItem$3
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [CodeChickenLib/CodeChickenLib]:     codechicken/lib/render/item/CCRenderItem$4
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/CodeChickenLib]: Mod CodeChickenLib is using network checker : Accepting version
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/CodeChickenLib]: Testing mod CodeChickenLib to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/CodeChickenLib]: The mod CodeChickenLib accepts its own version (
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/CodeChickenLib]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into CodeChickenLib
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/CodeChickenLib]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for CodeChickenLib
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/CodeChickenLib]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into CodeChickenLib for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [CodeChickenLib/CodeChickenLib]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CodeChickenLib
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - CodeChicken Lib took 0.001s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [cookingforblockheads/cookingforblockheads]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod cookingforblockheads
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/cookingforblockheads]: Mod cookingforblockheads is using network checker : Accepting version 4.2.45
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/cookingforblockheads]: Testing mod cookingforblockheads to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/cookingforblockheads]: The mod cookingforblockheads accepts its own version (4.2.45)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/cookingforblockheads]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into cookingforblockheads
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/cookingforblockheads]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for cookingforblockheads
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/cookingforblockheads]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into cookingforblockheads for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [cookingforblockheads/cookingforblockheads]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod cookingforblockheads
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Cooking for Blockheads took 0.030s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [cosmeticarmorreworked/cosmeticarmorreworked]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod cosmeticarmorreworked
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/cosmeticarmorreworked]: Mod cosmeticarmorreworked is using network checker : Accepting version 1.10.2-v2a
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/cosmeticarmorreworked]: Testing mod cosmeticarmorreworked to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/cosmeticarmorreworked]: The mod cosmeticarmorreworked accepts its own version (1.10.2-v2a)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/cosmeticarmorreworked]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into cosmeticarmorreworked
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/cosmeticarmorreworked]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for cosmeticarmorreworked
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/cosmeticarmorreworked]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into cosmeticarmorreworked for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [cosmeticarmorreworked/cosmeticarmorreworked]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod cosmeticarmorreworked
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - CosmeticArmorReworked took 0.022s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [wearablebackpacks/wearablebackpacks]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod wearablebackpacks
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/wearablebackpacks]: Mod wearablebackpacks is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.0
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/wearablebackpacks]: Testing mod wearablebackpacks to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/wearablebackpacks]: The mod wearablebackpacks accepts its own version (1.7.0)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/wearablebackpacks]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into wearablebackpacks
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/wearablebackpacks]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for wearablebackpacks
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/wearablebackpacks]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into wearablebackpacks for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [wearablebackpacks/wearablebackpacks]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod wearablebackpacks
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Wearable Backpacks took 0.037s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [corpsecomplex/corpsecomplex]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod corpsecomplex
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/corpsecomplex]: Mod corpsecomplex is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.0-bp1
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/corpsecomplex]: Testing mod corpsecomplex to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/corpsecomplex]: The mod corpsecomplex accepts its own version (1.0.0-bp1)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/corpsecomplex]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into corpsecomplex
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/corpsecomplex]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for corpsecomplex
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/corpsecomplex]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class c4.corpsecomplex.proxy.CommonProxy
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/corpsecomplex]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class c4.corpsecomplex.proxy.CommonProxy
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/corpsecomplex]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class c4.corpsecomplex.common.helpers.ModuleHelper$ConfigChangeHandler
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/corpsecomplex]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class c4.corpsecomplex.common.helpers.ModuleHelper$ConfigChangeHandler
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/corpsecomplex]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into corpsecomplex for type INSTANCE
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [corpsecomplex/corpsecomplex]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod corpsecomplex
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Corpse Complex took 0.011s
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [crafttweakerjei/crafttweakerjei]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod crafttweakerjei
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/crafttweakerjei]: Mod crafttweakerjei is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.1
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/crafttweakerjei]: Testing mod crafttweakerjei to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:04] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/crafttweakerjei]: The mod crafttweakerjei accepts its own version (1.0.1)
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/crafttweakerjei]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into crafttweakerjei
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/crafttweakerjei]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for crafttweakerjei
[12:45:04] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/crafttweakerjei]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into crafttweakerjei for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [crafttweakerjei/crafttweakerjei]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod crafttweakerjei
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - CraftTweaker JEI Support took 0.045s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [MineTweaker3/MineTweaker3]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod MineTweaker3
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/MineTweaker3]: Mod MineTweaker3 is using network checker : Accepting version 3.0.26
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/MineTweaker3]: Testing mod MineTweaker3 to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/MineTweaker3]: The mod MineTweaker3 accepts its own version (3.0.26)
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/MineTweaker3]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into MineTweaker3
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/MineTweaker3]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for MineTweaker3
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/MineTweaker3]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into MineTweaker3 for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [MineTweaker3/MineTweaker3]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod MineTweaker3
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - MineTweaker 3 took 0.443s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [creativecore/creativecore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod creativecore
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/creativecore]: Mod creativecore is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.4
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/creativecore]: Testing mod creativecore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/creativecore]: The mod creativecore accepts its own version (1.7.4)
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/creativecore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into creativecore
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/creativecore]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for creativecore
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/creativecore]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into creativecore for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [creativecore/creativecore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod creativecore
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - CreativeCore took 0.007s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [cyberware/cyberware]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod cyberware
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/cyberware]: Mod cyberware is using network checker : Accepting version beta-0.2.10
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/cyberware]: Testing mod cyberware to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/cyberware]: The mod cyberware accepts its own version (beta-0.2.10)
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/cyberware]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into cyberware
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/cyberware]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for cyberware
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/cyberware]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into cyberware for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [cyberware/cyberware]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod cyberware
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Cyberware took 0.029s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [deathquotes/deathquotes]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod deathquotes
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/deathquotes]: Mod deathquotes is using network checker : No network checking performed
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/deathquotes]: Testing mod deathquotes to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/deathquotes]: The mod deathquotes accepts its own version (1.2.0)
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/deathquotes]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into deathquotes
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/deathquotes]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for deathquotes
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/deathquotes]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into deathquotes for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [deathquotes/deathquotes]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod deathquotes
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Death Quotes took 0.006s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [debugserverinfo/debugserverinfo]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod debugserverinfo
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/debugserverinfo]: Mod debugserverinfo is using network checker : No network checking performed
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/debugserverinfo]: Testing mod debugserverinfo to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/debugserverinfo]: The mod debugserverinfo accepts its own version (1.0.5)
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/debugserverinfo]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into debugserverinfo
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/debugserverinfo]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for debugserverinfo
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/debugserverinfo]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into debugserverinfo for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [debugserverinfo/debugserverinfo]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod debugserverinfo
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - DebugServerInfo took 0.005s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [dirt2path/dirt2path]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod dirt2path
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/dirt2path]: Mod dirt2path is using network checker : Accepting version 1.6.1
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/dirt2path]: Testing mod dirt2path to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/dirt2path]: The mod dirt2path accepts its own version (1.6.1)
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/dirt2path]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into dirt2path
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/dirt2path]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for dirt2path
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/dirt2path]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into dirt2path for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [dirt2path/dirt2path]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod dirt2path
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Dirt2Path took 0.008s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [dynamic_lighting/dynamic_lighting]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod dynamic_lighting
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/dynamic_lighting]: Mod dynamic_lighting is using network checker : Accepting version 1.3
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/dynamic_lighting]: Testing mod dynamic_lighting to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/dynamic_lighting]: The mod dynamic_lighting accepts its own version (1.3)
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/dynamic_lighting]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into dynamic_lighting
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/dynamic_lighting]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for dynamic_lighting
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/dynamic_lighting]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into dynamic_lighting for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [dynamic_lighting/dynamic_lighting]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod dynamic_lighting
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Dynamic Lighting took 0.005s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [galacticraftcore/galacticraftcore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod galacticraftcore
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/galacticraftcore]: Mod galacticraftcore is using network checker : Accepting version
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/galacticraftcore]: Testing mod galacticraftcore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/galacticraftcore]: The mod galacticraftcore accepts its own version (
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/galacticraftcore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into galacticraftcore
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/galacticraftcore]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for galacticraftcore
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/galacticraftcore]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into galacticraftcore for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [galacticraftcore/galacticraftcore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod galacticraftcore
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Galacticraft Core took 0.091s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [dsurround/dsurround]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod dsurround
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/dsurround]: Mod dsurround is using network checker : Invoking method checkModLists
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/dsurround]: Testing mod dsurround to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/dsurround]: The mod dsurround accepts its own version (
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/dsurround]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into dsurround
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/dsurround]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for dsurround
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/dsurround]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class org.blockartistry.DynSurround.entity.CapabilityEmojiData$EventHandler
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/dsurround]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class org.blockartistry.DynSurround.entity.CapabilityEmojiData$EventHandler
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/dsurround]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into dsurround for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [dsurround/dsurround]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod dsurround
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Dynamic Surroundings took 0.027s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [elytra_port/elytra_port]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod elytra_port
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/elytra_port]: Mod elytra_port is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.0
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/elytra_port]: Testing mod elytra_port to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/elytra_port]: The mod elytra_port accepts its own version (1.0.0)
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/elytra_port]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into elytra_port
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/elytra_port]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for elytra_port
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/elytra_port]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into elytra_port for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [elytra_port/elytra_port]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod elytra_port
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Elytra Port took 0.009s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [endercore/endercore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod endercore
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/endercore]: Mod endercore is using network checker : Accepting version 1.10.2-
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/endercore]: Testing mod endercore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/endercore]: The mod endercore accepts its own version (1.10.2-
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/endercore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into endercore
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/endercore]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for endercore
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/endercore]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into endercore for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [endercore/endercore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod endercore
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - EnderCore took 0.012s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [Waila/Waila]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Waila
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/Waila]: Mod Waila is using network checker : No network checking performed
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/Waila]: Testing mod Waila to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/Waila]: The mod Waila accepts its own version (1.8.17-B31_1.10.2)
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/Waila]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Waila
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/Waila]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for Waila
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/Waila]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into Waila for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [Waila/Waila]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Waila
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Waila took 0.013s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [EnderIO/EnderIO]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod EnderIO
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [EnderIO/EnderIO]: Preloading CrashReport Classes
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [EnderIO/EnderIO]:     crazypants/enderio/diagnostics/EnderIOCrashCallable
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/EnderIO]: Mod EnderIO is using network checker : Accepting version 1.10.2-3.1.193
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/EnderIO]: Testing mod EnderIO to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/EnderIO]: The mod EnderIO accepts its own version (1.10.2-3.1.193)
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/EnderIO]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into EnderIO
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/EnderIO]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for EnderIO
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/EnderIO]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into EnderIO for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [EnderIO/EnderIO]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod EnderIO
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Ender IO took 0.057s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [erosion/erosion]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod erosion
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/erosion]: Mod erosion is using network checker : Accepting version 2.1.2
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/erosion]: Testing mod erosion to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/erosion]: The mod erosion accepts its own version (2.1.2)
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/erosion]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into erosion
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/erosion]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for erosion
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/erosion]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into erosion for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [erosion/erosion]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod erosion
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Erosion took 0.013s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [exoticbirds/exoticbirds]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod exoticbirds
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/exoticbirds]: Mod exoticbirds is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/exoticbirds]: Testing mod exoticbirds to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/exoticbirds]: The mod exoticbirds accepts its own version (1.0)
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/exoticbirds]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into exoticbirds
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/exoticbirds]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for exoticbirds
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/exoticbirds]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into exoticbirds for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [exoticbirds/exoticbirds]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod exoticbirds
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Exotic Birds took 0.017s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [ExtraBitManipulation/ExtraBitManipulation]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ExtraBitManipulation
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ExtraBitManipulation/ExtraBitManipulation]: Preloading CrashReport Classes
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ExtraBitManipulation/ExtraBitManipulation]:     com/phylogeny/extrabitmanipulation/client/render/RenderState$1
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ExtraBitManipulation/ExtraBitManipulation]:     com/phylogeny/extrabitmanipulation/client/render/RenderState$2
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ExtraBitManipulation/ExtraBitManipulation]:     com/phylogeny/extrabitmanipulation/client/render/RenderState$3
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ExtraBitManipulation/ExtraBitManipulation]:     com/phylogeny/extrabitmanipulation/client/render/RenderState$4
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ExtraBitManipulation/ExtraBitManipulation]:     com/phylogeny/extrabitmanipulation/client/render/RenderState$5
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ExtraBitManipulation]: Mod ExtraBitManipulation is using network checker : Accepting version 1.10.2-2.5.1
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ExtraBitManipulation]: Testing mod ExtraBitManipulation to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ExtraBitManipulation]: The mod ExtraBitManipulation accepts its own version (1.10.2-2.5.1)
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ExtraBitManipulation]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ExtraBitManipulation
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ExtraBitManipulation]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for ExtraBitManipulation
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ExtraBitManipulation]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into ExtraBitManipulation for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [ExtraBitManipulation/ExtraBitManipulation]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ExtraBitManipulation
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Extra Bit Manipulation took 0.015s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [galacticraftplanets/galacticraftplanets]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod galacticraftplanets
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/galacticraftplanets]: Mod galacticraftplanets is using network checker : Accepting version
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/galacticraftplanets]: Testing mod galacticraftplanets to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/galacticraftplanets]: The mod galacticraftplanets accepts its own version (
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/galacticraftplanets]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into galacticraftplanets
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/galacticraftplanets]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for galacticraftplanets
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/galacticraftplanets]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into galacticraftplanets for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [galacticraftplanets/galacticraftplanets]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod galacticraftplanets
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Galacticraft Planets took 0.022s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [extraplanets/extraplanets]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod extraplanets
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/extraplanets]: Mod extraplanets is using network checker : Accepting version 0.8.4
