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  1. I'm just wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to make your mod item drop from a vanilla block, so some psudocode for example would be onblockbreak(woodBlock, chance 5%) {drop barkItem(or whatever the mod item is)} or if you have another good idea on how I can give access to my item without adding my own custom world gen stuff that would be good to hear as well
  2. Thanks for the help everyone. It turns out that the reason my mod wouldn't run was because the path names were different because I changed the name of the mod. All the problems I had were because It was not calling the right places. I got confused and put in stuff that shouldn't have been there. that'll teach me to be more attentive to specificity. Hope you all have a good day! (the stuff about static vs instance was due to the fact that I took those code snippets from two different versions ie I edited the code) and I'm not even going to worry about the super thing.
  3. Thanks for the suggestions! but when I tried to call super(), it said "Constructor call must be the first statement in a constructor", even though I put it in the first line. public class ClientProxy extends CommonProxy { @Override public void registerRenderers() { super(); MinecraftForgeClient.preloadTexture(jerry); } I tried calling it in both Client and Common proxy just to check if it worked. And when I tried to make it non-static, it told me that I couldn't call it here @Init public void load(FMLInitializationEvent event) { ClientProxy.registerRenderers(); //it said this cannot call a non-static method LanguageRegistry.addName(jerry, "Jerry the Carrot"); } Thanks for the help!
  4. I added an item that I want to be a carrot named jerry. The only problem I am having is with the registerRenderers() Method. for some reason eclipse doesn't like when I try to override it. I've tried not overriding it, taking it out of CommonProxy, and many other fixes, so I'm not quite sure what to do. I want to make sure I have done all the basic stuff first before I add any of the awesome features I have planned, so I can't really do anything until this problem gets fixed. Thanks for anyone who helps! Here's the code- http://pastebin.com/NG4Mdrn3
  5. I added an item that I want to be a carrot named jerry. The only problem I am having is with the registerRenderers() Method. for some reason eclipse doesn't like when I try to override it. I've tried not overriding it, taking it out of CommonProxy, and many other fixes, so I'm not quite sure what to do. Heres the code- http://pastebin.com/NG4Mdrn3
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