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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. How did you learn this difference it really isn't something I can see being learned from looking at the ContainerFurnace method but thanks none the less. static BlockMetallicSyphon blockmetallicsyphon = new BlockMetallicSyphon(); static BlockTestContainer blocktestcontainer = new BlockTestContainer(); This was because I had calls like this @Override public Item getItemDropped(IBlockState state, Random rand, int fortune) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return Item.getItemFromBlock(BlockIndex.blockmetallicsyphon); } and I'll change this out soon I have plenty of changes to work on for now and have made a list from whats in this thread to go through it all. Also the Interface suggestion of IProxy or something similar, I looked more through the files to see the call hierarchy and see how you implemented it I'll also try to find a reliable source to read from so I don't make mistakes again.
  2. was supposed to be a period I don't know why it was a question mark wasn't meant to be a question. Now Common proxy from what I'm aware is necessary in the main implementation like this @SidedProxy(serverSide = "com.armalas.ee.proxy.ServerProxy", clientSide = "com.armalas.ee.proxy.ClientProxy") public static CommonProxy proxy; and removing it removes this implementation too? leaving me with directly calling the client and server proxy in the three init methods individually I havn't come across this being the case before so pardon my confusion. Also my block registry use public static void blockReg(Register<Block> event) { event.getRegistry().registerAll(blocks); GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityMetallicSyphon.class, new ResourceLocation("_metallicsyphoncontainerblock")); GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityTestContainer.class, new ResourceLocation("_testcontainerblock")); } should I not use the registerAll? you are correct I seem to have misunderstood something here, updateProgressbar is for what purpose then? it sounds like that is what detectAndSendChanges is doing
  3. Okay, Thank you for the break down the meta data, I recall now being told that it just slipped my mind since then, I haven't done the changes for the state yet just commented out the duplicates as i don't remember why there are duplicates and totally didn't almost lose my project trying to update forge..... did and found it setting field in an instance of iInventory so I mirrored with my instance of iInventory updated git went weird I think I fixed it? Unless you are using extremely outdated forge or minecraft the resourcelocation method is there and the other one is explicitly marked as deprecated and not to be used. done and works, no glaring issues still stand, just gonna change my states and post back with an updated git
  4. thanks for pointing out that....I am apperently using 14.21.12443 and thats for 1.12 not 1.12.2 or .1, going to update now and hope nothing goes wrong and the git did update just the root is different from the last one as this time I got GitKraken to work and last time i manually did it
  5. Taken out the isRemote, that was my figurative ductape method to try and make it work just lacked the experience. I have now changed back, that was a vestige of the tutorial i seemed to have missed and changed it back as I get and set the burn time in the update method. Define "isn't saving as it should". What is wrong? it was how I interpeted the error showing in the game with my fields resetting back after saving and reloading the world but this was likely related to the isRemote calls I had I kept the get/setField methods for the same reason as the messy transferStack method, just not important to fix (also i think I have some variables mixed up in it) and the hasTileEntity & createTielEntity where what I had originally but when I tried to use it it failed and I choose to use ITileEntityProvider as when I went by reference it had creatNewTileEntity instead okay big one, the state and properties is something I'm barely grasping especially the directional but i'll look more at it based on what you've told me and getStateForPlacement sounds cleaner. As for my meta to state methods, I'm at a loss of what it means, my get meta is getting the index of Facing with a math + to the result of an if ACTIVE is true or false and giving 8 as a byte for true and 0 for false. The state from meta is just something I can't get, I HAVE to find something good as a resource for learning this. setState was just to update the ACTIVE property to change the front facing texture while it was active, the reference I had included having it play sound while ACTIVE was true in there. itemBase and blockBase didn't seem to be a problem I just wanted to try and make new classes for blocks and item creation have less mistakes just because I did a typo but I guess I shouldn't be that lazy while still trying to get grounded with my modding knowledge. Yes Sir, just me being lazy again CommonProxy makes no sense. Proxies are classes that are supposed to separate sided code. If your code is common it goes into your main mod class, not into a proxy. This