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[move]We are making a team! We need to find people that can make Models, Textures, and can do Codding.[/move]







Available Slots:

1 slots for Modding

6 slots for Texturing

3 slots for Modeling


If you want to sign up! Copy the part you want and make sure you fill it out correctly.




IGN (Minecraft):

Have you coded before:

Have you been on a team before:

Why should we pick you:






Have you modeled before:

Have you been on a team before:

Why should we pick you:


Time(ex. Central, Pacific):





Have you textured before:

Have you been on a team before:

Why should we pick you:




- mrsirusanyonmus

- Speiger


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===================================================Esper Channel==============================================

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, this is kinda odd.


Anyway I will just let you guys know who I am and ask a couple questions.


Name: Ricardo @ Ralms

IGN: Ralmslb

Age: 22

Have you coded before: I did mainly basic ActionScript 3, Basic Javascript and a bit of self learnt Java.

Have I ever finished/released a mod? no, since I have high standards on what I do. Or I do it right or I dont even bother.

Have you been on a team before: Modding team no, other then that yes in many activities.

Have you textured before: Texturing for minecraft no, but I have good knowledge on Photoshop.


In general my skills are varied at a basic level. I have studied Multimedia which is mainly Web development but that covers the basics of everything related to media, from video/audio editing to coding or even 3dsMax. Although I like to program or play with audio then anything else.


Why should we pick you: On your point of view the only good thing I have really is interest and the will to learn. I know a bit of everything but never got to a advanced level.


Now I have a question too, what is the main idea for the group? is there a project? who is the manager?

This post is really weak on that regard, since you guys ask for people and dont say what for.




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Name:I can only give you my email not my real name [email protected]

IGN (Minecraft):Chibill

Have you coded before:yes Look at the AdditionalCrafting subforum here for my mod, which will be up to 1.5 in a week or so only because I am adding more content to it.

Have you been on a team before:Nope unless you count your brother and a friend giving you helpful in put a team.

Why should we pick you:I am good at looking out how to get things to work even when there is no tutural for it like Redstone interaction. And I am detumend to always get a part done before I give up.

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