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Everything posted by Solar_Wraith

  1. Okay no problem, thank you for all the replies!
  2. Apologies for quoting you, however I wanted to know what is the major difference between intellij and eclipse? Right now I've got both but already got workspace setup for eclipse, is there a specific thing each program differentiates from another? Or are they both very similar in workflow and the changes are minor? Thanks.
  3. Hello and thank you for the links, I started off by browsing and watching whatever there was to teach me how to setup the workspace. I will definetly refrain from watching youtube videos in the future, thank you!
  4. For now, I'm going to learn how to make simple things like any new person would. I don't expect to know how to do this in a couple of weeks, but it sure helps me set a destination to build my path towards. Creating basic blocks and learning my way around, either way thank you for the welcome
  5. I've decided to start my journey into modding minecraft and I am wondering if there is any general tips that I should know as someone new to modding. I'm using eclipse for modding, photoshop/paint.net for texturing. Are there any better tools I could use instead of those? For start I set myself a goal I want to venture to and that is to create a pollution mod; Stage 1: - Pollution will be emitted from furnaces, the level at which it becomes full is dependent on 1) if the furnace is in airtight space 2) volume of the space it is in 3) if there are any other furnaces working alongside. - Polluted air has clear visual and physical effects, the effects go as follows from severity: 1). fog 2) reduced health regeneration 3) being in the area poisons you and slows you down Stage 2: - A re-breather which has to have its filters changed every now and then, stops all effects a fog has on the player. - A monitoring tool to help determine the pollution and air quality levels around the player, there will also be a block form which will emit redstone signal and have a small interface Stage 3: - Contaminated blocks and vegetation, as air pollution spreads and sits for too long the grass will become contaminated, all crops will go bad and they become unusable. - Air around the polluted areas and blocks around can catch fire more easily. How difficult would something like this be to create? Also, is there a community discord server I can join? Thank you!
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