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Everything posted by Pyre540

  1. Yup, I'm using Forge 1.13.2 - 25.0.219
  2. Ok so I checked what exactly is going on using debugger and found out that there is validStates mismatch (screen below): - valid state for BlockGlass is apparently Block{minecraft:air} - valid state for my block is Block{minecraft:glass} Any idea why is that? I also tried to register original glass block to check if that will change something but the effect is the same. event.getRegistry().register(new BlockGlass(Block.Properties.create(Material.GLASS).hardnessAndResistance(0.3F).sound(SoundType.GLASS)).setRegistryName(new ResourceLocation("minecraft", "glass"))); Screen:
  3. Hey, What is the correct way to replace vanila blocks in forge 1.13.2? I tried to register my block with vanilla registry name (similar to what I was doing in 1.12.2) but unfortunately it didn't work (stacktrace below). My block: Registering of block: Latest.log
  4. Hello, In 1.13.2 the implementation of some methods of ParticleManager have changed and addDestroyEffects method of block is no longer being called. Is there an alternative way to change/override particles when block is broken?
  5. I finally solved the issue with block brightness. It turned out to be really easy fix. All I had to do was add two lines of code: Minecraft.getMinecraft().entityRenderer.enableLightmap(); //Rest of rendering stuff here Minecraft.getMinecraft().entityRenderer.disableLightmap(); I also changed the structure of the code to call the drawing method for the transparent blocks only once. Here's updated code: @SubscribeEvent public static void onRenderLastEvent(RenderWorldLastEvent event) { EntityPlayerSP player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().player; WorldClient world = Minecraft.getMinecraft().world; List<TileEntity> loadedTileEntityList = world.loadedTileEntityList; List<TileEntityEnlightenedBlock> alphas = loadedTileEntityList.stream() .filter(te -> te instanceof TileEntityEnlightenedBlock) .map(te -> (TileEntityEnlightenedBlock)te) .filter(te -> te.getOriginalBlockState().getBlock().getBlockLayer() == BlockRenderLayer.TRANSLUCENT) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (alphas.isEmpty()) { return; } final double partialTicks = (double)event.getPartialTicks(); final double playerX = player.prevPosX + (player.posX - player.prevPosX) * partialTicks; final double playerY = player.prevPosY + (player.posY - player.prevPosY) * partialTicks; final double playerZ = player.prevPosZ + (player.posZ - player.prevPosZ) * partialTicks; for (TileEntityEnlightenedBlock alpha : alphas) { alpha.setDistanceToPlayer(alpha.getDistanceSq(playerX, playerY, playerZ)); } alphas.sort(Comparator.comparingDouble(TileEntityEnlightenedBlock::getDistanceToPlayer).reversed()); preRenderTransparentBlocks(); Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance(); BufferBuilder buffer = tessellator.getBuffer(); buffer.begin(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.BLOCK); for (TileEntityEnlightenedBlock alpha : alphas) { BlockPos pos = alpha.getPos(); final double x = (double)pos.getX() - playerX; final double y = (double)pos.getY() - playerY; final double z = (double)pos.getZ() - playerZ; renderTransparentBlock(world, alpha, pos, x, y, z, buffer); } buffer.setTranslation(0, 0, 0); tessellator.draw(); postRenderTransparentBlocks(); } private static void preRenderTransparentBlocks() { Minecraft.getMinecraft().entityRenderer.enableLightmap(); GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); if (Minecraft.isAmbientOcclusionEnabled()) { GlStateManager.shadeModel(GL11.GL_SMOOTH); } else { GlStateManager.shadeModel(GL11.GL_FLAT); } GlStateManager.disableLighting(); GlStateManager.enableCull(); GlStateManager.enableBlend(); GlStateManager.blendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); GlStateManager.disableAlpha(); GlStateManager.enableDepth(); GlStateManager.depthMask(false); } private static void renderTransparentBlock(WorldClient world, TileEntityEnlightenedBlock alpha, BlockPos pos, double x, double y, double z, BufferBuilder buffer) { buffer.setTranslation(x - pos.getX(), y - pos.getY(), z - pos.getZ()); IBlockState originalBlockState = alpha.getOriginalBlockState(); IBlockState blockState = world.getBlockState(pos); BlockRendererDispatcher renderer = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getBlockRendererDispatcher(); IBakedModel model = renderer.getModelForState(originalBlockState); if (Minecraft.isAmbientOcclusionEnabled()) { renderer.getBlockModelRenderer().renderModelSmooth(world, model, blockState, pos, buffer, true, MathHelper.getPositionRandom(pos)); } else { renderer.getBlockModelRenderer().renderModelFlat(world, model, blockState, pos, buffer, true, MathHelper.getPositionRandom(pos)); } } private static void postRenderTransparentBlocks() { GlStateManager.popMatrix(); GlStateManager.enableLighting(); GlStateManager.disableCull(); GlStateManager.disableBlend(); GlStateManager.enableAlpha(); GlStateManager.depthMask(true); Minecraft.getMinecraft().entityRenderer.disableLightmap(); } That being said, I think this topic can be considered solved. The only issue left is the issue with looking at my block through another transparent block, but as I said, this is not a big deal and I can live with that
  6. Hey, thanks for reply. I looked into that method, but unfortunately I don't think I know what part of code you had in mind and for which issue. Can you elaborate?
