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  1. I couldn't find anything wrong. I went through each command,by pressing F6, being run and never saw my code being executed twice. Any suggestions? =\
  2. Your genericItem is not a public final variable of the Item class. You need to give the ItemStack constructor a specific instance of your class or an id so in this code:
  3. The static boolean is used in one of my events to remove fall damage.
  4. Ok, thanks for the advice, I will research breakpoints and see what I can derive. I'll reply soon to update my situation.
  5. For some reason when I eat my custom food, my overwritten onEaten and onFoodEaten methods get called twice, so my stack size is reduced by 2 instead of 1. Here is my custom food class. Notice that I DO check for !par2World.isRemote and my food has a custom potion effect set in the constructor that acts like getting poison from raw chicken except the probability of getting the effect is %100: Thank for helping, fellow modders. =)
  6. I haven't dealt with such advanced world gen or any custom chunk and world providers, but I did notice something abnormal in this segment of code: If you are using this.dimensionId when instantiating this.worldChunkMgr , should you set it to Main.dimensionId BEFORE instantiating this.worldChunkMgr ? So change it to: Just a thought. =)
  7. Well, I don't know much about tick handlers but it seems that you could either use a player tick handler or the EntityLiving event. You can check the Tutorials tab on the forum's main page for a link to getting started with events. Other than that, you seem like you know how to add a potioneffect, so you should be fine.
  8. Well, this would depend greatly on what you want to trigger the poison effect. You could use player ticks, Forge Events, and custom potion effects that check if the player is in air. Could you give some more insight on how you want to activate the effect?
  9. Maybe it is because your BlueChicken extends EntityAnimal instead of EntityCreature?
  10. I tried that, and it still doesn't work. At least now, it's not crashing, however, the status icon in my HUD is blank, non-existant. Even though it is in the binded texture.
  11. I tried that and it didn't work. =( Here's the crash report:
  12. Does anyone know how to bind textures in the newest Forge? I checked and my filename does match the parameters of the resourcePath. My complete path is: C:\Users\Me\Dropbox\1.6.4 Modding\forge\mcp\src\minecraft\assets\more_apples\textures\gui\container Here is my custom potion class and I though that I binded the texture correctly, but I am getting a NullPointerException. So, does anyone know how to bind texture properly? Thanks for reading! =)
  13. Right! I completely forgot about that. Thanks a bunch, that solved it.
  14. I have followed a tutorial and got my ores to generate in the regular Minecraft world, but I can't get it to generate in the Nether or the end. I already tried setting the values to get huge veins, and again, there are huge veins in the overworld but not a single ore in the Nether or the End. I have registered all the ores, and they are accessible through the Creative menu. Here is my custom generation class that implements IWorldGenerator: Does anyone know what I did wrong? Thanks for reading! =)
  15. Hello, Don't use @Init because it as been deprecated, meaning that there is a better version of it now. 1. Instead of @Init Substitute it with @EventHandler 2. Since you are now using the an EventHandler, you have to give your 'load' method a loading event. Generally, for initializing your blocks, items, and such you want to use a PreIntializationEvent, so ... Replace public void load() With public void load(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) The rest of the code can remain the same. You can use this parameter later for other purposes, but for now, this allows Forge to initialize your blocks at the proper time. Hope this helps. =)
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