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Everything posted by dragonflii

  1. My custom machines work pretty much just like the vanilla crafting bench, except for custom recipes (although my machines have a 4x3 grid, with a few slots moved off the GUI). My machines should not make vanilla recipes and vanilla recipes should not be craftable on my machines. In order to prevent my custom recipes from being crafted on the crafting bench, I ensure they aren't matched in my recipe factories by checking what machine the recipe is being crafted on: public static final Field machine = ReflectionHelper.findField(InventoryCrafting.class, "eventHandler", "field_70465_c"); and then in the matches method... if ((Container) machine.get(inv) instanceof CompoundTableContainer) { In order to prevent vanilla recipes from being crafted on my machines, I check the recipe group in onCraftMatrixChanged on my custom machines. I know that group is optionally used for grouping recipes in the recipe helper interface, but I thought I could extend it's function on my custom machines. I'm new to both Java and Forge (my first mod) so input is welcome.
  2. I've successfully made a couple of custom crafting machines. I'm trying to figure out how to create and manage custom recipes that can be crafted only on my machines. What's the best way to go about this?
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