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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. hey it actually managed to open :d. thanks a bunch
  2. scanned through the debug, apparantly the letters a - c n my mod file are gone for some reason, hence the mssing botania. will fix and retry opening server
  3. Ok so I updated the forge for the server, I thought it was suspicious that the numbers didnt add up to what I had clientside but crash still happens. this time it has a debug though https://pastebin.com/tn5N4aFB
  4. here is as much of the console log as I could catch before it crashes https://pastebin.com/zLuFdLZA
  5. I am launching the server by double clicking forge-1.12.2-
  6. I posted everything that was in .minecraft/logs - was empty .minecraft/crash-reports - was empty server/logs server/crash-reports none of these files contained any further folders
  7. I posted all logs available, Unless server debug logs are stored somewhere else? or there is some special way to enable them
  8. I keep getting an error message after adding a few mods (PM Description: Exception in server tick loop net.minecraftforge.fml.common.MultipleModsErrored) To try and isolate what is causing it I started going through and adding mods and their dependencies 1 by 1. However after adding a few in it crashed like this again. Weirdly though after removing the mod which caused the crash the first time and leaving only mods that had not caused it the crash continued to happen Attached is all logs and all mods in mod folder fml-junk-earlystartup.log latest.log fml-server-latest.log crash-2018-11-18_00.16.46-server.txt
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