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/extraplanets]: Testing mod extraplanets to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/extraplanets]: The mod extraplanets accepts its own version (0.8.4)
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/extraplanets]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into extraplanets
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/extraplanets]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for extraplanets
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/extraplanets]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into extraplanets for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [extraplanets/extraplanets]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod extraplanets
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Extra Planets took 0.054s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [ExtraRails/ExtraRails]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ExtraRails
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ExtraRails]: Mod ExtraRails is using network checker : Accepting version 1.1.1
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ExtraRails]: Testing mod ExtraRails to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ExtraRails]: The mod ExtraRails accepts its own version (1.1.1)
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ExtraRails]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ExtraRails
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ExtraRails]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for ExtraRails
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ExtraRails]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into ExtraRails for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [ExtraRails/ExtraRails]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ExtraRails
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Extra Rails took 0.021s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [extrautils2/extrautils2]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod extrautils2
[12:45:05] [Server thread/INFO] [malisiscore/extrautils2]: Found hooks for net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk (asv)
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/extrautils2]: Mod extrautils2 is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/extrautils2]: Testing mod extrautils2 to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/extrautils2]: The mod extrautils2 accepts its own version (1.0)
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/extrautils2]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into extrautils2
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/extrautils2]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for extrautils2
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/extrautils2]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into extrautils2 for type INSTANCE
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [extrautils2/extrautils2]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod extrautils2
[12:45:05] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Extra Utilities 2 took 0.111s
[12:45:05] [Server thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/OpenComputers]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenComputers
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenComputers]: Mod OpenComputers is using network checker : Accepting version
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenComputers]: Testing mod OpenComputers to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenComputers]: The mod OpenComputers accepts its own version (
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/OpenComputers]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into OpenComputers
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/OpenComputers]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for OpenComputers
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/OpenComputers]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into OpenComputers for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/OpenComputers]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenComputers
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenComputers took 0.047s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [zerocore/zerocore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod zerocore
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/zerocore]: Mod zerocore is using network checker : Accepting version 1.10.2-
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/zerocore]: Testing mod zerocore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/zerocore]: The mod zerocore accepts its own version (1.10.2-
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/zerocore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into zerocore
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/zerocore]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for zerocore
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/zerocore]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into zerocore for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [zerocore/zerocore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod zerocore
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Zero CORE took 0.016s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [bigreactors/bigreactors]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod bigreactors
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/bigreactors]: Mod bigreactors is using network checker : Accepting version 1.10.2-
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/bigreactors]: Testing mod bigreactors to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/bigreactors]: The mod bigreactors accepts its own version (1.10.2-
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/bigreactors]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into bigreactors
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/bigreactors]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for bigreactors
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/bigreactors]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into bigreactors for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [bigreactors/bigreactors]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod bigreactors
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Extreme Reactors took 0.025s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [fairylights/fairylights]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod fairylights
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/fairylights]: Mod fairylights is using network checker : Accepting version 2.1.2
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/fairylights]: Testing mod fairylights to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/fairylights]: The mod fairylights accepts its own version (2.1.2)
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/fairylights]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into fairylights
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/fairylights]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for fairylights
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/fairylights]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into fairylights for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [fairylights/fairylights]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod fairylights
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Fairy Lights took 0.023s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [farseek/farseek]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod farseek
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/farseek]: Mod farseek is using network checker : Accepting version 2.2
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/farseek]: Testing mod farseek to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/farseek]: The mod farseek accepts its own version (2.2)
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/farseek]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into farseek
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/farseek]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for farseek
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/farseek]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into farseek for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [farseek/farseek]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod farseek
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Farseek took 0.004s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [fastleafdecay/fastleafdecay]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod fastleafdecay
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/fastleafdecay]: Mod fastleafdecay is using network checker : No network checking performed
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/fastleafdecay]: Testing mod fastleafdecay to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/fastleafdecay]: The mod fastleafdecay accepts its own version (v11)
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/fastleafdecay]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into fastleafdecay
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/fastleafdecay]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for fastleafdecay
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/fastleafdecay]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into fastleafdecay for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [fastleafdecay/fastleafdecay]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod fastleafdecay
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Fast Leaf Decay took 0.002s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [forgelin/forgelin]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod forgelin
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [KotlinAdapter/forgelin]: FML has asked for Forgelin to be constructed
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/forgelin]: Mod forgelin is using network checker : No network checking performed
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/forgelin]: Testing mod forgelin to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/forgelin]: The mod forgelin accepts its own version (1.6.0)
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/forgelin]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into forgelin
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/forgelin]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for forgelin
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/forgelin]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into forgelin for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [forgelin/forgelin]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod forgelin
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Shadowfacts' Forgelin took 0.071s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [forgemultipartcbe/forgemultipartcbe]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod forgemultipartcbe
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/forgemultipartcbe]: Mod forgemultipartcbe is using network checker : Accepting version
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/forgemultipartcbe]: Testing mod forgemultipartcbe to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/forgemultipartcbe]: The mod forgemultipartcbe accepts its own version (
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/forgemultipartcbe]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into forgemultipartcbe
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/forgemultipartcbe]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for forgemultipartcbe
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/forgemultipartcbe]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into forgemultipartcbe for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [forgemultipartcbe/forgemultipartcbe]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod forgemultipartcbe
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Forge Multipart CBE took 0.015s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [microblockcbe/microblockcbe]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod microblockcbe
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/microblockcbe]: Mod microblockcbe is using network checker : Accepting version
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/microblockcbe]: Testing mod microblockcbe to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/microblockcbe]: The mod microblockcbe accepts its own version (
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/microblockcbe]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into microblockcbe
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/microblockcbe]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for microblockcbe
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/microblockcbe]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into microblockcbe for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [microblockcbe/microblockcbe]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod microblockcbe
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Forge Microblocks took 0.006s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [minecraftmultipartcbe/minecraftmultipartcbe]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod minecraftmultipartcbe
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/minecraftmultipartcbe]: Mod minecraftmultipartcbe is using network checker : Accepting version
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/minecraftmultipartcbe]: Testing mod minecraftmultipartcbe to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/minecraftmultipartcbe]: The mod minecraftmultipartcbe accepts its own version (
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/minecraftmultipartcbe]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into minecraftmultipartcbe
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/minecraftmultipartcbe]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for minecraftmultipartcbe
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/minecraftmultipartcbe]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into minecraftmultipartcbe for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [minecraftmultipartcbe/minecraftmultipartcbe]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod minecraftmultipartcbe
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Minecraft Multipart Plugin took 0.001s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [ftbl/ftbl]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ftbl
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ftbl]: Mod ftbl is using network checker : No network checking performed
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ftbl]: Testing mod ftbl to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ftbl]: The mod ftbl accepts its own version (0.0.0)
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ftbl]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ftbl
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ftbl]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for ftbl
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ftbl]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into ftbl for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [ftbl/ftbl]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ftbl
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - FTBLib took 0.022s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [ftbu/ftbu]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ftbu
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ftbu]: Mod ftbu is using network checker : No network checking performed
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ftbu]: Testing mod ftbu to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ftbu]: The mod ftbu accepts its own version (0.0.0)
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ftbu]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ftbu
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ftbu]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for ftbu
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ftbu]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into ftbu for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [ftbu/ftbu]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ftbu
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - FTBUtilities took 0.007s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [geneticsreborn/geneticsreborn]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod geneticsreborn
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/geneticsreborn]: Mod geneticsreborn is using network checker : Accepting version 1.04
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/geneticsreborn]: Testing mod geneticsreborn to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/geneticsreborn]: The mod geneticsreborn accepts its own version (1.04)
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/geneticsreborn]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into geneticsreborn
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/geneticsreborn]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for geneticsreborn
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/geneticsreborn]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into geneticsreborn for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [geneticsreborn/geneticsreborn]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod geneticsreborn
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Genetics Reborn took 0.006s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [gravestone/gravestone]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod gravestone
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/gravestone]: Mod gravestone is using network checker : Accepting version 1.5.13
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/gravestone]: Testing mod gravestone to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/gravestone]: The mod gravestone accepts its own version (1.5.13)
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/gravestone]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into gravestone
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/gravestone]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for gravestone
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/gravestone]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into gravestone for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [gravestone/gravestone]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod gravestone
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Gravestone Mod took 0.008s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [hopperducts/hopperducts]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod hopperducts
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/hopperducts]: Mod hopperducts is using network checker : Accepting version
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/hopperducts]: Testing mod hopperducts to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/hopperducts]: The mod hopperducts accepts its own version (
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/hopperducts]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into hopperducts
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/hopperducts]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for hopperducts
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/hopperducts]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into hopperducts for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [hopperducts/hopperducts]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod hopperducts
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Hopper Ducts took 0.012s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [mantle/mantle]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mantle
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [mantle/mantle]: Preloading CrashReport Classes
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [mantle/mantle]:     slimeknights/mantle/pulsar/internal/CrashHandler
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/mantle]: Mod mantle is using network checker : Accepting version 1.10.2-
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/mantle]: Testing mod mantle to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/mantle]: The mod mantle accepts its own version (1.10.2-
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/mantle]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into mantle
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/mantle]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for mantle
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/mantle]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into mantle for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [mantle/mantle]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mantle
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Mantle took 0.004s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [tconstruct/tconstruct]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod tconstruct
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [Pulsar-tconstruct/tconstruct]: Attaching [PulseManager[tconstruct]] to event bus for container [FMLMod:tconstruct{1.10.2-}]
[12:45:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Pulsar-tconstruct/tconstruct]: Skipping Pulse craftingtweaksIntegration; missing dependency: craftingtweaks
[12:45:06] [Server thread/INFO] [Pulsar-tconstruct/tconstruct]: Skipping Pulse theoneprobeIntegration; missing dependency: theoneprobe
[12:45:06] [Server thread/INFO] [tconstruct/tconstruct]: Preparing to take over the world
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/tconstruct]: Mod tconstruct is using network checker : Invoking method matchModVersions
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/tconstruct]: Testing mod tconstruct to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/tconstruct]: The mod tconstruct accepts its own version (1.10.2-
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/tconstruct]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into tconstruct
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/tconstruct]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for tconstruct
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/tconstruct]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into tconstruct for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [tconstruct/tconstruct]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod tconstruct
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Tinkers' Construct took 0.409s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [immersiveengineering/immersiveengineering]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod immersiveengineering
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/immersiveengineering]: Mod immersiveengineering is using network checker : Accepting version 0.10-61
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/immersiveengineering]: Testing mod immersiveengineering to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/immersiveengineering]: The mod immersiveengineering accepts its own version (0.10-61)
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/immersiveengineering]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into immersiveengineering
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/immersiveengineering]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for immersiveengineering
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/immersiveengineering]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into immersiveengineering for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [immersiveengineering/immersiveengineering]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod immersiveengineering
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Immersive Engineering took 0.118s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [immersivepetroleum/immersivepetroleum]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod immersivepetroleum
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/immersivepetroleum]: Mod immersivepetroleum is using network checker : Accepting version 1.1.3
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/immersivepetroleum]: Testing mod immersivepetroleum to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/immersivepetroleum]: The mod immersivepetroleum accepts its own version (1.1.3)
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/immersivepetroleum]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into immersivepetroleum
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/immersivepetroleum]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for immersivepetroleum
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/immersivepetroleum]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into immersivepetroleum for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [immersivepetroleum/immersivepetroleum]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod immersivepetroleum
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Immersive Petroleum took 0.017s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [instantunify/instantunify]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod instantunify
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/instantunify]: Mod instantunify is using network checker : No network checking performed
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/instantunify]: Testing mod instantunify to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/instantunify]: The mod instantunify accepts its own version (1.0.4)
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/instantunify]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into instantunify
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/instantunify]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for instantunify
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/instantunify]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class mrriegel.instantunify.InstantUnify
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/instantunify]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class mrriegel.instantunify.InstantUnify
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/instantunify]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into instantunify for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [instantunify/instantunify]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod instantunify
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - InstantUnify took 0.009s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [jehc/jehc]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod jehc
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/jehc]: Mod jehc is using network checker : Accepting version 1.2.2
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/jehc]: Testing mod jehc to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [OpenEye mod meta collector/DEBUG] [OpenEye/OpenEye]: openeye.logic.ModMetaCollector.<init>(ModMetaCollector.java:246): Collection of mod metadata finished. Duration: 2958.6280 ms
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/jehc]: The mod jehc accepts its own version (1.2.2)
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/jehc]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into jehc
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/jehc]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for jehc
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/jehc]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into jehc for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [jehc/jehc]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod jehc
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Just Enough HarvestCraft took 0.002s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [jaff/jaff]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod jaff
[12:45:06] [OpenEye sender thread/DEBUG] [OpenEye/OpenEye]: openeye.net.GenericSender.sendAndReceive(GenericSender.java:123): Trying to connect to openeye.openmods.info/api/v1/data, retry 0, redirect 0
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/jaff]: Mod jaff is using network checker : Accepting version 1.5.3_for_1.10.2
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/jaff]: Testing mod jaff to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/jaff]: The mod jaff accepts its own version (1.5.3_for_1.10.2)
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/jaff]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into jaff
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/jaff]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for jaff
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/jaff]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into jaff for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [jaff/jaff]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod jaff
