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Forge Code God
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Everything posted by LexManos

  1. You should go the other way, upgrade your mods to 1.18.2. It's better to be on the highest version possible.
  2. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently supported versions are 1.19 (Latest) and 1.18.2 (LTS).
  3. Forge Version: 43.1.0 Minecraft Version: 1.19.2 Downloads: Changelog: (Direct) Installer: (AdFocus) (Direct) MDK: (AdFocus) (Direct) Intro: It's that time again, a RB for 1.19.2. We ment to do it last week but ran into a couple issues with DFU. Which have been resolved. There isn't much difference between 1.19 and 1.19.1/2 so most mods should just work. Yes, we know there is a new chat reporting system in vanilla. We WILL NOT be touching this. We are not in the position to be removing/modifying vanilla. Especially for things related to community safety. Lets leave the subject there. New: Update Recommended Gradle to 7.5 New event to monitor when chunks enter 'limbo' states, where they are still loaded but queued to unload. Now allow Network Channels to see if they are registered on the other side using non-Forge controlled mechanisms. New HolderSet system allowing tags/registry references to be combined in logical ways. New event to manage Toasts Added ability for mob effects event to modify icon positions. Added new permissions node for using entity selectors in commands to allow users to use them without being ops. New hooks to allow controlling of entity and block outlines. New custom item usage animation api. New API to managing custom icons on maps. Fixed: Fixed issue loading natives from classpath during dev on certain non-standard setups. Fixed Allay's not firing Mob Greifing Event Fixed action bar text not having shadows. Fixed Dedicated Server installs not using JarInJar properly. Fixed Item Entity bobbiing. Fixed PotentialSpawns Event not firing. Fixed issue where custom step up heights would cause you to step down while sneaking as well. Fixed concurrency issue related to EventBus enhancements. Fixed some vanilla particles not rendering correctly after they move. Fixed some entities not respecting custom Shields. Fixed AnvilUpdateEvent not firing unless both input slots are filled. It now fires when only renaming an item as well. Fixed loading dimensions with removed or modified chunk generators. Fixed loading saves with removed dimensions. Fixed issue in dev where .DS_Store and other hidden files would cause ResourceLocation errors. Fixed issue where vanilla custom payload packets would fail to send when in LAN worlds. Fixed vanilla issue where enchantments would fire twice if on players when they normally couldn't be (Thorns on a weapon for example)
  4. Some zip managers like to take control of the .jar file extension away from Java. Make sure you have Java installed and try running Jarfix once, then try the installer again. Also, if it makes a log file, post the log. Beyond that you can try running the jar from the command line to get a log.
  5. This is correct, the jar installer works on windows.
  6. Forge Version: 41.1.0 Minecraft Version: 1.19 Downloads: Changelog: (Direct) Installer: (AdFocus) (Direct) MDK: (AdFocus) (Direct) Intro: Hello everyone, this is the first Recommended Build for 1.19. Sorry for the delay we were planning on doing this the original day Mojang released 1.19.1, but for various reason that's been delayed so instead of waiting on Mojang we're making a 1.19.0 RB. Major thing to note about this release is that we had a major overhaul of our rendering related code. You can read more about it, and how to automate a large chunk of your update here. Also did a pass of class and method renames, you can find a list here. Minor note is the removal of GlobalLootModifierSerializer in favor of Codecs. New: IForgeRegistryEntry is now removed, in favor of Delegates/Holders. Now that Mojang uses registries on Interface types and anonymous classes. Registry events will now be fired in the order that vanilla populates its own registries. With all custom registries happening afterwards in alphabetical order. This should address any vanilla code that is not delegate aware. Custom registry types should be delegate aware. New 'displayTest' option in mods.toml, allowing a simple way to use basic one sided multi-player modlist tests. New 'feature' system allowing mods to demand certain features are available in the loading system. Such as `java_version` or `glsl_version` New Fluid API overhaul allowing better physics for custom fluid types. New Biome Modifiers to allow modification of features and spawns. New JarInJar dependency management system. Changed ConfigValue#get() to throw an exception if called before config loaded. This prevents silent issues where a mod gets the value of the setting before configs are loaded. ConfigValue's now implement Supplier, to make it easier to pass around to generic functions. New ToolAction for using fishing rods. Added ItemHandler capability to chest boats Implemented full support for IPv6 Implemented caching for resource packs, should speed up loading and runtime performance when getting resource lists. Changed custom packet processing onto the network thread to give modders more control over off-thread activities. New hooks to allow enchantment and potions to control their creative tab, as well as the 'foil' overlays. New hook allowing blocks more control over how they look in the Map item. Added RenderLevelStageEvent to replace RenderLevelLastEvent Added config option to disable DFU client side optimizations, should speed up client loading process. Added User-Agent header to requests made by the update checker. Format: Java-http-client/<Java version> MinecraftForge/<ForgeVer> <ModId>/<ModVersion> Added API for tab list header/footer