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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I want to create another EntityFX , for example EntityArcaneFX and add it to RenderGlobal doSpawnParticle method else if (par1Str.equals("arcane")) { var21 = new EntityArcaneFX(this.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12); }
  2. Is there a way to register an entityFX without changing RenderGlobal class? In RenderGlobal there is a method called doSpawnParticle(.. I want to change this method and add a code similar to this : else if (par1Str.equals("smoke")) { if (Config.isAnimatedSmoke()) { var21 = new EntitySmokeFX(this.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12); } } Sorry for bad english
  3. I have added a keyBind that open a GuiScreen .. When the chat is open and i press the key © , the gui appears and I can't write in the chat textbox .. I want minecraft to see if chat is open before open the gui .. example : if(!GuiChat.isOpen){ this.mc.displayGuiScreen(new GuiFriends()); } GuiChat is the boolean that check if chat is open
  4. How can I check if chat is open? I have to use it to set a keybinding..
  5. It's possible write a String Array in a Packet250CustomPayload? var2.writeUTF(friendsList); doesn't work Sorry for bad english
  6. How can I add custom entity drops with another class ? I don't want to change original Entity class file , for example EntityCreeper.java in net.minecraft.entity.monster . Sorry for bad english..
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