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Just a Few Fish took 0.136s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [largeveins/largeveins]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod largeveins
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [KotlinAdapter/largeveins]: FML has asked for LargeVeins to be constructed
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/largeveins]: Mod largeveins is using network checker : Accepting version @VERSION@
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/largeveins]: Testing mod largeveins to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/largeveins]: The mod largeveins accepts its own version (@VERSION@)
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/largeveins]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into largeveins
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/largeveins]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for largeveins
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/largeveins]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into largeveins for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [largeveins/largeveins]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod largeveins
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Large Veins took 0.041s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [magicmirror/magicmirror]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod magicmirror
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/magicmirror]: Mod magicmirror is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/magicmirror]: Testing mod magicmirror to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/magicmirror]: The mod magicmirror accepts its own version (1.0)
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/magicmirror]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into magicmirror
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/magicmirror]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for magicmirror
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/magicmirror]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into magicmirror for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [magicmirror/magicmirror]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod magicmirror
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Magic Mirror took 0.005s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [malisiscore/malisiscore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod malisiscore
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/malisiscore]: Mod malisiscore is using network checker : Accepting version 1.10.2-4.4.0
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/malisiscore]: Testing mod malisiscore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/malisiscore]: The mod malisiscore accepts its own version (1.10.2-4.4.0)
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/malisiscore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into malisiscore
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/malisiscore]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for malisiscore
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/malisiscore]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into malisiscore for type INSTANCE
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [malisiscore/malisiscore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod malisiscore
[12:45:06] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - MalisisCore took 0.009s
[12:45:06] [Server thread/TRACE] [malisisblocks/malisisblocks]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod malisisblocks
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/malisisblocks]: Mod malisisblocks is using network checker : Accepting version 1.10.2-4.2.0
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/malisisblocks]: Testing mod malisisblocks to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/malisisblocks]: The mod malisisblocks accepts its own version (1.10.2-4.2.0)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/malisisblocks]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into malisisblocks
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/malisisblocks]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for malisisblocks
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/malisisblocks]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into malisisblocks for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [malisisblocks/malisisblocks]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod malisisblocks
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Malisis Blocks took 0.024s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [malisisdoors/malisisdoors]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod malisisdoors
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/malisisdoors]: Mod malisisdoors is using network checker : Accepting version 1.10.2-5.2.0
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/malisisdoors]: Testing mod malisisdoors to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/malisisdoors]: The mod malisisdoors accepts its own version (1.10.2-5.2.0)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/malisisdoors]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into malisisdoors
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/malisisdoors]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for malisisdoors
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/malisisdoors]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into malisisdoors for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [malisisdoors/malisisdoors]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod malisisdoors
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - MalisisDoors took 0.014s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [mist/mist]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mist
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/mist]: Mod mist is using network checker : Accepting version alpha_a_02
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/mist]: Testing mod mist to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/mist]: The mod mist accepts its own version (alpha_a_02)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/mist]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into mist
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/mist]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for mist
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/mist]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into mist for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [mist/mist]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mist
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Misty World took 0.008s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [testdummy/testdummy]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod testdummy
[12:45:07] [Server thread/INFO] [testdummy/testdummy]: Please don't hurt me. :S
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/testdummy]: Mod testdummy is using network checker : Accepting version 1.11
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/testdummy]: Testing mod testdummy to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/testdummy]: The mod testdummy accepts its own version (1.11)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/testdummy]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into testdummy
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/testdummy]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for testdummy
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/testdummy]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into testdummy for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [testdummy/testdummy]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod testdummy
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - MmmMmmMmmMmm took 0.015s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [craftelytra/craftelytra]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod craftelytra
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/craftelytra]: Mod craftelytra is using network checker : Accepting version 1.1
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/craftelytra]: Testing mod craftelytra to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/craftelytra]: The mod craftelytra accepts its own version (1.1)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/craftelytra]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into craftelytra
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/craftelytra]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for craftelytra
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/craftelytra]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into craftelytra for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [craftelytra/craftelytra]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod craftelytra
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Craftable Elytra took 0.007s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [mtlib/mtlib]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mtlib
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/mtlib]: Mod mtlib is using network checker : Accepting version @VERSION@
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/mtlib]: Testing mod mtlib to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/mtlib]: The mod mtlib accepts its own version (@VERSION@)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/mtlib]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into mtlib
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/mtlib]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for mtlib
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/mtlib]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into mtlib for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [mtlib/mtlib]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mtlib
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - MTLib took 0.029s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [modtweaker/modtweaker]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod modtweaker
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/modtweaker]: Mod modtweaker is using network checker : Accepting version 2.0.13
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/modtweaker]: Testing mod modtweaker to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/modtweaker]: The mod modtweaker accepts its own version (2.0.13)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/modtweaker]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into modtweaker
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/modtweaker]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for modtweaker
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/modtweaker]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into modtweaker for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [modtweaker/modtweaker]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod modtweaker
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Mod Tweaker took 0.006s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [moreplanets/moreplanets]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod moreplanets
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/moreplanets]: Mod moreplanets is using network checker : Accepting version 2.0.10
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/moreplanets]: Testing mod moreplanets to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/moreplanets]: The mod moreplanets accepts its own version (2.0.10)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/moreplanets]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into moreplanets
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/moreplanets]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for moreplanets
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/moreplanets]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into moreplanets for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [moreplanets/moreplanets]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod moreplanets
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - More Planets took 0.022s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [Morpheus/Morpheus]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Morpheus
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/Morpheus]: Mod Morpheus is using network checker : No network checking performed
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/Morpheus]: Testing mod Morpheus to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/Morpheus]: The mod Morpheus accepts its own version (1.10.2-3.1.13)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/Morpheus]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Morpheus
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/Morpheus]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for Morpheus
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/Morpheus]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into Morpheus for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [Morpheus/Morpheus]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Morpheus
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Morpheus took 0.008s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [MrTJPCoreMod/MrTJPCoreMod]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod MrTJPCoreMod
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/MrTJPCoreMod]: Mod MrTJPCoreMod is using network checker : Accepting version
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/MrTJPCoreMod]: Testing mod MrTJPCoreMod to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/MrTJPCoreMod]: The mod MrTJPCoreMod accepts its own version (
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/MrTJPCoreMod]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into MrTJPCoreMod
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/MrTJPCoreMod]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for MrTJPCoreMod
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/MrTJPCoreMod]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into MrTJPCoreMod for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [MrTJPCoreMod/MrTJPCoreMod]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod MrTJPCoreMod
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - MrTJPCore took 0.003s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [naturescompass/naturescompass]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod naturescompass
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/naturescompass]: Mod naturescompass is using network checker : Accepting version 1.3.1
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/naturescompass]: Testing mod naturescompass to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/naturescompass]: The mod naturescompass accepts its own version (1.3.1)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/naturescompass]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into naturescompass
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/naturescompass]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for naturescompass
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/naturescompass]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into naturescompass for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [naturescompass/naturescompass]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod naturescompass
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Nature's Compass took 0.007s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [netherportalfix/netherportalfix]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod netherportalfix
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/netherportalfix]: Mod netherportalfix is using network checker : No network checking performed
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/netherportalfix]: Testing mod netherportalfix to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/netherportalfix]: The mod netherportalfix accepts its own version (1.0)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/netherportalfix]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into netherportalfix
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/netherportalfix]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for netherportalfix
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/netherportalfix]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into netherportalfix for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [netherportalfix/netherportalfix]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod netherportalfix
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - NetherPortalFix took 0.006s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [potioncore/potioncore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod potioncore
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/potioncore]: Mod potioncore is using network checker : Accepting version 1.5.2_for_1.10.2
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/potioncore]: Testing mod potioncore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/potioncore]: The mod potioncore accepts its own version (1.5.2_for_1.10.2)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/potioncore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into potioncore
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/potioncore]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for potioncore
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/potioncore]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into potioncore for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [potioncore/potioncore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod potioncore
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Potion Core took 0.011s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [nep/nep]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod nep
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/nep]: Mod nep is using network checker : Accepting version 1.3_for_1.10.2
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/nep]: Testing mod nep to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/nep]: The mod nep accepts its own version (1.3_for_1.10.2)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/nep]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into nep
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/nep]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for nep
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/nep]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into nep for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [nep/nep]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod nep
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Not Enough Potions took 0.014s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [ObsidianPlates/ObsidianPlates]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ObsidianPlates
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ObsidianPlates]: Mod ObsidianPlates is using network checker : Accepting version 1.1.1
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ObsidianPlates]: Testing mod ObsidianPlates to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ObsidianPlates]: The mod ObsidianPlates accepts its own version (1.1.1)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ObsidianPlates]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ObsidianPlates
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ObsidianPlates]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for ObsidianPlates
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ObsidianPlates]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into ObsidianPlates for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [ObsidianPlates/ObsidianPlates]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ObsidianPlates
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Obsidian Plates took 0.008s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [oops/oops]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod oops
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/oops]: Mod oops is using network checker : Accepting version @VERSION@
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/oops]: Testing mod oops to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/oops]: The mod oops accepts its own version (@VERSION@)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/oops]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into oops
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/oops]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for oops
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/oops]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into oops for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [oops/oops]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod oops
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Oops took 0.002s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [openmods/openmods]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod openmods
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [openmods/openmods]: Preloading CrashReport Classes
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [openmods/openmods]:     openmods/core/OpenModsCore$1
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/openmods]: Mod openmods is using network checker : Accepting version 0.11.2
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/openmods]: Testing mod openmods to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/openmods]: The mod openmods accepts its own version (0.11.2)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openmods]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into openmods
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openmods]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for openmods
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openmods]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class openmods.Sounds
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openmods]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class openmods.Sounds
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openmods]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class openmods.network.rpc.RpcCallDispatcher
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openmods]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class openmods.network.rpc.RpcCallDispatcher
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openmods]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class openmods.network.event.NetworkEventManager
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openmods]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class openmods.network.event.NetworkEventManager
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openmods]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class openmods.OpenMods$DefaultRegistryEntries
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openmods]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class openmods.OpenMods$DefaultRegistryEntries
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openmods]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class openmods.sync.SyncableObjectTypeRegistry
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openmods]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class openmods.sync.SyncableObjectTypeRegistry
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openmods]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into openmods for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [openmods/openmods]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod openmods
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenModsLib took 0.033s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [openblocks/openblocks]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod openblocks
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/openblocks]: Mod openblocks is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.2
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/openblocks]: Testing mod openblocks to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/openblocks]: The mod openblocks accepts its own version (1.7.2)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openblocks]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into openblocks
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openblocks]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for openblocks
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openblocks]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class openblocks.common.LootHandler
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openblocks]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class openblocks.common.LootHandler
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openblocks]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class openblocks.OpenBlocks$RegistryEntries
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openblocks]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class openblocks.OpenBlocks$RegistryEntries
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openblocks]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class openblocks.OpenBlocks$Sounds
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openblocks]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class openblocks.OpenBlocks$Sounds
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/openblocks]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into openblocks for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [openblocks/openblocks]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod openblocks
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenBlocks took 0.059s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [bonecraft/bonecraft]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod bonecraft
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/bonecraft]: Mod bonecraft is using network checker : Accepting version 1.9.4-1.10.2d
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/bonecraft]: Testing mod bonecraft to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/bonecraft]: The mod bonecraft accepts its own version (1.9.4-1.10.2d)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/bonecraft]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into bonecraft
[12:45:07] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML/bonecraft]: An error occurred trying to load a proxy into {serverSide=com.pam.bonecraft.ServerProxy, clientSide=com.pam.bonecraft.ClientProxy}.com.pam.bonecraft.bonecraft
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.pam.bonecraft.ServerProxy
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:191) ~[launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModClassLoader.loadClass(ModClassLoader.java:75) ~[ModClassLoader.class:?]
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:348) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ProxyInjector.inject(ProxyInjector.java:71) [ProxyInjector.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod(FMLModContainer.java:593) [FMLModContainer.class:?]
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor10.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventSubscriber.handleEvent(EventSubscriber.java:74) [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventSubscriber.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventSubscriber.java:47) [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:322) [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:304) [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:275) [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(LoadController.java:243) [LoadController.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(LoadController.java:221) [LoadController.class:?]
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventSubscriber.handleEvent(EventSubscriber.java:74) [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventSubscriber.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventSubscriber.java:47) [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:322) [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:304) [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:275) [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(LoadController.java:145) [LoadController.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(Loader.java:559) [Loader.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(FMLServerHandler.java:98) [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(FMLCommonHandler.java:328) [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
    at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(DedicatedServer.java:121) [ld.class:?]
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:431) [MinecraftServer.class:?]