  7. Ok so I finally got some time to play with FastTESR idea and it ended up pretty well - I achieved the effect I wanted on almost all blocks. The biggest issue with this approach turned out to be transparent blocks. They were really glitchy due to rendering order. So I end up rendering them in the correct order (furthest to nearest) in RenderWorldLastEvent and the rest (solid, cutout...) in FastTESR. At first everything looked very good, but unfortunately I found 2 new issues. 1. Transparent blocks look good during the day, but at night or in another dark environment they are too bright. 2. Looking at my block through another transparent block, my block has a different color (has ambient acclusion?). I probably can live with this issue but if someone know how to fix this, it would be great My last concern is performance, but I don't think I can do something with it in current approach. My FastTESR: public class FastTESREnlightenedBlock extends FastTESR<TileEntityEnlightenedBlock> { private BlockRendererDispatcher blockRenderer; @Override public void renderTileEntityFast(TileEntityEnlightenedBlock te, double x, double y, double z, float partialTicks, int destroyStage, float partial, BufferBuilder buffer) { IBlockState originalBlockState = te.getOriginalBlockState(); if (originalBlockState.getBlock().getBlockLayer() == BlockRenderLayer.TRANSLUCENT) { return; } if(blockRenderer == null) { blockRenderer = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getBlockRendererDispatcher(); } BlockPos pos = te.getPos(); World world = te.getWorld(); IBlockState blockState = world.getBlockState(pos); IBakedModel model = blockRenderer.getModelForState(originalBlockState); buffer.setTranslation(x - pos.getX(), y - pos.getY(), z - pos.getZ()); if (Minecraft.isAmbientOcclusionEnabled()) { blockRenderer.getBlockModelRenderer().renderModelSmooth(world, model, blockState, pos, buffer, true, MathHelper.getPositionRandom(pos)); } else { blockRenderer.getBlockModelRenderer().renderModelFlat(world, model, blockState, pos, buffer, true, MathHelper.getPositionRandom(pos)); } } } RenderWorldLastEvent: @SubscribeEvent public static void onRenderLastEvent(RenderWorldLastEvent event) { EntityPlayerSP player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().player; WorldClient world = Minecraft.getMinecraft().world; List<TileEntity> loadedTileEntityList = world.loadedTileEntityList; List<TileEntityEnlightenedBlock> alphas = loadedTileEntityList.stream() .filter(te -> te instanceof TileEntityEnlightenedBlock) //.filter(te -> canPlayerSeeTile(world, player, te)) .map(te -> (TileEntityEnlightenedBlock)te) .filter(te -> te.getOriginalBlockState().getBlock().getBlockLayer() == BlockRenderLayer.TRANSLUCENT) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (alphas.isEmpty()) { return; } final double partialTicks = (double)event.getPartialTicks(); final double playerX = player.prevPosX + (player.posX - player.prevPosX) * partialTicks; final double playerY = player.prevPosY + (player.posY - player.prevPosY) * partialTicks; final double playerZ = player.prevPosZ + (player.posZ - player.prevPosZ) * partialTicks; for (TileEntityEnlightenedBlock alpha : alphas) { alpha.setDistanceToPlayer(alpha.getDistanceSq(playerX, playerY, playerZ)); } alphas.sort(Comparator.comparingDouble(TileEntityEnlightenedBlock::getDistanceToPlayer).reversed()); for (TileEntityEnlightenedBlock alpha : alphas) { BlockPos pos = alpha.getPos(); final double x = (double)pos.getX() - playerX; final double y = (double)pos.getY() - playerY; final double z = (double)pos.getZ() - playerZ; renderTransparentBlock(world, alpha, pos, x, y, z); } } private static void renderTransparentBlock(WorldClient world, TileEntityEnlightenedBlock alpha, BlockPos pos, double x, double y, double z) { GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); RenderHelper.disableStandardItemLighting(); if (Minecraft.isAmbientOcclusionEnabled()) { GlStateManager.shadeModel(GL11.GL_SMOOTH); } else { GlStateManager.shadeModel(GL11.GL_FLAT); } GlStateManager.disableLighting(); GlStateManager.enableCull(); GlStateManager.enableBlend(); GlStateManager.blendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); GlStateManager.disableAlpha(); GlStateManager.enableDepth(); GlStateManager.depthMask(false); GlStateManager.translate(x - alpha.getPos().getX(), y - alpha.getPos().getY(), z - alpha.getPos().getZ()); IBlockState originalBlockState = alpha.getOriginalBlockState(); IBlockState blockState = world.getBlockState(pos); BlockRendererDispatcher renderer = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getBlockRendererDispatcher(); IBakedModel model = renderer.getModelForState(originalBlockState); Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance(); tessellator.getBuffer().begin(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.BLOCK); if (Minecraft.isAmbientOcclusionEnabled()) { renderer.getBlockModelRenderer().renderModelSmooth(world, model, blockState, pos, tessellator.getBuffer(), true, MathHelper.getPositionRandom(pos)); } else { renderer.getBlockModelRenderer().renderModelFlat(world, model, blockState, pos, tessellator.getBuffer(), true, MathHelper.getPositionRandom(pos)); } tessellator.draw(); RenderHelper.enableStandardItemLighting(); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); GlStateManager.enableLighting(); GlStateManager.disableCull(); GlStateManager.disableBlend(); GlStateManager.enableAlpha(); GlStateManager.depthMask(true); } Full source code is available on GitHub