is me nitpicking but in java you usually prefix something with an I if it is an interface, not a class. GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityMetallicSyphon.class, Index.MODID + "_metallicsyphoncontainerblock"); Don't use methods that are ~1.5 years outdated. Use the version that takes a ResourceLocation as it's second argument. Cool last chunk, So I had assumed that the detectAndSendChanges method kept it in sync but thinking over it it never says it does and I added the updateProgressBar method but when I looked at the Container the method has no code in it to do anything. Common proxy has been cleaned up, as has the initModel in my block class. Now although old when I put in ResourceLocation as a field I can't find the registry method for this in GameRegistry, ResourceLocation is only used in registering recipes *IGuiRegister and IRegistryHandler where Interfaces i just didn't change the names when i got fed up with it and made them classes. *updated git
  6. fixed it, used the bin folder and not the src
  7. So I have been having a series of issues when 'learning' to make a machine block, started just trying to look at the furnace block but it wasn't what i wanted to look for as I wanted extra slots and turned to the internet for a tutorial, followed it and then took things apart and made it 'work' the way I wanted it to and added and some extra. I have already taken my jank code from then and made a new project (this one) and worked it in only using the former as reference in most cases. It 'works' but has several issues I've spent a month on now trying to resolve with out a new issue popping up and sadly as smart as I am I used the same repository as the last one so I lost my reference. Just to go over of how the block is supposed to function: Consume any Iron or Item crafted with Iron (slot[0]) Damage an item in the second slot (slot[1]) and use redstone dust and blocks as fuel fill the side bar before spitting out the output I have succeeded in this but the main issues i can't figure out are: First slot stack resets when you open the container after closing NBT data of tile entity isn't saving as it should I'm ignoring the transfer stack issues as it's not relevant to this (shouldn't be) and believe this is NBT related and I'm not calling markDirty() where I should. Apart from the two bigger issues above I have a mess of typos and no item textures but I just want to figure out how to solve these two issues first and i'll likely for the sanity of cleaner code rewrite this from the ground up as not much has been done yet and I'll have a clear direction. GitHub
  8. So after having closed up last night I came in to continue this mod and came across an issue with my block rendering I was originally using a Tile Entity(to learn NBT stuff) and variants to load different textures on a block and make it do stuff(just testing how to use properties and what not) but when I loaded up my project today and got started I got this odd rendering of my block that is meant to be orientated like a pressure plate but sits up right.... I have tried making looking at the carpet and pressure plate down .Json files along with their block classes and haven't had much luck with making any progress the block model seems correct and I see no errors in the logs. Any help on this? and Git Hub of all code (idk very well how repositories work): Git Hub
  9. no one? I'll remake this tomorrow and see if anyone can solve my problem.
  10. Bumping, going to sleep hope to see something tomorrow.
  11. So after having closed up last night I came in to continue this mod and came across an issue with my block rendering I was originally using a Tile Entity(to learn NBT stuff) and variants to load different textures on a block and make it do stuff(just testing how to use properties and what not) but when I loaded up my project today and got started I got this odd rendering of my block that is meant to be orientated like a pressure plate but sits up right.... I have tried making looking at the carpet and pressure plate down .Json files along with their block classes and haven't had much luck with making any progress the block model seems correct and I see no errors in the logs. Any help on this? and Git Hub of all code (idk very well how repositories work): Git Hub
  12. Thanks for the help all is good now, Looking back on it that is something simple but those are always the things that seem to be the hardest to fix
  13. I am fairly unfamiliar with the way things go in 1.12, I have no errors in my logs and currently have the block properly registered it even renders in hand....Invisible... I have tried to search over the forum for this error and have had great success but in most cases they aren't for 1.12 so the help they offer is limited. I have all my code in git Here and this is how the block appears in-game Out of the minor things I have tried include, Override of getBlockLayer using SOLID, getRenderType using MODEL playing with my registry method my Json file that is just a copy paste of thin_block, I even tried to remove the texture from it but it didn't even turn to the purple and black texture... anyhelp?
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