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Posts posted by WildHeart

  1. Yes, but what's the point of carrying 20+ dependencies with you when you can load only what you need(yes, my mod can do this), but I need to load these dependencies during startup. I found this Launch.classLoader.addURL but apparently this does not work with the new version of Forge.

  2. Previously, the registration was in FMLServerStartingEvent, now there is an additional event for this, but this is inconvenient. That's why I'm asking how this can be done. Or is it possible to call FMLServerStartingEvent at the beginning, and then RegisterCommandsEvent?

  3. Oh, okey.

    public void serverStarting(FMLServerStartingEvent e) {
    	// Creating managerProvider
    // In ManagerProvider
    public void register() {

    But it doesn't work for me

  4. Hi, I am writing my adapter for Kotlin, but the main loader does not see the mod. What did I do:

    1. Implemented IModLanguageProvider, IModLanguageLoader, ModContainer

    2. In toml: modLoader the name of custom loader is set

    3. In META-INF created service with path to custom IModLanguageProvider

    But, this is not work in IDEA. I output IModLanguageProvider#getFileVisitor to the console and it showed that the class was not found. Although the annotation hangs over the class. Please do not write that I do not need it, that there are ready-made solutions and blah-blah-blah. I have other goals, but first I need to at least solve the problem with the launch.

  5. This is understandable, just in mcp you can easily get the source code of only the server. But for forge I do not see this opportunity, and to have to remove methods with the SideOnly(CLIENT) annotation. And it affects other methods not SideOnly(CLIENT).

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