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  1. You know you are not young in the minecraft scene when you forget about the new launcher... Sigh. Note for those not getting the hint: If your launcher looks like the one below... you are eligible for a free upgrade to the one Lex posted.
  2. The installer seems to create a version JSON that is incorrect, or at least that the launcher doesn't like. Steps: Move current .minecraft directory out of the way. Launch the official Minecraft launcher, log in, launch the game once and quit. Grab https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.13.2-25.0.26/forge-1.13.2-25.0.26-installer.jar and run it. Notice the installer says it installed successfully. Launch the Minecraft launcher again. Notice that forge doesn't launch and when you edit the profile the version of forge is not there (even though when you look at the profile list it looks right). Notice the crash log. Crash log: Workaround: Edit the version json to put "http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/" in the url field for forge (corresponding to source code line https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.13.x/build.gradle#L492) With the file saved, re-launch the launcher. Play modded minecraft.
  3. Thanks for the tip. It did get me there in the end. For those who come after: Implement IPackFinder, look at FolderPack/FilePack/AbstractResourcePack and extend if needed, and call ((Minecraft)mc).getResourcePackList().addPackFinder() with your implementation of IPackFinder.
  4. In 1.12 and before, I have used an implementation of IFMLLoadingPlugin to allow an extension of DummyModContainer to be able to return a custom class to getCustomResourcePackClass(). This allowed a hidden folder-based resource pack that always loaded but is easily able to be changed at runtime by the user or bundled by the modpack dev. I am wondering if this mod (source code at https://github.com/portablejim/Additional-Resources/tree/master/src/main/java/portablejim/additionalresources ) and the mod dependent on this one is able to be brought to 1.13 and what approach I should be looking at?
  5. Given a recent discussion in github, I was wanting some input into the configuration system (including config screen) I use for VeinMiner. 1) The configuration screen The main screen "Enable Veinminer": Cycles between different options "Range" and "Blocklimit": Slider with a logarithmic* scale with the range 1-1000 blocks. "Range" and "Blocklimit": Slider with a logarithmic* scale and the end displays "Infinite". The tool is selectable and the tool list and block list for each tool can be gotten to. * It changes more per pixel the greater the number. The tool list A list of tools. Typing in the box will show the icon to the left of the box when you type a matching name. "Delete from list" acts on the currently selected item of the list. The block list Similiar to the tool list. 2) Configuration files I have 2 configuration files. The first one uses the standard configuration class. The second uses JSON to configure the tools. Custom values for the tools can be used (e.g. for new tool groups added by other mods). I know I am using a custom configuration GUI. Is this GUI intuitive? For these options, can the forge config GUI be as intuitive (or more intuitive)? I am using separate config files for data of different structures. Is this good? Should it be 1 config file? Is there a better way to do this?
  6. Code: Network Registration: Lines 136 & 151 Packet sent from server to client. Packet sent form client to server I load a single player world, wait a second, back to title screen and load the world again. Log file. Now in the log file, why does line 105 happen after 104 the first time I log in, but next time it is not the same as line 141. The packet seems to go missing? Or maybe there is something I am missing?
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