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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. So quite Simply the problem wasn't with the code I had provided above is that I had forgotten to put a line of code within the main class. public static eventhandler eventHandlerClient;
  2. I'll do a little bit more testing and then drop some stuff here
  3. Nevermind I sorted it, As I said I was being dumb, Thank you Jabelar and Draco18s for the help, I appreciate it.
  4. Okay well, I've tried it and it's not working, again I'm most likely being stupid and declaring it in the wrong place.
  5. Like this? @SubscribeEvent public void spawnEvent(EntityJoinWorldEvent event) { if (event.getEntity() instanceof EntityZombie) { EntityZombie Zombie = (EntityZombie) event.getEntity(); Zombie.targetTasks.addTask(2, new EntityAINearestAttackableTarget(Zombie, entityGoldenGolem.class, true)); } }
  6. Yeah, I gathered that it was public and that I need to add to the list, But I'm not sure about how to go about doing that or where I would do it, I'll be honest I'm probably just being stupid.
  7. Hey, So I've created a golem-like class, And I was wondering how I would go about making mobs like zombies attack this mob, just like they would an iron golem. Any help would be welcome. I'm not too sure where to start, I believe I would have to create an instance of some sorts but I'm not sure where and I'm not sure how?
  8. I would like to inquire about how i would render an item such as a sword onto a custom mob model. I have looked at the zombie render and entity class but i don't really understand it. -Many thanks.
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