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [?:1.8.0_111]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:182) ~[launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
    ... 33 more
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [bonecraft/bonecraft]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod bonecraft
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Pam's BoneCraft took 0.017s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [harvestcraft/harvestcraft]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod harvestcraft
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/harvestcraft]: Mod harvestcraft is using network checker : Accepting version 1.10.2j
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/harvestcraft]: Testing mod harvestcraft to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/harvestcraft]: The mod harvestcraft accepts its own version (1.10.2j)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/harvestcraft]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into harvestcraft
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/harvestcraft]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for harvestcraft
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/harvestcraft]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into harvestcraft for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [harvestcraft/harvestcraft]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod harvestcraft
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Pam's HarvestCraft took 0.015s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [simplerecipes/simplerecipes]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod simplerecipes
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/simplerecipes]: Mod simplerecipes is using network checker : Accepting version 1.9.4-1.10.2a
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/simplerecipes]: Testing mod simplerecipes to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/simplerecipes]: The mod simplerecipes accepts its own version (1.9.4-1.10.2a)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/simplerecipes]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into simplerecipes
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/simplerecipes]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for simplerecipes
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/simplerecipes]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into simplerecipes for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [simplerecipes/simplerecipes]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod simplerecipes
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Pam's Simple Recipes took 0.004s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [pamscookables/pamscookables]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod pamscookables
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/pamscookables]: Mod pamscookables is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/pamscookables]: Testing mod pamscookables to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/pamscookables]: The mod pamscookables accepts its own version (1.0)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/pamscookables]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into pamscookables
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/pamscookables]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for pamscookables
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/pamscookables]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into pamscookables for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [pamscookables/pamscookables]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod pamscookables
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Pam's Cookables took 0.054s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [playerrevive/playerrevive]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod playerrevive
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/playerrevive]: Mod playerrevive is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/playerrevive]: Testing mod playerrevive to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/playerrevive]: The mod playerrevive accepts its own version (1.0)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/playerrevive]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into playerrevive
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/playerrevive]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for playerrevive
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/playerrevive]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into playerrevive for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [playerrevive/playerrevive]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod playerrevive
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Player Revive took 0.011s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-core/projectred-core]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod projectred-core
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/projectred-core]: Mod projectred-core is using network checker : Accepting version
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/projectred-core]: Testing mod projectred-core to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/projectred-core]: The mod projectred-core accepts its own version (
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/projectred-core]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into projectred-core
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/projectred-core]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for projectred-core
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/projectred-core]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into projectred-core for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-core/projectred-core]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod projectred-core
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - ProjectRed Core took 0.012s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-integration/projectred-integration]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod projectred-integration
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/projectred-integration]: Mod projectred-integration is using network checker : Accepting version
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/projectred-integration]: Testing mod projectred-integration to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/projectred-integration]: The mod projectred-integration accepts its own version (
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/projectred-integration]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into projectred-integration
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/projectred-integration]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for projectred-integration
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/projectred-integration]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into projectred-integration for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-integration/projectred-integration]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod projectred-integration
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - ProjectRed integration took 0.017s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-transmission/projectred-transmission]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod projectred-transmission
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/projectred-transmission]: Mod projectred-transmission is using network checker : Accepting version
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/projectred-transmission]: Testing mod projectred-transmission to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/projectred-transmission]: The mod projectred-transmission accepts its own version (
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/projectred-transmission]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into projectred-transmission
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/projectred-transmission]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for projectred-transmission
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/projectred-transmission]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into projectred-transmission for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-transmission/projectred-transmission]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod projectred-transmission
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - ProjectRed Transmission took 0.020s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-illumination/projectred-illumination]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod projectred-illumination
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/projectred-illumination]: Mod projectred-illumination is using network checker : Accepting version
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/projectred-illumination]: Testing mod projectred-illumination to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/projectred-illumination]: The mod projectred-illumination accepts its own version (
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/projectred-illumination]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into projectred-illumination
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/projectred-illumination]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for projectred-illumination
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/projectred-illumination]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into projectred-illumination for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-illumination/projectred-illumination]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod projectred-illumination
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - ProjectRed Illumination took 0.029s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [refinedstorage/refinedstorage]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod refinedstorage
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/refinedstorage]: Mod refinedstorage is using network checker : Accepting version 1.2.26
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/refinedstorage]: Testing mod refinedstorage to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/refinedstorage]: The mod refinedstorage accepts its own version (1.2.26)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/refinedstorage]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into refinedstorage
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/refinedstorage]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for refinedstorage
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/refinedstorage]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into refinedstorage for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [refinedstorage/refinedstorage]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod refinedstorage
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Refined Storage took 0.139s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [rftools/rftools]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod rftools
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/rftools]: Mod rftools is using network checker : Accepting version 7.15
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/rftools]: Testing mod rftools to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/rftools]: The mod rftools accepts its own version (7.15)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/rftools]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into rftools
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/rftools]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for rftools
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/rftools]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into rftools for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [rftools/rftools]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod rftools
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - RFTools took 0.030s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [roots/roots]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod roots
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/roots]: Mod roots is using network checker : Accepting version 0.208
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/roots]: Testing mod roots to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/roots]: The mod roots accepts its own version (0.208)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/roots]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into roots
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/roots]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for roots
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/roots]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into roots for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [roots/roots]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod roots
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Roots took 0.015s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [runesofwizardry/runesofwizardry]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod runesofwizardry
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/runesofwizardry]: Mod runesofwizardry is using network checker : Accepting version 1.10.2-0.7.2
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/runesofwizardry]: Testing mod runesofwizardry to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/runesofwizardry]: The mod runesofwizardry accepts its own version (1.10.2-0.7.2)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/runesofwizardry]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into runesofwizardry
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/runesofwizardry]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for runesofwizardry
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/runesofwizardry]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into runesofwizardry for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [runesofwizardry/runesofwizardry]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod runesofwizardry
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Runes of Wizardry took 0.020s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [runesofwizardry_classics/runesofwizardry_classics]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod runesofwizardry_classics
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/runesofwizardry_classics]: Mod runesofwizardry_classics is using network checker : Accepting version 1.10.2-0.4.3-b2
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/runesofwizardry_classics]: Testing mod runesofwizardry_classics to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/runesofwizardry_classics]: The mod runesofwizardry_classics accepts its own version (1.10.2-0.4.3-b2)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/runesofwizardry_classics]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into runesofwizardry_classics
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/runesofwizardry_classics]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for runesofwizardry_classics
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/runesofwizardry_classics]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into runesofwizardry_classics for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [runesofwizardry_classics/runesofwizardry_classics]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod runesofwizardry_classics
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Runes of Wizardry - Classic Dusts Pack took 0.010s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [SaltMod/SaltMod]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SaltMod
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/SaltMod]: Mod SaltMod is using network checker : Accepting version 1.8.d
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/SaltMod]: Testing mod SaltMod to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/SaltMod]: The mod SaltMod accepts its own version (1.8.d)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/SaltMod]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into SaltMod
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/SaltMod]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for SaltMod
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/SaltMod]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into SaltMod for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [SaltMod/SaltMod]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SaltMod
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Salty Mod took 0.016s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [sanplayermodel/sanplayermodel]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod sanplayermodel
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/sanplayermodel]: Mod sanplayermodel is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.2
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/sanplayermodel]: Testing mod sanplayermodel to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/sanplayermodel]: The mod sanplayermodel accepts its own version (1.0.2)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/sanplayermodel]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into sanplayermodel
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/sanplayermodel]: Skipping proxy injection for de.sanandrew.mods.sanlib.SanLib.proxy since it is not for mod sanplayermodel
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/sanplayermodel]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for sanplayermodel
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/sanplayermodel]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into sanplayermodel for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [sanplayermodel/sanplayermodel]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod sanplayermodel
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - SanAndreasPs Player Model took 0.001s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [scannable/scannable]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod scannable
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/scannable]: Mod scannable is using network checker : Accepting version
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/scannable]: Testing mod scannable to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/scannable]: The mod scannable accepts its own version (
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/scannable]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into scannable
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/scannable]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for scannable
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/scannable]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into scannable for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [scannable/scannable]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod scannable
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Scannable took 0.015s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [serverobserver/serverobserver]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod serverobserver
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/serverobserver]: Mod serverobserver is using network checker : Invoking method checkModList
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/serverobserver]: Testing mod serverobserver to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/serverobserver]: The mod serverobserver accepts its own version (
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/serverobserver]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into serverobserver
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/serverobserver]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for serverobserver
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/serverobserver]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into serverobserver for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [serverobserver/serverobserver]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod serverobserver
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - ServerObserver took 0.005s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [sgcraft/sgcraft]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod sgcraft
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/sgcraft]: Mod sgcraft is using network checker : Accepting range [1.13,1.14)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/sgcraft]: Testing mod sgcraft to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/sgcraft]: The mod sgcraft accepts its own version (1.13.2)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/sgcraft]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into sgcraft
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/sgcraft]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for sgcraft
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/sgcraft]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into sgcraft for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [sgcraft/sgcraft]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod sgcraft
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - SG Craft took 0.047s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [signpost/signpost]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod signpost
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/signpost]: Mod signpost is using network checker : Accepting version 1.06.1
