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[1.7.10] How to get harvest level from Tool? [RESOLVED]


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Hey guys,


I'm having a small issue (brain fart if you will) on how the heck I can check the harvest level of a tool used in the OnBlockDropItems event. I feel I'm missing just one little thing, and I can't seem to find a method that would be along the lines of .getHarvestLevel() which grabs the harvest level of a tool if its a shovel. This is what I'm working with so far.


    public void onBlockDropItems(BlockEvent.HarvestDropsEvent event) //This is overriding drop tables of vanilla blocks.
        if (event.block == Blocks.gravel)
            World world = event.world;
            EntityPlayer player = event.harvester;

            if(player.getCurrentEquippedItem() != null)
                Item itemUsed = player.getCurrentEquippedItem().getItem(); // Checks what tool was that player used to break item.
                if (itemUsed == (Items.iron_shovel) || itemUsed == (Items.diamond_shovel)) //TODO check for material harvest level iron or better (2 or better)
                    if (world.rand.nextFloat() < 0.25f) //25% Chance to drop a RoughCrystalFragment if using the right shovel!
                        event.drops.add(new ItemStack(ModItems.itemRoughCrystalFragment, world.rand.nextInt(2) + 1)); //drops RoughCrystalFragment 1-2



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I resolved it myself. Easy enough, as soon as I posted I realized another way to test this. I'll leave topic open in case people have input on a better way or anything, but this works for me to have a harvest level 2 or above, which is iron level or better. I think any mod would at some point use ItemSpade to extend from, so this should cover any mod shovel I believe.


    public void onBlockDropItems(BlockEvent.HarvestDropsEvent event) //This is overriding drop tables of vanilla blocks.
        if (event.block == Blocks.gravel)
            World world = event.world;
            EntityPlayer player = event.harvester;

            if(player.getCurrentEquippedItem() != null && player.getCurrentEquippedItem().getItem() instanceof ItemSpade) //If its a shovel
                Item toolUsed = player.getCurrentEquippedItem().getItem(); //Gets item used
                int toolUsedHarvestLevel = player.getCurrentEquippedItem().getItem().getHarvestLevel(new ItemStack(toolUsed), "shovel"); // Gets harvest level of said tool
                if (toolUsedHarvestLevel >= 2) //Iron or better, aka 2 or better.
                    if (world.rand.nextFloat() < 0.25f) //25% Chance to drop a RoughCrystalFragment if using the right shovel!
                        event.drops.add(new ItemStack(ModItems.itemRoughCrystalFragment, world.rand.nextInt(2) + 1)); //drops RoughCrystalFragment 1-2



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Don't check if the item extends


, that's not a reliable indicator that the tool functions as a shovel (Tinkers' Construct tools extend


directly, bypassing


and the other subclasses); some tools may not even extend


. Just use the harvest level check, any tool that can't act as a shovel will simply return -1 from




Don't create a new


to pass to


, use the player's held


. Creating a new


will break any tool that uses metadata or NBT to determine the harvest level (e.g. Tinkers' Construct).

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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Don't check if the item extends


, that's not a reliable indicator that the tool functions as a shovel (Tinkers' Construct tools extend


directly, bypassing


and the other subclasses); some tools may not even extend


. Just use the harvest level check, any tool that can't act as a shovel will simply return -1 from




Don't create a new


to pass to


, use the player's held


. Creating a new


will break any tool that uses metadata or NBT to determine the harvest level (e.g. Tinkers' Construct).


You make great points, thanks. I removed the check for ItemSpade, but how do I get the harvest level of the held item without making it an itemstack? getHarvestLevel requires (itemStack. toolClass) parameters. This is where I am at so far, is that what you meant? Code functions fine, just want to ensure I don't break other mods (well, at least try not to break tinkers since its pretty widely used).


    public void onBlockDropItems(BlockEvent.HarvestDropsEvent event) //This is overriding drop tables of vanilla blocks.
        if (event.block == Blocks.gravel)
            World world = event.world;
            EntityPlayer player = event.harvester;

            if(player.getHeldItem() != null) //If used an item.
                ItemStack toolUsed = player.getHeldItem();
                int toolUsedHarvestLevel = player.getHeldItem().getItem().getHarvestLevel(toolUsed, "shovel"); // Gets harvest level of said tool
                if (toolUsedHarvestLevel >= 2) //Iron or better, aka 2 or better.
                    if (world.rand.nextFloat() < 0.25f) //25% Chance to drop a RoughCrystalFragment if using the right shovel!
                        event.drops.add(new ItemStack(ModItems.itemRoughCrystalFragment, world.rand.nextInt(2) + 1)); //drops RoughCrystalFragment 1-2



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I meant pass the player's held




instead of creating a new one with metadata 0 and no NBT.


What you've done looks correct.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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