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[1.9] Adding a new Language


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For a few different reasons, I wanted to try adding another language to the game that Forge can find the associated lang files in mods. I noticed the constructor for Language is public, but I don't know where to put the resulting object.


At the moment I'm reflecting the LanguageManager, and, as with most reflection, it feels dirty and unsafe. Is there an actual way to do this?

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Aint this possible with a simple langFile? E.g. adding  it as resourcePack content? Otherwise, try to figure out how the vanilla Lang files are loaded, and start from there. If Im correct you wont need reflection that way.



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You would just need to create a Lang File.


Just like you put an en_US.lang in your src/resources/asset/<modID>/lang folder for your translation. You can do the same for other languages. 

IE: es_MX.lang for Mexican Spanish and ga_IE.lang for Irish.


For any text that needs translated that isn't covered by the block/item name. such as lore, chat messages, etc. You can use ITextComponet text = new TextTranslation(unlocalizedTextInLangFileToBeTranslated, args...)


For the name of other lang files, please consult this list from the minecraft wiki.



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I believe the OP is trying to add a new language to the game, not add translations for an existing one.


It looks like you can add new languages by including a pack.mcmeta file in your mod. Minecraft's pack.mcmeta file isn't included in the ForgeGradle workspace, but you can find it in the regular client's assets.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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  • 6 years later...

For any text that needs translated that isn't covered by the block/item name. such as lore, chat messages, etc. You can use ITextComponet text = new TextTranslation(unlocalizedTextInLangFileToBeTranslated, args...)

what goes into "args"?

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