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  1. I can't still find any informations on multiblock... Anyone got a tutorial ?
  2. Hello world ! So I'm new and I'm still learning about forge's basic points. What I have been able to find out was how to make Blocks, how to handle textures, I've even saw tile entity and GUI. However I have not been able to find information about multiblocks ! Basically I have a block A surrounded by blocks of type B : B B B B A B B B B And I wish that when I right click on the block A, The whole square becomes "One block" (like Xycraft's tank), and the next time I click on any of those block I get the same GUI. I believe that's a multiblock structure. But I haven't been able to find information on it. So I'm lookingfor explanations or/and code example ! Thanks !
  3. Hello world ! I'm new to forge and I'm still learning about the different class. Basically, i want my block to do something when it receives a redstone signal. I've been reading the javadocs and my guess is that I'll have to implement the method onBlockEventReceived(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5, int par6) Args: world, x, y, z, blockID, EventID, event parameter However I have not been able to find what the eventId and event arguments were ! Thanks for your help !
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