Added hook to allow modification of lightmap via Dimension special effects Added hook/loader to allow faces of an "elements" model to be made emissive Fixed: Fixed various event methods missing proper nullability annotations. Fixed SlotItemHandler not using ItemHandler in initialize. Fixed wrong arguments passed to PlayLevelSoundEvent.AtEntity Fixed Lighting pipeline ignoring the overlay coords from the block renderer Fixed experimental confirmation screen showing in some cases where it shouldn't. Fixed mods' worldgen data not being loaded when creating new singleplayer worlds. Fixed Reach Distance / Attack Range being clamped at 6.0 Fixed EnumArgument using toString() instead of name() for suggestions, causing some enums to suggest invalid values. Fixed some native libraries not loading correctly, should address M1 Mac issues. Fixed issue loading audio device settings during initial startup. Fixed ticking chunk tickets from forge's chunk manager not causing chunks to fully tick Fixed MC-105317 Structure blocks do not rotate entities correctly when loading Fixed ITransformationServices not loading from the classpath during dev time. Fixed some custom items rendering the damage bar twice in villager UIs. Fixed data generators related to doors. Fixed shulker boxes allowing input of items, that return false for Item#canFitInsideContainerItems, through hoppers Fixed BufferBuilder.putBulkData(ByteBuffer) not setting positions correctly. Fixed mob block breaking AI not working correctly when chunk 0,0 is unloaded. Fixed renderBreakingTexture not using the target's model data Fixed Global Loot Modifiers not using Dispatch Codec Fixed Sugar Cane not firing CropGrowEvent.Post Fixed crossbows not firing ArrowLooseEvent Fixed modded blocks ability to override sticking to vanilla sticky blocks Fixed invalid channel names sent from the server causing the network thread to error.
  7. To be clear, Optifine is a closed source major CoreMod. It is on them to be compatible with us, not the other way around. We constantly make changes that are required to improve Forge/Minecraft. There isn't anything we can do to know how it will interact with Optifine. So, your best bet is to NOT use Optifine, but if you must, use the EXACT version of Forge it says it is compatible with.
  8. Only download Forge from OUR site. We are not associated with CurseForge. https://files.minecraftforge.net/
  9. https://www.cs.umd.edu/~clin/MoreJava/Intro/expr-int-div.html
  10. Mod xaeroworldmap requires forge 41.0.94 or above Currently, forge is 41.0.84
  11. I thought you were joking at first. However a quick look it is indeed a modified Minecraft client with heavy obfusication and a custom JVM to load said obfuscated classes. No this is not legal. But its not on our to take it down Forge is open and even tho it's shitty they can do this with Forge. They are infringing on Mojang's (and others) rights so it'd be on them to go after it.
  12. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently supported versions are 1.19 (Latest) 1.18.2 (LTS) and 1.16.5 (grace period).
  13. Its not missing anything. The installer has created all files you need.
  14. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently supported versions are 1.19 (Latest) 1.18.2 (LTS) and 1.16.5 (grace period).
  15. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently supported versions are 1.19 (Latest) 1.18.2 (LTS) and 1.16.5 (grace period).
  16. You can run with --help to get a list of possible command line arguments. But to be explicit you can see them here: <https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Installer/blob/2.0/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/installer/SimpleInstaller.java#L82>
  17. CR is carrier return, it's part of windows new lines {\r\n}. Convert tour toml to linux line endings {just \n}
  18. About 4 hours before you posted this.
  19. Then you need to read your log file, and make sure they are Forge mods.
  20. No, it's not because classes can be added to the runtime at any point, so whatever you're doing is most likely not reliable. Which is why I said it seems like black magic and probably won't work. Feel free to actually show us what it is so we can understand your context.
  21. This is not a Forge log, as the class for the entity is obfusicated. Be sure you're actually running Forge and not vanilla. And post the full log.
  22. Please provide your save file backup. This shouldn't happen. Even with the missing entries {which shouldn't be missing} it shouldn't shift ids like it does. So one of us can take a look when you provide the world. Beyond that, try updating again, and/or jump to 1.18 as that's a supported version. Also next time, use a paste site like pastebin, or a spoiler so your post isnt 30 pages long.
  23. 1) No idea what 'Reflections' is, but it seems like black magic that will probably not work. 2) There is no way to get all potential classes in a package, so there is no way to magically 'find' these implementation classes. 3) It's better to manually init your registry objects in one location using a deferred register. 4) This has nothing to do with FG, this is runtime stuff.
  24. Basically (and extremely simplified), Java Broke Executable Jars in Java 9. And considering Java 9 is 5 years old. We figure it has been long enough for server hosts to have updated. It's not hard it's just different command line arguments when launching the server. Also, we knew Mojang was gunna bump Java eventually so we made sure to make our stuff more future proof. If your host doesn't support it, then stop paying them as they have shown they can not be trusted to update in the last 5 years. There are plenty out there are have actually applied updates in a timely manor so find one and use them. Or host it yourself.
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