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/signpost]: Testing mod signpost to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/signpost]: The mod signpost accepts its own version (1.06.1)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/signpost]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into signpost
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/signpost]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for signpost
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/signpost]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into signpost for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [signpost/signpost]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod signpost
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Sign Post took 0.090s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [soundfilters/soundfilters]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod soundfilters
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [soundfilters/soundfilters]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod soundfilters
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Sound Filters took 0.009s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [SpiceOfLife/SpiceOfLife]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SpiceOfLife
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/SpiceOfLife]: Mod SpiceOfLife is using network checker : Accepting version 1.3.11
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/SpiceOfLife]: Testing mod SpiceOfLife to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/SpiceOfLife]: The mod SpiceOfLife accepts its own version (1.3.11)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/SpiceOfLife]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into SpiceOfLife
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/SpiceOfLife]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for SpiceOfLife
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/SpiceOfLife]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into SpiceOfLife for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [SpiceOfLife/SpiceOfLife]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SpiceOfLife
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - The Spice of Life took 0.006s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [stg/stg]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod stg
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/stg]: Mod stg is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.2
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/stg]: Testing mod stg to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/stg]: The mod stg accepts its own version (1.0.2)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/stg]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into stg
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/stg]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for stg
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/stg]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into stg for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [stg/stg]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod stg
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - SwingThroughGrass took 0.002s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [streams/streams]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod streams
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/streams]: Mod streams is using network checker : Accepting version 0.4
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/streams]: Testing mod streams to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/streams]: The mod streams accepts its own version (0.4)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/streams]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into streams
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/streams]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for streams
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/streams]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into streams for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [streams/streams]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod streams
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Streams took 0.007s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [rscircuits/rscircuits]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod rscircuits
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/rscircuits]: Mod rscircuits is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.4
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/rscircuits]: Testing mod rscircuits to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/rscircuits]: The mod rscircuits accepts its own version (1.0.4)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/rscircuits]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into rscircuits
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/rscircuits]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for rscircuits
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/rscircuits]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into rscircuits for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [rscircuits/rscircuits]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod rscircuits
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Super Circuit Maker took 0.037s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [thebetweenlands/thebetweenlands]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod thebetweenlands
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/thebetweenlands]: Mod thebetweenlands is using network checker : Accepting version 2.0.4-alpha
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/thebetweenlands]: Testing mod thebetweenlands to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/thebetweenlands]: The mod thebetweenlands accepts its own version (2.0.4-alpha)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/thebetweenlands]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into thebetweenlands
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/thebetweenlands]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for thebetweenlands
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/thebetweenlands]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into thebetweenlands for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [thebetweenlands/thebetweenlands]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod thebetweenlands
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - The Betweenlands took 0.013s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [toolbelt/toolbelt]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod toolbelt
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/toolbelt]: Mod toolbelt is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.1
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/toolbelt]: Testing mod toolbelt to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/toolbelt]: The mod toolbelt accepts its own version (1.7.1)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/toolbelt]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into toolbelt
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/toolbelt]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for toolbelt
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/toolbelt]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class gigaherz.toolbelt.Config
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/toolbelt]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class gigaherz.toolbelt.Config
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/toolbelt]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class gigaherz.toolbelt.ToolBelt
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/toolbelt]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class gigaherz.toolbelt.ToolBelt
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/toolbelt]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class gigaherz.toolbelt.common.BeltEvents
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/toolbelt]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class gigaherz.toolbelt.common.BeltEvents
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/toolbelt]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into toolbelt for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [toolbelt/toolbelt]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod toolbelt
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Tool Belt took 0.017s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [totemic/totemic]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod totemic
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/totemic]: Mod totemic is using network checker : Accepting version 1.10.2-0.8.3
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/totemic]: Testing mod totemic to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/totemic]: The mod totemic accepts its own version (1.10.2-0.8.3)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/totemic]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into totemic
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/totemic]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for totemic
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/totemic]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into totemic for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [totemic/totemic]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod totemic
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Totemic took 0.013s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [trapcraft/trapcraft]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod trapcraft
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/trapcraft]: Mod trapcraft is using network checker : Accepting version v2.4.1a
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/trapcraft]: Testing mod trapcraft to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/trapcraft]: The mod trapcraft accepts its own version (v2.4.1a)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/trapcraft]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into trapcraft
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/trapcraft]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for trapcraft
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/trapcraft]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class trapcraft.ModBlocks
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/trapcraft]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class trapcraft.ModBlocks
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/trapcraft]: Found @EventBusSubscriber class trapcraft.ModItems
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/trapcraft]: Injected @EventBusSubscriber class trapcraft.ModItems
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/trapcraft]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into trapcraft for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [trapcraft/trapcraft]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod trapcraft
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Trapcraft took 0.009s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [wolfarmor/wolfarmor]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod wolfarmor
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/wolfarmor]: Mod wolfarmor is using network checker : Accepting version 1.3.1
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/wolfarmor]: Testing mod wolfarmor to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/wolfarmor]: The mod wolfarmor accepts its own version (1.3.1)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/wolfarmor]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into wolfarmor
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/wolfarmor]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for wolfarmor
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/wolfarmor]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into wolfarmor for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [wolfarmor/wolfarmor]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod wolfarmor
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Wolf Armor and Storage took 0.017s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [wopper/wopper]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod wopper
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/wopper]: Mod wopper is using network checker : Accepting version 1.10.2-r1
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/wopper]: Testing mod wopper to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/wopper]: The mod wopper accepts its own version (1.10.2-r1)
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/wopper]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into wopper
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/wopper]: Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for wopper
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/wopper]: Attempting to inject @Config classes into wopper for type INSTANCE
[12:45:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [wopper/wopper]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod wopper
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Wopper took 0.006s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Finished: Construction took 6.197s
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Mod signature data
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:      Valid Signatures:
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         (e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557) FML    (Forge Mod Loader    forge-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         (e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557) Forge    (Minecraft Forge    forge-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         (f1850c39b2516232a2108a7bd84d1cb5df93b261) CodeChickenLib    (CodeChicken Lib    CodeChickenLib-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         (7a2128d395ad96ceb9d9030fbd41d035b435753a) dsurround    (Dynamic Surroundings    DynamicSurroundings-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         (f1850c39b2516232a2108a7bd84d1cb5df93b261) forgemultipartcbe    (Forge Multipart CBE    ForgeMultipart-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:      Missing Signatures:
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         mcp    (Minecraft Coder Pack    9.19)    minecraft.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         creativecoredummy    (CreativeCoreDummy    1.0.0)    minecraft.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         Micdoodlecore    (Micdoodle8 Core    )    minecraft.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         OpenComputers|Core    (OpenComputers (Core)    minecraft.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         OpenEye    (OpenEye    0.8)    OpenEye-1.10.2-0.8.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         potioncore_coremod    (Potion Core Coremod    1.5.2_for_1.10.2)    minecraft.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         openmodscore    (OpenModsLib Core    0.11.2)    minecraft.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         ccl-entityhook    (ccl-entityhook    1.0)    CodeChickenLib-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         uncraftingTable    (Uncrafting Table    1.6.5)    [1.10.2]UncraftingTable-1.6.5.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         fenceoverhaul    (Fence Overhaul    1.2.1)    [1.10.x]FenceOverhaul-1.2.1.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         actuallyadditions    (Actually Additions    1.10.2-r105)    ActuallyAdditions-1.10.2-r105.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         craftstudioapi    (CraftStudio API    0.3.0-beta)    CraftStudioAPI-universal-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         animania    (Animania    1.4.3)    animania-1.10.2-1.4.3.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         antiqueatlas    (Antique Atlas    4.4.6)    antiqueatlas-1.9.4-4.4.6.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         JEI    (Just Enough Items    jei_1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         AppleCore    (AppleCore    3.1.0)    AppleCore-mc1.10.2-3.1.0.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         Quark    (Quark    r1.1-70)    Quark-r1.1-70.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         AutoRegLib    (AutoRegLib    1.0-2)    AutoRegLib-1.0-2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         BetterAchievements    (Better Achievements    BetterAchievements-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         BiomesOPlenty    (Biomes O' Plenty    BiomesOPlenty-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         infinitylib    (InfinityLib    1.10.2-0.11.0)    infinitylib-0.11.0.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         boatifull    (Boatifull    @MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@)    boatifull-0.11.0.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         carryon    (Carry On    1.7)    CarryOn MC1.10.2 v1.7.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         ChestTransporter    (Chest Transporter    2.5.18)    ChestTransporter-1.10.2-2.5.18.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         chisel    (Chisel    MC1.10.2-    Chisel-MC1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         mcmultipart    (MCMultiPart    1.4.0)    MCMultiPart-1.4.0-universal.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         chiselsandbits    (Chisels & Bits    12.16)    chiselsandbits-12.16.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         sanlib    (SanAndreasPs Mod Library    1.3.0)    SanLib-1.10.2-1.3.0.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         claysoldiers    (Clay Soldiers Mod    3.0.0-alpha.2)    ClaySoldiersMod-1.10.2-3.0.0-alpha.2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         shadowmc    (ShadowMC    3.6.1)    ShadowMC-1.10.2-3.6.1.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         clipboard    (Clipboard    @VERSION@)    Clipboard-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         cookingforblockheads    (Cooking for Blockheads    4.2.45)    CookingForBlockheads_1.10.2-4.2.45.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         cosmeticarmorreworked    (CosmeticArmorReworked    1.10.2-v2a)    CosmeticArmorReworked-1.10.2-v2a.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         wearablebackpacks    (Wearable Backpacks    1.7.0)    WearableBackpacks-1.10.2-1.7.0.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         corpsecomplex    (Corpse Complex    1.0.0-bp1)    corpsecomplex-1.10.2-1.0.0-bp1.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         crafttweakerjei    (CraftTweaker JEI Support    1.0.1)    CraftTweaker-1.10.2-3.0.26.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         MineTweaker3    (MineTweaker 3    3.0.26)    CraftTweaker-1.10.2-3.0.26.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         creativecore    (CreativeCore    1.7.4)    CreativeCore v1.7.3 mc1.10.2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         cyberware    (Cyberware    beta-0.2.10)    cyberware-1.9.4-1.10.2-beta-0.2.10.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         deathquotes    (Death Quotes    1.2.0)    DeathQuotes-1.2.0-mc1.9to1.10.2-forge.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         debugserverinfo    (DebugServerInfo    1.0.5)    DebugServerInfo-1.10.2-1.0.5.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         dirt2path    (Dirt2Path    1.6.1)    dirt2path-1.6.1.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         dynamic_lighting    (Dynamic Lighting    1.3)    Dynamic Lighting-1.3.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         galacticraftcore    (Galacticraft Core    GalacticraftCore-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         elytra_port    (Elytra Port    1.0.0)    Elytra-Port-1.10.2-1.0.0.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         endercore    (EnderCore    1.10.2-    EnderCore-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         Waila    (Waila    1.8.17-B31_1.10.2)    Hwyla-1.8.17-B31_1.10.2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         EnderIO    (Ender IO    1.10.2-3.1.193)    EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.193.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         erosion    (Erosion    2.1.2)    Erosion-2.1.2 for 1.10.2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         exoticbirds    (Exotic Birds    1.0)    Exotic Birds 1.10.2-1.4.1.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         ExtraBitManipulation    (Extra Bit Manipulation    1.10.2-2.5.1)    ExtraBitManipulation-1.10.2-2.5.1.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         galacticraftplanets    (Galacticraft Planets    Galacticraft-Planets-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         extraplanets    (Extra Planets    0.8.4)    ExtraPlanets-0.8.4.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         ExtraRails    (Extra Rails    1.1.1)    ExtraRails-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         extrautils2    (Extra Utilities 2    1.0)    extrautils2-1.10.2-1.6.8.