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  1. Oh, except for when I place it down it still has no texture. I'll take a look to see if I missed anything.
  2. Ok, I got it working. TYVM. Capitalization is always a pain ;-;
  3. I've just started the basics on 1.12.2 (haven't modded since 1.7.10, so this is all new to me), and I added an item and a block. They both are added into the game, as I can find them in the creative menu and whatnot, however, it still has the lang-file-less name "item.blah.name", similarly with the block. The textures both are the purple and black grid checkerboard of despair. I poked around for a little while and used my in-Eclipse JSON editor to make sure the JSONs were valid, it appears they are, but I still can't figure out why it's not loading. I'm sure I just missed a line somewhere. My code is here. Thanks!
  4. If I am to use any of the events listed, I need to know how. I have not used events in my past, and I am completely new to them.
  5. Wish I could say thanks, but I can't yet. I am getting the error: The method setRequiresTool() is undefined for the type Block
  6. In forge, I am trying to the change the block harvest level of an item. My code is: Blocks.blocksList[blocks.log] = null; Blocks.blocksList[blocks.log] = new NewLog(500).setBlockName("log").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabBlock).setRequiresTool(); I want to make logs require an axe to break. Block.blocksList isn't working, neither does Blocks.blockList Please tell me how/another way to do this?
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