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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Would you mind expanding on that? IBlockState isn't the right type to use as the key in Block.properties (that's ImmutableMapEntry). For example if -238, 66, -127 has a BlockState of "minecraft:dirt[snowy=false,variant=dirt]", what would be the generic way of getting minecraft:dirt/dirt? That is, can I pull the variant without knowing it's a dirt block, or do I need to implement a large switch statement slipping through all of the block types that have variants in order to do Chunk chunk = server.getWorld(0).getChunkFromBlockCoords(position); IBlockState block = chunk.getBlockState(-238,66,-127); String blockFullName = block2.getBlock().getLocalizedName() String blockVariant; switch (blockFullName) { case "Dirt": blockVariant = block2.getValue(BlockDirt.VARIANT).toString(); break; case "Stone": blockVariant = block2.getValue(BlockStone.VARIANT).toString(); break: . . . } blockFullName = blockFullName + "/" + blockVariant; Is there really no way to pull the BlockId number with variant? The above method not only seems like it will bog down the client with this check on every block, hardcoding the types will also break if there's a block type introduced by a mod that I'm not aware of.
  2. It's not unique - for example it shows "minecraft:leaves" for oak leaves, birch leaves, spruce leaves. I want to be able to differentiate between variants.
  3. I'm trying to count the number of blocks of each type in a region bounded by minX,minZ to maxX,maxZ. I'm struggling to figure out how to capture this. I've tried iterating through the x,y,z using Chunk.getBlockState to get IBlockState or Block. From this I can see the registry name (ex. "minecraft:leaves") or the Unlocalized name (ex. "tile.leaves"). I can also pull up a list of properties, including variant, for those blocks that have them. The problem is, for blocks like Stone or Leaves, I'm unable to get the unique variant name. It's buried in Properties and I can't find a way to generically access that for all blocks without knowing which block I'm looking at. I also don't care whether dirt is snowy or not, just whether it's dirt, coarse dirt, or podzol, so I don't want to pull the entire state. I thought I'd be able to use the Chunk storage.longarray and the palette. However it doesn't appear there's a way to access that via the code, just the debugger. In any event palette stores Block and and properties, so I'd have the same issue. I'd really like to check the block ID, but I can't see any way to get it. Ideally my code would be something like: Map<String,int> chunkBlocks; for (x=0;x<16;x++) { for (z=0,z<16,z++) { for(y=0,y<255,y++) { chunkBlocks.getValue("BlockID/Var")=chunkBlocks.getValue("BlockID/Var")+1}}} How do I get the BlockID? Or at least get a unique identifier of Block Type with Variant? (Note: I know in 1.13 the block variants should be going away, but I'd still like to get this working)
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