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  1. And btw, it seems like if the mob goes nearer (for about 2 blocks or nearer), the tile entity won't hit the mob
  2. I'm currently working on a block that its tile entity can automatically hit the mob. My problem is when I use the Vec3d dot product check if the entity is in the block tile entity hitbox, I realized that the block tile entity won't hit if the mob goes nearer the block. Here is my code: I would greatly appreciated your help! Thanks in advance.
  3. it is replaced with worldRenderer.begin(7, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX)
  4. So far as I have known, there is a method called processRightClick in PlayerControllerMP class. But there is one parameter called hitVec, and I want to calculate it correctly, like this picture: I am wondering if there are anyways to do this. Thanks in advance!
  5. I have no ideas what is Tessellator and VertexBuffer are, and how do they work. I have read some on the Internet but they aren't specific enough for me to understand. I hope you guys could explain them specifically to me and give me some examples. Thanks in advance!
  6. Is it like so: boolean behind = entity.getLookVec().dotProduct(otherEntity.getLookVec()) < -0.8D; ?
  7. Thank you. Is it like this: entity.getPositionVector().dotProduct(otherEntity.getLookVec()) == -1 I want to check if the original entity is behind other entity
  8. Vec3d direction = entity.getPositionVector().add(entity.getLookVec()); And after that, I wonder what to do next?
  9. Vector? You mean Vec3d? And by the way how to check using vector and the entity's LookVec? (normalizing?)
  10. I tried to compare two entities' posX and posZ whether it is equal, greater or less, but I don't know which of them will check if entity is behind, in front of, leftward or rightward other entity
  11. I am wondering how to check if entity is behind, in front of, leftward or rightward other entity. Currently, I tried posX, posZ of two entities to check but it doesn't seem to be correct. Please help me. Thanks a lot!
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