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Everything posted by KaptainWutax

  1. You probably want a custom location in the config folder to make it dynamic. Scanner objects in Java can help you with the parsing.
  2. I think you will need to intantiate the particles once again. You could use the Block's Tile Entity with ITickable to do the timings.
  3. I feel dumb for not thinking about it, I just found the method in the superclass, thank you so much!
  4. So, Im creating a MIDI block. When you right click it, it opens a GuiScreen (no container) and using a button, you can open midi devices connected to your computer and play music in-game. Only issue tho, when i leave the GUI, i want to close the MIDI Reciever. Unfortunately, I havent found a way to detect when it closes. I have some ideas but I don't feel like they are optimal. -Check if player clicks ESC before closing the Reciever. Unfortunately, you can leave a GUI without pressing ESC by dying or when the TileEntity gets destroyed. -Using player capabilities. It might be a little overkill for this case. -Constantly be checking if` Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.currentScreen == null` Its pretty resource intensive though. Anyone know how I could do it in an efficient way? Thank you in advance and thanks for taking the time to read until here.
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