  8. Put your code in handleMouseInput() method istead of handleInput().
  9. I'm sorry I should be more specific with my question. I'm trying to do something with issue #2. In BlockModelRenderer#renderModel there is a flag that determines if the block should be rendered "Smooth" or "Flat". boolean flag = Minecraft.isAmbientOcclusionEnabled() && stateIn.getLightValue(worldIn, posIn) == 0 && modelIn.isAmbientOcclusion(stateIn); Ambient Occlusion is enabled in the game and in my model. The problem is that my block is emitting light so stateIn.getLightValue(worldIn, posIn) is greater then 0. In my last post I was asking if I could "force" the game to use renderModelSmooth method directly to bypass light value check. I can achive the effect I want quite easly by doing somthing like that in my block: But that is obviously bad (at least I think it is) and can probably cause hard to find bugs in the future, so I'm trying to avoid that. Can I achive this effect in some other way? For example by getting rid of my block's model completly and using TESR/FastTESR to just render "original" block model?
  10. Is there a way to "force" Minecraft to render block using BlockModelRenderer#renderModelSmooth method directly instead of BlockModelRenderer#renderModel method?
  11. Hey, thanks for answer Thanks, that works great @Override public boolean doesSideBlockRendering(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing face) { IBlockState neighbourState = world.getBlockState(pos.offset(face)); Block neighbourBlock = neighbourState.getBlock(); Block originalBlock = getOriginalBlock(world, pos); if ((originalBlock.getBlockLayer() == BlockRenderLayer.TRANSLUCENT || originalBlock.getBlockLayer() == BlockRenderLayer.CUTOUT) && ((neighbourBlock == this && originalBlock == getOriginalBlock(world, pos.offset(face))) || originalBlock == neighbourBlock)) { return true; } return super.doesSideBlockRendering(state, world, pos, face); } That unfortunately didn't help { "parent": "block/cube_all", "ambientocclusion": true, "textures": { "all": "minecraft:blocks/glowstone" } } I also fixed the issue with particle textures (issue 4): So 2 down and 2 to go
  12. Hello I'm currently working on the mod that let players make blocks emit light. To achive this I am swaping original block with a custom one that uses texture of the original block. Original block state is stored in tile entity. I'm also using IBakedModel in conjunction with ModelBakeEvent to dynamically generate a model. It's all working fine but I have encountered some lesser rendering issues that I don't know are possible to fix 1. SOLVED. Transparent blocks like Ice that are directly behind my block are rendering sides (see picture below). This is probably imposible to fix due to BlockBreakable#shouldSideBeRendered implementation. (Opposite case is fine - fixed in my block's shouldSideBeRendered method). 2. My block is lacking shades (since it's emitting light) and looks "out of place" when next to "normal" blocks, especially when looking from the side . See picture below. 3. Rendering gliches when in third person. 4. SOLVED. I cannot set block particles (like block break particles). I have no access to extendedState in getParticleTexture method in my bakedModel, so I can't get the texture of original block. The code of my mod is available on GitHub, especially Block and bakedModel. If anyone has an idea how to fix any of above issues I will be really gratefull. Thanks!
  13. Hello, I am extending vanilla redstone wire block that it has additional property - Color. The color value is stored in tileEntity since metadata is used to store redstone power value. Of course I override getActualState method to return state with color. //getColor method retrieves color from tileEntity @Override public IBlockState getActualState(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess worldIn, BlockPos pos){ state = super.getActualState(state, worldIn, pos); return state.withProperty(COLOR, getColor(worldIn, pos)); } Blocks of different colors have different properties/behavior. One of them is that the blue colored block is not washed away by water. I achieved this by returning the appropriate material based on the state of the block. @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public Material getMaterial(IBlockState state) { return state.getValue(COLOR) == WATERPROOF_COLOR ? ModMaterials.CIRCUITS_WATERPROOF : super.getMaterial(state); } The problem is that the passed state argument does not use getActualState method but World#getBlockState that only returns the metadata-based state, so after reloading the world this state contains the default color. It is unfortunate that the getMaterial method does not take World and BlockPos as its parameters like for example getExplosionResistance method. @Override public float getExplosionResistance(World world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable Entity exploder, Explosion explosion) { return getColor(world, pos) == EXPLOSION_PROOF_COLOR ? EXPLOSION_PROOF_BLOCK_RESISTANCE : super.getExplosionResistance(world, pos, exploder, explosion); } Is there a way for the getMaterial method to use the "actual" state? Or is there, for example, any event that I can use to prevent block being removed by water?
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