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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I got it to work by not calling getWorld() and using IWorldGenerationReader#setBlockState, thanks!
  2. I just realized what I've done. I forgot to make the BeeNestGenerator method static. I'll check if that fixes it.
  3. I think I posted this topic in the wrong spot. Should I go post in Modder Support?
  4. It seems to be an issue with multi-threading. I'm not sure if I can patch somewhere else to avoid this, but it seems to be out of my control.
  5. I copy pasted it. Do you mean that the method name is cut off? It's also cut off in the log file.
  6. I'm using a coremod as part of my 1.14 mod. It inserts a static method call into TreeFeature#place. When I try to load into a world, an IncompatibleClassChangeError is thrown from a Server Worker thread, saying "expected static method thedarkcolour.futuremc.world.gen.BeeNestGenerator.generateBeeNestForSmallTrees..." The game freezes instead of crashing. How do I fix this? Log Coremod
  7. I have figured it out, the original item's burntime value I use does not work properly ?
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