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         OpenComputers    (OpenComputers    OpenComputers-MC1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         zerocore    (Zero CORE    1.10.2-    zerocore-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         bigreactors    (Extreme Reactors    1.10.2-    ExtremeReactors-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         fairylights    (Fairy Lights    2.1.2)    fairylights-2.1.2-1.10.2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         farseek    (Farseek    2.2)    Farseek-1.9.4-2.2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         fastleafdecay    (Fast Leaf Decay    v11)    FastLeafDecay-v11.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         forgelin    (Shadowfacts' Forgelin    1.6.0)    Forgelin-1.6.0.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         microblockcbe    (Forge Microblocks    ForgeMultipart-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         minecraftmultipartcbe    (Minecraft Multipart Plugin    ForgeMultipart-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         ftbl    (FTBLib    0.0.0)    FTBLib-1.1x-3.6.5.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         ftbu    (FTBUtilities    0.0.0)    FTBUtilities-1.1x-3.6.5.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         geneticsreborn    (Genetics Reborn    1.04)    geneticsreborn-mc1.10.2-v1.05.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         gravestone    (Gravestone Mod    1.5.13)    gravestone-1.5.13.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         hopperducts    (Hopper Ducts    hopperducts-mc1.9.4-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         mantle    (Mantle    1.10.2-    Mantle-1.10.2-1.1.5.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         tconstruct    (Tinkers' Construct    1.10.2-    TConstruct-1.10.2-2.6.5.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         immersiveengineering    (Immersive Engineering    0.10-61)    ImmersiveEngineering-0.10-61.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         immersivepetroleum    (Immersive Petroleum    1.1.3)    immersivepetroleum-1.10.2-1.1.3.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         instantunify    (InstantUnify    1.0.4)    instantunify-1.10.2-1.0.4.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         jehc    (Just Enough HarvestCraft    1.2.2)    jehc-1.10.2-1.2.2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         jaff    (Just a Few Fish    1.5.3_for_1.10.2)    JustAFewFish-1.5.3_for_1.10.2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         largeveins    (Large Veins    @VERSION@)    LargeVeins-1.10.2-1.0.0.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         magicmirror    (Magic Mirror    1.0)    magicmirror 1.2 [1.10.2].jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         malisiscore    (MalisisCore    1.10.2-4.4.0)    malisiscore-1.10.2-4.4.0.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         malisisblocks    (Malisis Blocks    1.10.2-4.2.0)    malisisblocks-1.10.2-4.2.0.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         malisisdoors    (MalisisDoors    1.10.2-5.2.0)    malisisdoors-1.10.2-5.2.0.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         mist    (Misty World    alpha_a_02)    MistWorld_1.10.2_alpha_a_03.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         testdummy    (MmmMmmMmmMmm    1.11)    MmmMmmMmmMmm-1.10.2-1.13.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         craftelytra    (Craftable Elytra    1.1)    modid-1.1-1.10.2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         mtlib    (MTLib    @VERSION@)    MTLib-1.0.3.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         modtweaker    (Mod Tweaker    2.0.13)    ModTweaker2-2.0.13.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         moreplanets    (More Planets    2.0.10)    More-Planets-1.10.2-2.0.10-GC119.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         Morpheus    (Morpheus    1.10.2-3.1.13)    Morpheus-1.10.2-3.1.13.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         MrTJPCoreMod    (MrTJPCore    MrTJPCore-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         naturescompass    (Nature's Compass    1.3.1)    NaturesCompass-1.10.2-1.3.1.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         netherportalfix    (NetherPortalFix    1.0)    NetherPortalFix_1.10.2-3.3.7.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         potioncore    (Potion Core    1.5.2_for_1.10.2)    PotionCore-1.5.2_for_1.10.2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         nep    (Not Enough Potions    1.3_for_1.10.2)    NotEnoughPotions-1.3_for_1.10.2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         ObsidianPlates    (Obsidian Plates    1.1.1)    ObsidianPlates-1.1.1_1.9.4.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         oops    (Oops    @VERSION@)    oops-1.10-5.14.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         openmods    (OpenModsLib    0.11.2)    OpenModsLib-1.10.2-0.11.2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         openblocks    (OpenBlocks    1.7.2)    OpenBlocks-1.10.2-1.7.2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         bonecraft    (Pam's BoneCraft    1.9.4-1.10.2d)    Pam's BoneCraft 1.9.4-1.10.2d.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         harvestcraft    (Pam's HarvestCraft    1.10.2j)    Pam's HarvestCraft 1.10.2j.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         simplerecipes    (Pam's Simple Recipes    1.9.4-1.10.2a)    Pam's Simple Recipes 1.9.4-1.10.2a.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         pamscookables    (Pam's Cookables    1.0)    pamscookables-1.10.2_1.0.0.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         playerrevive    (Player Revive    1.0)    PlayerRevive v1.2.8 mc1.10.2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         projectred-core    (ProjectRed Core    ProjectRed-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         projectred-integration    (ProjectRed integration    ProjectRed-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         projectred-transmission    (ProjectRed Transmission    ProjectRed-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         projectred-illumination    (ProjectRed Illumination    ProjectRed-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         refinedstorage    (Refined Storage    1.2.26)    refinedstorage-1.2.26.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         rftools    (RFTools    7.15)    rftools-1.1x-7.15.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         roots    (Roots    0.208)    roots-0.208.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         runesofwizardry    (Runes of Wizardry    1.10.2-0.7.2)    Runes-of-Wizardry-1.10.2-0.7.2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         runesofwizardry_classics    (Runes of Wizardry - Classic Dusts Pack    1.10.2-0.4.3-b2)    RunesofWizardry-Classics-1.10.2-0.4.3-b2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         SaltMod    (Salty Mod    1.8.d)    SaltyMod-1.10.2-1.8.d.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         sanplayermodel    (SanAndreasPs Player Model    1.0.2)    SanLib-1.10.2-1.3.0.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         scannable    (Scannable    Scannable-MC1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         serverobserver    (ServerObserver    ServerObserver-1.10.2-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         sgcraft    (SG Craft    1.13.2)    SGCraft-1.13.2-mc1.10.2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         signpost    (Sign Post    1.06.1)    signpost-1.10.2-1.06.1.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         soundfilters    (Sound Filters    0.9_for_1.9)    SoundFilters-0.9_for_1.9.4.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         SpiceOfLife    (The Spice of Life    1.3.11)    SpiceOfLife-mc1.9.4-1.3.11.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         stg    (SwingThroughGrass    1.0.2)    stg-1.0.2.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         streams    (Streams    0.4)    Streams-1.9.4-0.4.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         rscircuits    (Super Circuit Maker    1.0.4)    SuperCircuitMaker-1.0.4.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         thebetweenlands    (The Betweenlands    2.0.4-alpha)    TheBetweenlands-2.0.4-alpha-universal.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         toolbelt    (Tool Belt    1.7.1)    ToolBelt-1.10.2-1.7.1.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         totemic    (Totemic    1.10.2-0.8.3)    Totemic-1.10.2-0.8.3.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         trapcraft    (Trapcraft    v2.4.1a)    Trapcraft-1.10.2-v2.4.1a-universal.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         wolfarmor    (Wolf Armor and Storage    1.3.1)    wolfarmor-
[12:45:07] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]:         wopper    (Wopper    1.10.2-r1)    Wopper-1.10.2-r1.jar
[12:45:07] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML/]: Fatal errors were detected during the transition from CONSTRUCTING to PREINITIALIZATION. Loading cannot continue
[12:45:07] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML/]: 
    States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
    UC    mcp{9.19} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) 
    UC    FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (forge-1.10.2- 
    UC    Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (forge-1.10.2- 
    UC    creativecoredummy{1.0.0} [CreativeCoreDummy] (minecraft.jar) 
    UC    Micdoodlecore{} [Micdoodle8 Core] (minecraft.jar) 
    UC    OpenComputers|Core{} [OpenComputers (Core)] (minecraft.jar) 
    UC    OpenEye{0.8} [OpenEye] (OpenEye-1.10.2-0.8.jar) 
    UC    potioncore_coremod{1.5.2_for_1.10.2} [Potion Core Coremod] (minecraft.jar) 
    UC    openmodscore{0.11.2} [OpenModsLib Core] (minecraft.jar) 
    UC    ccl-entityhook{1.0} [ccl-entityhook] (CodeChickenLib-1.10.2- 
    UC    uncraftingTable{1.6.5} [Uncrafting Table] ([1.10.2]UncraftingTable-1.6.5.jar) 
    UC    fenceoverhaul{1.2.1} [Fence Overhaul] ([1.10.x]FenceOverhaul-1.2.1.jar) 
    UC    actuallyadditions{1.10.2-r105} [Actually Additions] (ActuallyAdditions-1.10.2-r105.jar) 
    UC    craftstudioapi{0.3.0-beta} [CraftStudio API] (CraftStudioAPI-universal- 
    UC    animania{1.4.3} [Animania] (animania-1.10.2-1.4.3.jar) 
    UC    antiqueatlas{4.4.6} [Antique Atlas] (antiqueatlas-1.9.4-4.4.6.jar) 
    UC    JEI{} [Just Enough Items] (jei_1.10.2- 
    UC    AppleCore{3.1.0} [AppleCore] (AppleCore-mc1.10.2-3.1.0.jar) 
    UC    Quark{r1.1-70} [Quark] (Quark-r1.1-70.jar) 
    UC    AutoRegLib{1.0-2} [AutoRegLib] (AutoRegLib-1.0-2.jar) 
    UC    BetterAchievements{} [Better Achievements] (BetterAchievements-1.10.2- 
    UC    BiomesOPlenty{} [Biomes O' Plenty] (BiomesOPlenty-1.10.2- 
    UC    infinitylib{1.10.2-0.11.0} [InfinityLib] (infinitylib-0.11.0.jar) 
    UC    boatifull{@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@} [Boatifull] (boatifull-0.11.0.jar) 
    UC    carryon{1.7} [Carry On] (CarryOn MC1.10.2 v1.7.jar) 
    UC    ChestTransporter{2.5.18} [Chest Transporter] (ChestTransporter-1.10.2-2.5.18.jar) 
    UC    chisel{MC1.10.2-} [Chisel] (Chisel-MC1.10.2- 
    UC    mcmultipart{1.4.0} [MCMultiPart] (MCMultiPart-1.4.0-universal.jar) 
    UC    chiselsandbits{12.16} [Chisels & Bits] (chiselsandbits-12.16.jar) 
    UC    sanlib{1.3.0} [SanAndreasPs Mod Library] (SanLib-1.10.2-1.3.0.jar) 
    UC    claysoldiers{3.0.0-alpha.2} [Clay Soldiers Mod] (ClaySoldiersMod-1.10.2-3.0.0-alpha.2.jar) 
    UC    shadowmc{3.6.1} [ShadowMC] (ShadowMC-1.10.2-3.6.1.jar) 
    UC    clipboard{@VERSION@} [Clipboard] (Clipboard-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar) 
    UC    CodeChickenLib{} [CodeChicken Lib] (CodeChickenLib-1.10.2- 
    UC    cookingforblockheads{4.2.45} [Cooking for Blockheads] (CookingForBlockheads_1.10.2-4.2.45.jar) 
    UC    cosmeticarmorreworked{1.10.2-v2a} [CosmeticArmorReworked] (CosmeticArmorReworked-1.10.2-v2a.jar) 
    UC    wearablebackpacks{1.7.0} [Wearable Backpacks] (WearableBackpacks-1.10.2-1.7.0.jar) 
    UC    corpsecomplex{1.0.0-bp1} [Corpse Complex] (corpsecomplex-1.10.2-1.0.0-bp1.jar) 
    UC    crafttweakerjei{1.0.1} [CraftTweaker JEI Support] (CraftTweaker-1.10.2-3.0.26.jar) 
    UC    MineTweaker3{3.0.26} [MineTweaker 3] (CraftTweaker-1.10.2-3.0.26.jar) 
    UC    creativecore{1.7.4} [CreativeCore] (CreativeCore v1.7.3 mc1.10.2.jar) 
    UC    cyberware{beta-0.2.10} [Cyberware] (cyberware-1.9.4-1.10.2-beta-0.2.10.jar) 
    UC    deathquotes{1.2.0} [Death Quotes] (DeathQuotes-1.2.0-mc1.9to1.10.2-forge.jar) 
    UC    debugserverinfo{1.0.5} [DebugServerInfo] (DebugServerInfo-1.10.2-1.0.5.jar) 
    UC    dirt2path{1.6.1} [Dirt2Path] (dirt2path-1.6.1.jar) 
    UC    dynamic_lighting{1.3} [Dynamic Lighting] (Dynamic Lighting-1.3.jar) 
    UC    galacticraftcore{} [Galacticraft Core] (GalacticraftCore-1.10.2- 
    UC    dsurround{} [Dynamic Surroundings] (DynamicSurroundings-1.10.2- 
    UC    elytra_port{1.0.0} [Elytra Port] (Elytra-Port-1.10.2-1.0.0.jar) 
    UC    endercore{1.10.2-} [EnderCore] (EnderCore-1.10.2- 
    UC    Waila{1.8.17-B31_1.10.2} [Waila] (Hwyla-1.8.17-B31_1.10.2.jar) 
    UC    EnderIO{1.10.2-3.1.193} [Ender IO] (EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.193.jar) 
    UC    erosion{2.1.2} [Erosion] (Erosion-2.1.2 for 1.10.2.jar) 
    UC    exoticbirds{1.0} [Exotic Birds] (Exotic Birds 1.10.2-1.4.1.jar) 
    UC    ExtraBitManipulation{1.10.2-2.5.1} [Extra Bit Manipulation] (ExtraBitManipulation-1.10.2-2.5.1.jar) 
    UC    galacticraftplanets{} [Galacticraft Planets] (Galacticraft-Planets-1.10.2- 
    UC    extraplanets{0.8.4} [Extra Planets] (ExtraPlanets-0.8.4.jar) 
    UC    ExtraRails{1.1.1} [Extra Rails] (ExtraRails-1.10.2-1.1.1.jar) 
    UC    extrautils2{1.0} [Extra Utilities 2] (extrautils2-1.10.2-1.6.8.jar) 
    UC    OpenComputers{} [OpenComputers] (OpenComputers-MC1.10.2- 
    UC    zerocore{1.10.2-} [Zero CORE] (zerocore-1.10.2- 
    UC    bigreactors{1.10.2-} [Extreme Reactors] (ExtremeReactors-1.10.2- 
    UC    fairylights{2.1.2} [Fairy Lights] (fairylights-2.1.2-1.10.2.jar) 
    UC    farseek{2.2} [Farseek] (Farseek-1.9.4-2.2.jar) 
    UC    fastleafdecay{v11} [Fast Leaf Decay] (FastLeafDecay-v11.jar) 
    UC    forgelin{1.6.0} [Shadowfacts' Forgelin] (Forgelin-1.6.0.jar) 
    UC    forgemultipartcbe{} [Forge Multipart CBE] (ForgeMultipart-1.10.2- 
    UC    microblockcbe{} [Forge Microblocks] (ForgeMultipart-1.10.2- 
    UC    minecraftmultipartcbe{} [Minecraft Multipart Plugin] (ForgeMultipart-1.10.2- 
    UC    ftbl{0.0.0} [FTBLib] (FTBLib-1.1x-3.6.5.jar) 
    UC    ftbu{0.0.0} [FTBUtilities] (FTBUtilities-1.1x-3.6.5.jar) 
    UC    geneticsreborn{1.04} [Genetics Reborn] (geneticsreborn-mc1.10.2-v1.05.jar) 
    UC    gravestone{1.5.13} [Gravestone Mod] (gravestone-1.5.13.jar) 
    UC    hopperducts{} [Hopper Ducts] (hopperducts-mc1.9.4- 
    UC    mantle{1.10.2-} [Mantle] (Mantle-1.10.2-1.1.5.jar) 
    UC    tconstruct{1.10.2-} [Tinkers' Construct] (TConstruct-1.10.2-2.6.5.jar) 
    UC    immersiveengineering{0.10-61} [Immersive Engineering] (ImmersiveEngineering-0.10-61.jar) 
    UC    immersivepetroleum{1.1.3} [Immersive Petroleum] (immersivepetroleum-1.10.2-1.1.3.jar) 
    UC    instantunify{1.0.4} [InstantUnify] (instantunify-1.10.2-1.0.4.jar) 
    UC    jehc{1.2.2} [Just Enough HarvestCraft] (jehc-1.10.2-1.2.2.jar) 
    UC    jaff{1.5.3_for_1.10.2} [Just a Few Fish] (JustAFewFish-1.5.3_for_1.10.2.jar) 
    UC    largeveins{@VERSION@} [Large Veins] (LargeVeins-1.10.2-1.0.0.jar) 
    UC    magicmirror{1.0} [Magic Mirror] (magicmirror 1.2 [1.10.2].jar) 
    UC    malisiscore{1.10.2-4.4.0} [MalisisCore] (malisiscore-1.10.2-4.4.0.jar) 
    UC    malisisblocks{1.10.2-4.2.0} [Malisis Blocks] (malisisblocks-1.10.2-4.2.0.jar) 
    UC    malisisdoors{1.10.2-5.2.0} [MalisisDoors] (malisisdoors-1.10.2-5.2.0.jar) 
    UC    mist{alpha_a_02} [Misty World] (MistWorld_1.10.2_alpha_a_03.jar) 
    UC    testdummy{1.11} [MmmMmmMmmMmm] (MmmMmmMmmMmm-1.10.2-1.13.jar) 
    UC    craftelytra{1.1} [Craftable Elytra] (modid-1.1-1.10.2.jar) 
    UC    mtlib{@VERSION@} [MTLib] (MTLib-1.0.3.jar) 
    UC    modtweaker{2.0.13} [Mod Tweaker] (ModTweaker2-2.0.13.jar) 
    UC    moreplanets{2.0.10} [More Planets] (More-Planets-1.10.2-2.0.10-GC119.jar) 
    UC    Morpheus{1.10.2-3.1.13} [Morpheus] (Morpheus-1.10.2-3.1.13.jar) 
    UC    MrTJPCoreMod{} [MrTJPCore] (MrTJPCore-1.10.2- 
    UC    naturescompass{1.3.1} [Nature's Compass] (NaturesCompass-1.10.2-1.3.1.jar) 
    UC    netherportalfix{1.0} [NetherPortalFix] (NetherPortalFix_1.10.2-3.3.7.jar) 
    UC    potioncore{1.5.2_for_1.10.2} [Potion Core] (PotionCore-1.5.2_for_1.10.2.jar) 
    UC    nep{1.3_for_1.10.2} [Not Enough Potions] (NotEnoughPotions-1.3_for_1.10.2.jar) 
    UC    ObsidianPlates{1.1.1} [Obsidian Plates] (ObsidianPlates-1.1.1_1.9.4.jar) 
    UC    oops{@VERSION@} [Oops] (oops-1.10-5.14.jar) 
    UC    openmods{0.11.2} [OpenModsLib] (OpenModsLib-1.10.2-0.11.2.jar) 
    UC    openblocks{1.7.2} [OpenBlocks] (OpenBlocks-1.10.2-1.7.2.jar) 
    UE    bonecraft{1.9.4-1.10.2d} [Pam's BoneCraft] (Pam's BoneCraft 1.9.4-1.10.2d.jar) 
    UC    harvestcraft{1.10.2j} [Pam's HarvestCraft] (Pam's HarvestCraft 1.10.2j.jar) 
    UC    simplerecipes{1.9.4-1.10.2a} [Pam's Simple Recipes] (Pam's Simple Recipes 1.9.4-1.10.2a.jar) 
    UC    pamscookables{1.0} [Pam's Cookables] (pamscookables-1.10.2_1.0.0.jar) 
    UC    playerrevive{1.0} [Player Revive] (PlayerRevive v1.2.8 mc1.10.2.jar) 
    UC    projectred-core{} [ProjectRed Core] (ProjectRed-1.10.2- 
    UC    projectred-integration{} [ProjectRed integration] (ProjectRed-1.10.2- 
    UC    projectred-transmission{} [ProjectRed Transmission] (ProjectRed-1.10.2- 
    UC    projectred-illumination{} [ProjectRed Illumination] (ProjectRed-1.10.2- 
    UC    refinedstorage{1.2.26} [Refined Storage] (refinedstorage-1.2.26.jar) 
    UC    rftools{7.15} [RFTools] (rftools-1.1x-7.15.jar) 
    UC    roots{0.208} [Roots] (roots-0.208.jar) 
    UC    runesofwizardry{1.10.2-0.7.2} [Runes of Wizardry] (Runes-of-Wizardry-1.10.2-0.7.2.jar) 
    UC    runesofwizardry_classics{1.10.2-0.4.3-b2} [Runes of Wizardry - Classic Dusts Pack] (RunesofWizardry-Classics-1.10.2-0.4.3-b2.jar) 
    UC    SaltMod{1.8.d} [Salty Mod] (SaltyMod-1.10.2-1.8.d.jar) 
    UC    sanplayermodel{1.0.2} [SanAndreasPs Player Model] (SanLib-1.10.2-1.3.0.jar) 
    UC    scannable{} [Scannable] (Scannable-MC1.10.2- 
    UC    serverobserver{} [ServerObserver] (ServerObserver-1.10.2- 
    UC    sgcraft{1.13.2} [SG Craft] (SGCraft-1.13.2-mc1.10.2.jar) 
    UC    signpost{1.06.1} [Sign Post] (signpost-1.10.2-1.06.1.jar) 
    UE    soundfilters{0.9_for_1.9} [Sound Filters] (SoundFilters-0.9_for_1.9.4.jar) 
    UC    SpiceOfLife{1.3.11} [The Spice of Life] (SpiceOfLife-mc1.9.4-1.3.11.jar) 
    UC    stg{1.0.2} [SwingThroughGrass] (stg-1.0.2.jar) 
    UC    streams{0.4} [Streams] (Streams-1.9.4-0.4.jar) 
    UC    rscircuits{1.0.4} [Super Circuit Maker] (SuperCircuitMaker-1.0.4.jar) 
    UC    thebetweenlands{2.0.4-alpha} [The Betweenlands] (TheBetweenlands-2.0.4-alpha-universal.jar) 
    UC    toolbelt{1.7.1} [Tool Belt] (ToolBelt-1.10.2-1.7.1.jar) 
    UC    totemic{1.10.2-0.8.3} [Totemic] (Totemic-1.10.2-0.8.3.jar) 
    UC    trapcraft{v2.4.1a} [Trapcraft] (Trapcraft-1.10.2-v2.4.1a-universal.jar) 
    UC    wolfarmor{1.3.1} [Wolf Armor and Storage] (wolfarmor- 
    UC    wopper{1.10.2-r1} [Wopper] (Wopper-1.10.2-r1.jar) 
[12:45:07] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML/]: The following problems were captured during this phase
[12:45:07] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML/]: Caught exception from Pam's BoneCraft (bonecraft)
net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.pam.bonecraft.ServerProxy

    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ProxyInjector.inject(ProxyInjector.java:88) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod(FMLModContainer.java:593) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor10.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventSubscriber.handleEvent(EventSubscriber.java:74) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventSubscriber.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventSubscriber.java:47) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:322) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:304) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:275) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(LoadController.java:243) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(LoadController.java:221) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventSubscriber.handleEvent(EventSubscriber.java:74) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventSubscriber.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventSubscriber.java:47) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:322) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:304) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:275) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(LoadController.java:145) [LoadController.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(Loader.java:559) [Loader.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(FMLServerHandler.java:98) [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(FMLCommonHandler.java:328) [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
    at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(DedicatedServer.java:121) [ld.class:?]
