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  1. I'm wondering if the outstanding tasks for the mod loader are essential to completion. If so, won't be out until at least after christmas according to the post.
  2. Hello, I just want to know if there is a command line argument to specify mods, specifically a JVM argument. For example, something like this: -mods path1.jar;path2.jar;path3.jar;etc.jar What this would do is obvious, only load the mods at the given paths. If this doesnt exist, just say it doesnt exist. Thank you.
  3. I don't mean to necro but I can't find any documentation on the command parameter. I'm assuming you mean a JVM argument? Could you elaborate on this or direct me to a documentation? I am developing a launcher and it would help for me to know how to use this command line argument so that different mod configurations can be loaded without having to copy the ENTIRE instance folder for each. Thanks.
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