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  1. currently i'm doin it just with a server-sided proxy: package TempCraft.common; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.TickRegistry; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraft.block.Block; public class CommonProxyTempCraft { public void registerRenderThings() { TickRegistry.registerTickHandler(new ServerTickHandler(), Side.SERVER); TickRegistry.registerTickHandler(new ServerTickWorldHandler(), Side.SERVER); } }
  2. almost everything works but in singleplayer the serverside stuff won't be executed... i thought it were merged together ssp and smp... right?
  3. ah i see sry about so many questins i read a lot about mc modding but wasn't 100% shure about this whole client - server thing i 've already a sided proxy but i just tried a simple write chat massage code in my server tick from above and it worked as server but not in singleplayer, oehm do you know why? and how can i get a server World tick too? i think if i know that i am able to rewrite my code in a few minutes
  4. how do i trace if it's singleplayer or multiplayer because i still need my client stuff for the singleplayer right? and why can't i hurt the player in singleplayer with the modloader.....player... stuff? btw thanks for your great help!
  5. ok i think i got something like that already : public class ServerTickHandler implements ITickHandler { @Override public void tickStart(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData) {} @Override public void tickEnd(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData) { if(type.equals(EnumSet.of(TickType.PLAYER))) { onTickInGame(); } } public EnumSet ticks() { return EnumSet.of(TickType.PLAYER); } public String getLabel() { return null; } private void onTickInGame() { //put here any code that needs to be done server side, like set WorldGeneration, and let entities spawn on the first server tick. //also put all the code in a if(world != null && !world.isRemote) statement, makes it so that you don't get NPEs from that. } }
  6. ok then i'll have to rewrite some stuff^^ i have to hurt him in an ingame tick... sort of he is alive and is in that biome hurt him (for example) and have an additional question: how do i get the specific player from the server if i would want to get the player in an biome or under the sun or in water?
  7. player.attackEntityFrom() No, it is not possible and should never be done. The client is dumb and only tells lies*. Never ever trust the client. Always do everything on the server. Period. *Of course this is not true, but it is the way you should think while developing. Clients can be evil and do stuff you don't expect in your wildest dreams yea i noticed some strange behaviours of the client nevertheless i set some things up there and i have to tell the server to hurt the player... so i thought about someting like this: 1. i'll write a little method "server-side" to hurt the player and call it from "client-side" 2. my PROBLEM: how do i get the player instance on the server without using the evil modloader stuff... maybe i should have been more specific^^
  8. Is there a easy way to tell the server to hurt the player? i need to call the hurt method in a client tick... is it possible to tell the server (out of a client side class) to perform one server mehod to hurt the player?
  9. now i know what you mean! ^^ but the problem is how do i know that the house/structure is sealed?
  10. im drawing a custom AxisAlignedBB around the player to detect all blocks within.... is there a way to make this box visible?
  11. do you remember something i could type in for the search i just cant find it
  12. is there any way that i can display the bounding boxes for debugging?
  13. i would like to know how to check if the player is inside a closed building? is there a good way to do that?
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