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:431) [MinecraftServer.class:?]
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [?:1.8.0_111]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.pam.bonecraft.ServerProxy
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:191) ~[launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModClassLoader.loadClass(ModClassLoader.java:75) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:348) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ProxyInjector.inject(ProxyInjector.java:71) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    ... 27 more
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:182) ~[launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModClassLoader.loadClass(ModClassLoader.java:75) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:348) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ProxyInjector.inject(ProxyInjector.java:71) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    ... 27 more
[12:45:07] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML/]: Caught exception from Sound Filters (soundfilters)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: paulscode/sound/SoundSystemException
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:348) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod(FMLModContainer.java:521) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor10.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventSubscriber.handleEvent(EventSubscriber.java:74) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventSubscriber.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventSubscriber.java:47) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:322) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:304) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:275) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(LoadController.java:243) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(LoadController.java:221) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventSubscriber.handleEvent(EventSubscriber.java:74) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventSubscriber.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventSubscriber.java:47) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:322) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:304) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:275) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(LoadController.java:145) [LoadController.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(Loader.java:559) [Loader.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(FMLServerHandler.java:98) [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(FMLCommonHandler.java:328) [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
    at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(DedicatedServer.java:121) [ld.class:?]
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:431) [MinecraftServer.class:?]
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [?:1.8.0_111]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: paulscode.sound.SoundSystemException
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:191) ~[launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    ... 29 more
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:182) ~[launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    ... 29 more
[12:45:08] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: Can't revert to frozen GameData state without freezing first.
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcp/mcp]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod mcp
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcp/mcp]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod mcp
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Minecraft Coder Pack took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod FML
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod FML
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Forge Mod Loader took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [Forge/Forge]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod Forge
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [Forge/Forge]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod Forge
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Minecraft Forge took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [creativecoredummy/creativecoredummy]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod creativecoredummy
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [creativecoredummy/creativecoredummy]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod creativecoredummy
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - CreativeCoreDummy took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [Micdoodlecore/Micdoodlecore]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod Micdoodlecore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [Micdoodlecore/Micdoodlecore]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod Micdoodlecore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Micdoodle8 Core took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers|Core/OpenComputers|Core]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod OpenComputers|Core
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers|Core/OpenComputers|Core]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod OpenComputers|Core
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - OpenComputers (Core) took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [OpenEye/OpenEye]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod OpenEye
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [OpenEye/OpenEye]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod OpenEye
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - OpenEye took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [potioncore_coremod/potioncore_coremod]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod potioncore_coremod
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [potioncore_coremod/potioncore_coremod]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod potioncore_coremod
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Potion Core Coremod took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [openmodscore/openmodscore]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod openmodscore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [openmodscore/openmodscore]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod openmodscore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - OpenModsLib Core took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [ccl-entityhook/ccl-entityhook]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ccl-entityhook
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [ccl-entityhook/ccl-entityhook]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ccl-entityhook
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - ccl-entityhook took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [uncraftingTable/uncraftingTable]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod uncraftingTable
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [uncraftingTable/uncraftingTable]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod uncraftingTable
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Uncrafting Table took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [fenceoverhaul/fenceoverhaul]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod fenceoverhaul
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [fenceoverhaul/fenceoverhaul]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod fenceoverhaul
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Fence Overhaul took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [actuallyadditions/actuallyadditions]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod actuallyadditions
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [actuallyadditions/actuallyadditions]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod actuallyadditions
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Actually Additions took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [craftstudioapi/craftstudioapi]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod craftstudioapi
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [craftstudioapi/craftstudioapi]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod craftstudioapi
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - CraftStudio API took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [animania/animania]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod animania
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [animania/animania]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod animania
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Animania took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [antiqueatlas/antiqueatlas]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod antiqueatlas
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [antiqueatlas/antiqueatlas]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod antiqueatlas
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Antique Atlas took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [JEI/JEI]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod JEI
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [JEI/JEI]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod JEI
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Just Enough Items took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [AppleCore/AppleCore]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod AppleCore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [AppleCore/AppleCore]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod AppleCore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - AppleCore took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [Quark/Quark]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod Quark
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [Quark/Quark]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod Quark
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Quark took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [AutoRegLib/AutoRegLib]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod AutoRegLib
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [AutoRegLib/AutoRegLib]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod AutoRegLib
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - AutoRegLib took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [BetterAchievements/BetterAchievements]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod BetterAchievements
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [BetterAchievements/BetterAchievements]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod BetterAchievements
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Better Achievements took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomesOPlenty/BiomesOPlenty]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod BiomesOPlenty
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [BiomesOPlenty/BiomesOPlenty]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod BiomesOPlenty
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Biomes O' Plenty took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [infinitylib/infinitylib]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod infinitylib
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [infinitylib/infinitylib]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod infinitylib
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - InfinityLib took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [boatifull/boatifull]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod boatifull
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [boatifull/boatifull]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod boatifull
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Boatifull took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [carryon/carryon]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod carryon
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [carryon/carryon]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod carryon
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Carry On took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [ChestTransporter/ChestTransporter]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ChestTransporter
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [ChestTransporter/ChestTransporter]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ChestTransporter
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Chest Transporter took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [chisel/chisel]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod chisel
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [chisel/chisel]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod chisel
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Chisel took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcmultipart/mcmultipart]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod mcmultipart
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcmultipart/mcmultipart]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod mcmultipart
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - MCMultiPart took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [chiselsandbits/chiselsandbits]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod chiselsandbits
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [chiselsandbits/chiselsandbits]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod chiselsandbits
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Chisels & Bits took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [sanlib/sanlib]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod sanlib
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [sanlib/sanlib]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod sanlib
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - SanAndreasPs Mod Library took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [claysoldiers/claysoldiers]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod claysoldiers
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [claysoldiers/claysoldiers]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod claysoldiers
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Clay Soldiers Mod took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [shadowmc/shadowmc]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod shadowmc
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [shadowmc/shadowmc]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod shadowmc
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - ShadowMC took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [clipboard/clipboard]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod clipboard
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [clipboard/clipboard]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod clipboard
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Clipboard took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [CodeChickenLib/CodeChickenLib]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod CodeChickenLib
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [CodeChickenLib/CodeChickenLib]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod CodeChickenLib
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - CodeChicken Lib took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [cookingforblockheads/cookingforblockheads]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod cookingforblockheads
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [cookingforblockheads/cookingforblockheads]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod cookingforblockheads
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Cooking for Blockheads took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [cosmeticarmorreworked/cosmeticarmorreworked]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod cosmeticarmorreworked
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [cosmeticarmorreworked/cosmeticarmorreworked]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod cosmeticarmorreworked
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - CosmeticArmorReworked took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [wearablebackpacks/wearablebackpacks]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod wearablebackpacks
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [wearablebackpacks/wearablebackpacks]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod wearablebackpacks
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Wearable Backpacks took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [corpsecomplex/corpsecomplex]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod corpsecomplex
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [corpsecomplex/corpsecomplex]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod corpsecomplex
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Corpse Complex took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [crafttweakerjei/crafttweakerjei]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod crafttweakerjei
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [crafttweakerjei/crafttweakerjei]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod crafttweakerjei
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - CraftTweaker JEI Support took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [MineTweaker3/MineTweaker3]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod MineTweaker3
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [MineTweaker3/MineTweaker3]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod MineTweaker3
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - MineTweaker 3 took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [creativecore/creativecore]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod creativecore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [creativecore/creativecore]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod creativecore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - CreativeCore took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [cyberware/cyberware]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod cyberware
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [cyberware/cyberware]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod cyberware
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Cyberware took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [deathquotes/deathquotes]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod deathquotes
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [deathquotes/deathquotes]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod deathquotes
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Death Quotes took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [debugserverinfo/debugserverinfo]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod debugserverinfo
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [debugserverinfo/debugserverinfo]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod debugserverinfo
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - DebugServerInfo took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [dirt2path/dirt2path]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod dirt2path
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [dirt2path/dirt2path]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod dirt2path
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Dirt2Path took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [dynamic_lighting/dynamic_lighting]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod dynamic_lighting
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [dynamic_lighting/dynamic_lighting]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod dynamic_lighting
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Dynamic Lighting took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [galacticraftcore/galacticraftcore]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod galacticraftcore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [galacticraftcore/galacticraftcore]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod galacticraftcore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Galacticraft Core took 0.106s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [dsurround/dsurround]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod dsurround
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [dsurround/dsurround]: SERVER: Executing script for mod [mcp]
[12:45:08] [Server thread/ERROR] [dsurround/dsurround]: Unable to process configuration script
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.client.handlers.EnvironStateHandler$EnvironState.<clinit>(EnvironStateHandler.java:117)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.FakeBiome.getTrueBiome(FakeBiome.java:55)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.FakeBiome.func_76727_i(FakeBiome.java:90)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeInfo.getRainfall(BiomeInfo.java:212)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeMatcher$ConditionsImpl$2.asNumber(BiomeMatcher.java:151)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeMatcher$ConditionsImpl$2.compareTo(BiomeMatcher.java:146)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeMatcher$ConditionsImpl$2.compareTo(BiomeMatcher.java:143)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.lib.script.Expression$11.eval(Expression.java:149)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.lib.script.Expression$37.eval(Expression.java:597)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.lib.script.Expression$37.eval(Expression.java:597)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.lib.script.Expression.eval(Expression.java:636)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeMatcher$ConditionsImpl.match(BiomeMatcher.java:229)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeRegistry.register(BiomeRegistry.java:204)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.scripts.json.ConfigurationScript.process(ConfigurationScript.java:102)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.scripts.JsonScriptingEngine.eval(JsonScriptingEngine.java:66)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.DataScripts.runFromArchive(DataScripts.java:108)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.DataScripts.execute(DataScripts.java:70)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.RegistryManager.reload(RegistryManager.java:134)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.RegistryManager.getRegistry(RegistryManager.java:147)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.RegistryManager.get(RegistryManager.java:72)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.server.services.ServiceManager.<init>(ServiceManager.java:55)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.server.services.ServiceManager.<clinit>(ServiceManager.java:52)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.proxy.Proxy.serverStopped(Proxy.java:113)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at org.blockartistry.DynSurround.DSurround.serverStopped(DSurround.java:236)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent(FMLModContainer.java:616)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor9.invoke(Unknown Source)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at com.google.common.eventbus.EventSubscriber.handleEvent(EventSubscriber.java:74)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventSubscriber.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventSubscriber.java:47)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:322)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:304)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:275)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(LoadController.java:243)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(LoadController.java:221)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at com.google.common.eventbus.EventSubscriber.handleEvent(EventSubscriber.java:74)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventSubscriber.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventSubscriber.java:47)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:322)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:304)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:275)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(LoadController.java:145)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.serverStopped(Loader.java:916)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.handleServerStopped(FMLCommonHandler.java:498)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:533)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [org.blockartistry.lib.logging.ModLog:error:109]:     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:634]: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:634]:     at org.blockartistry.lib.Localization.format(Localization.java:77)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:634]:     at org.blockartistry.lib.MinecraftClock.<clinit>(MinecraftClock.java:32)
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/dsurround]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:634]:     ... 53 more
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [dsurround/dsurround]: SERVER: Executing script for mod [actuallyadditions]
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [dsurround/dsurround]: SERVER: Executing script for mod [Quark]
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [dsurround/dsurround]: SERVER: Executing script for mod [BiomesOPlenty]
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [dsurround/dsurround]: SERVER: Executing script for mod [cookingforblockheads]
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [dsurround/dsurround]: SERVER: Executing script for mod [galacticraftcore]
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [dsurround/dsurround]: SERVER: Executing script for mod [EnderIO]
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [dsurround/dsurround]: SERVER: Executing script for mod [bigreactors]
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [dsurround/dsurround]: SERVER: Executing script for mod [tconstruct]
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [dsurround/dsurround]: SERVER: Executing script for mod [harvestcraft]
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [dsurround/dsurround]: SERVER: Executing script for mod [refinedstorage]
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [dsurround/dsurround]: SERVER: Executing script for mod [rftools]
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [dsurround/dsurround]: SERVER: Executing script for mod [streams]
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [dsurround/dsurround]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod dsurround
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Dynamic Surroundings took 0.279s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [elytra_port/elytra_port]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod elytra_port
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [elytra_port/elytra_port]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod elytra_port
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Elytra Port took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [endercore/endercore]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod endercore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [endercore/endercore]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod endercore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - EnderCore took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [Waila/Waila]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod Waila
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [Waila/Waila]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod Waila
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Waila took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [EnderIO/EnderIO]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod EnderIO
[12:45:08] [pool-2-thread-1/DEBUG] [EnderIO/EnderIO]: ServerChannelRegister: Dimensional Transceiver data saved to /home/16375/userdata/custom-minecraft/enderio/dimensionalTransceiver.json
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [EnderIO/EnderIO]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod EnderIO
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Ender IO took 0.037s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [erosion/erosion]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod erosion
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [erosion/erosion]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod erosion
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Erosion took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [exoticbirds/exoticbirds]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod exoticbirds
