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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Okay, i somehow did everything untill now, now i need to know, how do i make it Save the tile entity? Codes So Far, Tile Entity ItemBlock Block.
  2. do you know how exactly to create a tile entity?
  3. 1.if its some kind of tile entity without any gui, or anything wierd, than nop, i dont think so, (IM NOT SURE >.<) 2.containers are a wierd & confusing thing, containers probably do something hidden in the background, something that we cant see or value.
  4. memanlolz


    ooo, so one type of port of ee2?
  5. i can help you with the textures show your source codes at least, so i can see what you already have, just show the block and itemblock that you have,
  6. you could always do this public boolean isItemValid(ItemStack stack) { try{ if (stack != null && stack.getItem() != null && Block.blocksList[stack.getItem().itemID] != null) { return true; } }catch(Exception e){ return false; } }
  7. Well, i have this block, which i want to have 33 subblocks, and everywhere i look, everyone just says "You need TE". i realise i need a TE... just how the heck do i make one!? Code : MetaDataBlock Tile Entity
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