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [exoticbirds/exoticbirds]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod exoticbirds
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Exotic Birds took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [ExtraBitManipulation/ExtraBitManipulation]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ExtraBitManipulation
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [ExtraBitManipulation/ExtraBitManipulation]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ExtraBitManipulation
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Extra Bit Manipulation took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [galacticraftplanets/galacticraftplanets]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod galacticraftplanets
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [galacticraftplanets/galacticraftplanets]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod galacticraftplanets
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Galacticraft Planets took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [extraplanets/extraplanets]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod extraplanets
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [extraplanets/extraplanets]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod extraplanets
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Extra Planets took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [ExtraRails/ExtraRails]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ExtraRails
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [ExtraRails/ExtraRails]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ExtraRails
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Extra Rails took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [extrautils2/extrautils2]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod extrautils2
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [extrautils2/extrautils2]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod extrautils2
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Extra Utilities 2 took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/OpenComputers]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod OpenComputers
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/OpenComputers]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod OpenComputers
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - OpenComputers took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [zerocore/zerocore]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod zerocore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [zerocore/zerocore]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod zerocore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Zero CORE took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [bigreactors/bigreactors]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod bigreactors
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [bigreactors/bigreactors]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod bigreactors
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Extreme Reactors took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [fairylights/fairylights]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod fairylights
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [fairylights/fairylights]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod fairylights
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Fairy Lights took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [farseek/farseek]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod farseek
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [farseek/farseek]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod farseek
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Farseek took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [fastleafdecay/fastleafdecay]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod fastleafdecay
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [fastleafdecay/fastleafdecay]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod fastleafdecay
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Fast Leaf Decay took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [forgelin/forgelin]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod forgelin
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [forgelin/forgelin]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod forgelin
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Shadowfacts' Forgelin took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [forgemultipartcbe/forgemultipartcbe]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod forgemultipartcbe
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [forgemultipartcbe/forgemultipartcbe]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod forgemultipartcbe
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Forge Multipart CBE took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [microblockcbe/microblockcbe]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod microblockcbe
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [microblockcbe/microblockcbe]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod microblockcbe
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Forge Microblocks took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [minecraftmultipartcbe/minecraftmultipartcbe]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod minecraftmultipartcbe
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [minecraftmultipartcbe/minecraftmultipartcbe]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod minecraftmultipartcbe
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Minecraft Multipart Plugin took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [ftbl/ftbl]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ftbl
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [ftbl/ftbl]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ftbl
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - FTBLib took 0.017s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/ERROR] [ftbu/]: Skipping event FMLServerStoppedEvent and marking errored mod ftbu since required dependency ftbl has errored
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - FTBUtilities took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [geneticsreborn/geneticsreborn]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod geneticsreborn
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [geneticsreborn/geneticsreborn]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod geneticsreborn
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Genetics Reborn took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [gravestone/gravestone]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod gravestone
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [gravestone/gravestone]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod gravestone
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Gravestone Mod took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [hopperducts/hopperducts]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod hopperducts
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [hopperducts/hopperducts]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod hopperducts
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Hopper Ducts took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [mantle/mantle]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod mantle
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [mantle/mantle]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod mantle
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Mantle took 0.001s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [tconstruct/tconstruct]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod tconstruct
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [tconstruct/tconstruct]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod tconstruct
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Tinkers' Construct took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [immersiveengineering/immersiveengineering]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod immersiveengineering
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [immersiveengineering/immersiveengineering]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod immersiveengineering
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Immersive Engineering took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [immersivepetroleum/immersivepetroleum]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod immersivepetroleum
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [immersivepetroleum/immersivepetroleum]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod immersivepetroleum
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Immersive Petroleum took 0.001s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [instantunify/instantunify]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod instantunify
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [instantunify/instantunify]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod instantunify
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - InstantUnify took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [jehc/jehc]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod jehc
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [jehc/jehc]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod jehc
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Just Enough HarvestCraft took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [jaff/jaff]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod jaff
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [jaff/jaff]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod jaff
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Just a Few Fish took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [largeveins/largeveins]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod largeveins
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [largeveins/largeveins]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod largeveins
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Large Veins took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [magicmirror/magicmirror]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod magicmirror
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [magicmirror/magicmirror]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod magicmirror
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Magic Mirror took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [malisiscore/malisiscore]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod malisiscore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [malisiscore/malisiscore]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod malisiscore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - MalisisCore took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [malisisblocks/malisisblocks]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod malisisblocks
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [malisisblocks/malisisblocks]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod malisisblocks
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Malisis Blocks took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [malisisdoors/malisisdoors]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod malisisdoors
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [malisisdoors/malisisdoors]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod malisisdoors
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - MalisisDoors took 0.001s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [mist/mist]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod mist
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [mist/mist]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod mist
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Misty World took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [testdummy/testdummy]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod testdummy
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [testdummy/testdummy]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod testdummy
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - MmmMmmMmmMmm took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [craftelytra/craftelytra]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod craftelytra
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [craftelytra/craftelytra]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod craftelytra
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Craftable Elytra took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [mtlib/mtlib]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod mtlib
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [mtlib/mtlib]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod mtlib
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - MTLib took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [modtweaker/modtweaker]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod modtweaker
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [modtweaker/modtweaker]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod modtweaker
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Mod Tweaker took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [moreplanets/moreplanets]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod moreplanets
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [moreplanets/moreplanets]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod moreplanets
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - More Planets took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [Morpheus/Morpheus]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod Morpheus
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [Morpheus/Morpheus]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod Morpheus
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Morpheus took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [MrTJPCoreMod/MrTJPCoreMod]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod MrTJPCoreMod
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [MrTJPCoreMod/MrTJPCoreMod]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod MrTJPCoreMod
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - MrTJPCore took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [naturescompass/naturescompass]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod naturescompass
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [naturescompass/naturescompass]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod naturescompass
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Nature's Compass took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [netherportalfix/netherportalfix]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod netherportalfix
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [netherportalfix/netherportalfix]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod netherportalfix
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - NetherPortalFix took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [potioncore/potioncore]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod potioncore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [potioncore/potioncore]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod potioncore
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Potion Core took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [nep/nep]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod nep
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [nep/nep]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod nep
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Not Enough Potions took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [ObsidianPlates/ObsidianPlates]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ObsidianPlates
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [ObsidianPlates/ObsidianPlates]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ObsidianPlates
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Obsidian Plates took 0.001s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [oops/oops]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod oops
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [oops/oops]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod oops
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Oops took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [openmods/openmods]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod openmods
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [openmods/openmods]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod openmods
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - OpenModsLib took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [openblocks/openblocks]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod openblocks
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [openblocks/openblocks]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod openblocks
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - OpenBlocks took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [bonecraft/bonecraft]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod bonecraft
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [bonecraft/bonecraft]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod bonecraft
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Pam's BoneCraft took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [harvestcraft/harvestcraft]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod harvestcraft
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [harvestcraft/harvestcraft]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod harvestcraft
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Pam's HarvestCraft took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [simplerecipes/simplerecipes]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod simplerecipes
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [simplerecipes/simplerecipes]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod simplerecipes
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Pam's Simple Recipes took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [pamscookables/pamscookables]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod pamscookables
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [pamscookables/pamscookables]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod pamscookables
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Pam's Cookables took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [playerrevive/playerrevive]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod playerrevive
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [playerrevive/playerrevive]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod playerrevive
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Player Revive took 0.001s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-core/projectred-core]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod projectred-core
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-core/projectred-core]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod projectred-core
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - ProjectRed Core took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-integration/projectred-integration]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod projectred-integration
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-integration/projectred-integration]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod projectred-integration
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - ProjectRed integration took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-transmission/projectred-transmission]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod projectred-transmission
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-transmission/projectred-transmission]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod projectred-transmission
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - ProjectRed Transmission took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-illumination/projectred-illumination]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod projectred-illumination
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [projectred-illumination/projectred-illumination]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod projectred-illumination
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - ProjectRed Illumination took 0.001s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [refinedstorage/refinedstorage]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod refinedstorage
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [refinedstorage/refinedstorage]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod refinedstorage
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Refined Storage took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [rftools/rftools]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod rftools
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging/rftools]: RFTools: server is stopping. Shutting down gracefully
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [rftools/rftools]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod rftools
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - RFTools took 0.025s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [roots/roots]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod roots
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [roots/roots]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod roots
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Roots took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [runesofwizardry/runesofwizardry]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod runesofwizardry
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [runesofwizardry/runesofwizardry]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod runesofwizardry
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Runes of Wizardry took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [runesofwizardry_classics/runesofwizardry_classics]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod runesofwizardry_classics
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [runesofwizardry_classics/runesofwizardry_classics]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod runesofwizardry_classics
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Runes of Wizardry - Classic Dusts Pack took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [SaltMod/SaltMod]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod SaltMod
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [SaltMod/SaltMod]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod SaltMod
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Salty Mod took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [sanplayermodel/sanplayermodel]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod sanplayermodel
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [sanplayermodel/sanplayermodel]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod sanplayermodel
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - SanAndreasPs Player Model took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [scannable/scannable]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod scannable
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [scannable/scannable]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod scannable
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Scannable took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [serverobserver/serverobserver]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod serverobserver
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [serverobserver/serverobserver]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod serverobserver
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - ServerObserver took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [sgcraft/sgcraft]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod sgcraft
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [sgcraft/sgcraft]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod sgcraft
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - SG Craft took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [signpost/signpost]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod signpost
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [signpost/signpost]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod signpost
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Sign Post took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [soundfilters/soundfilters]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod soundfilters
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [soundfilters/soundfilters]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod soundfilters
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Sound Filters took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [SpiceOfLife/SpiceOfLife]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod SpiceOfLife
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [SpiceOfLife/SpiceOfLife]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod SpiceOfLife
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - The Spice of Life took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [stg/stg]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod stg
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [stg/stg]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod stg
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - SwingThroughGrass took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [streams/streams]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod streams
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [streams/streams]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod streams
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Streams took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [rscircuits/rscircuits]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod rscircuits
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [rscircuits/rscircuits]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod rscircuits
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Super Circuit Maker took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [thebetweenlands/thebetweenlands]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod thebetweenlands
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [thebetweenlands/thebetweenlands]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod thebetweenlands
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - The Betweenlands took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [toolbelt/toolbelt]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod toolbelt
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [toolbelt/toolbelt]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod toolbelt
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Tool Belt took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [totemic/totemic]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod totemic
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [totemic/totemic]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod totemic
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Totemic took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [trapcraft/trapcraft]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod trapcraft
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [trapcraft/trapcraft]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod trapcraft
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Trapcraft took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [wolfarmor/wolfarmor]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod wolfarmor
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [wolfarmor/wolfarmor]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod wolfarmor
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Wolf Armor and Storage took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [wopper/wopper]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod wopper
[12:45:08] [Server thread/TRACE] [wopper/wopper]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod wopper
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Wopper took 0.000s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Finished: ServerStopped took 0.486s
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: The state engine was in incorrect state ERRORED and forced into state SERVER_STOPPED. Errors may have been discarded.
[12:45:08] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: The state engine was in incorrect state ERRORED and forced into state AVAILABLE. Errors may have been discarded.



Edited by 13illy
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