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  3. Make sure you are using the latest build - if there is the same issue, report it to the creator https://github.com/Sweenus/SimplySwords/issues
  4. The mod coloredlights is a client-side-only mod Remove it from the server, keep it in your client Also, avoid using the OneDrive directory for the server Currently, you are using C:\Users\4ndre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServerRoleplay\ Use: C:\Users\4ndre\ServerRoleplay\ or similar
  5. You should find some in undiscovered areas
  6. Hello i would like to ask with adding modded gems into a existing server world. When i go into caves i dont see the new gems. Do they load with the world?
  7. Every time I start it, I receive this error, I think there is a only client mod in there, but I can't find it. Hope you can help me! ❤️ Latest log: https://pastebin.com/7La6L44t
  8. Hello?? Am I not gonna receive any assistance from anybody??? I still need help here!!
  9. Hi Everyone, I'm new to the sub but needed some help figuring out a lot of the server tick issues and errors I have been getting. I run a small 1-3 player 1.19.2 forge minecraft server with around 215 or so mods (mix of QoL, server sided, performance, and client/ui mods). I run a Ryzen 5600x, 48gb of ram, and an Asus tuf 1650s. Current jvm allocation is for 12gb (overkill I know, but thought it would require so for the amount of mods I have). Typically my server had ran <20ms avg. tick, but currently has been going up closer and closer to 50ms, with sky rockets to >100ms up to around even 700ms at times. I assume it has to do with an entity ticking loop or something of the sort butn my knowledge of servers ands mods is very inept. Here is my mod list: https://mclo.gs/Yh3uW9J Here is the link to my latest.log: https://mclo.gs/uXtekkO In addition here is my debug.log: https://mclo.gs/f4zMNQQ I see a lot of errors in both logs, but cannot figure out for the life of me what mod(s) are causing them. If there is anymore info that I can provide that can help me sort this out, I am more than willing to provide it. Just want my server to run nicely lol. edit: i know the current logs show missing content. those are mods that i have already deemed not needed/not working well/as intended so they have been removed. edit #2: i have already tried using spark profiler to find the mod that is using the most resources, but to no avail. here is the link to the latest profiler i ran: https://spark.lucko.me/dIAmpPkGdo Thank you in advance!
  10. i recheck the kapenjoe tutorial from another stance and actually manage to make custom trades for the villagers and the trader seems like the wanderer has 64 normal trades and 6 especial ### addCustomWandererTrades( generic 64) ### addCustomWandererTrades( rare 6) ################################################## the problem is that the 3 custome trades i add rarely gets loaded in the wanderer offered item list but are there if i delete the list whit generic.clear() before adding mi things then only mi things get loaded an a ice cube i dont know where is coming generic.add((trader, rand) -> new MerchantOffer( new ItemStack(Items.EMERALD, 6), new ItemStack(BlockInit.POTTED_BLUE_HERB.get().asItem(), 2), 2, 10, 0.02F) ); it dont seems to be a weight variable to increase the possibility of mi custom trades ######################### what i want is to increase the chance of mi custome trades to be vissible how can i do that....
  11. Yesterday
  12. For Example, Simply swords is a mod that i think looks cool. I've noticed I can use it in a world but friends can't join. Error is "Registry remapping failed: null". Is there a way to fix this or is it not possible to use with friends?
  13. You could try using spark (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/spark) to see if it gives you any other insight into what is making ticks take too long, perhaps it's a combination of mods. If it's simply the yuushya mod processing that is causing it to hang, the only solution would be removing that mod, or possibly updating/downgrading to a version that doesn't make ticks take too long.
  14. Looking for help with reading this crashlog for my server. I can tell yuushya causes it. I want to try to figure out what else causes this crash. I need yuushya but any other mod could get deleted if needed. https://paste.ee/p/eUS38 is the crash log
  15. This has now been fixed by the lovely people on the discord, many thanks to them!
  16. Are you playing with mods? This usually happens to me when certain mods clash. I would recommend looking through the game logs (found in the file of the modpack) to see what errors have occurred. I hope this helps!
  17. For the HoneyBottleItem class, would I just copy/paste my Lemon Juice item into the class or would I have to make other changes? Also, for what you first said, I have copied the "getEatingSound" and the "getDrinkingSound" from the class into my ModFoods class (I could link the whole class if that would help you understand more), though nothing seems to have been done. I also do not see a way to prevent particles from appearing when the item is drank. (Could you also post some examples if possible, that would be a great help to see where I went wrong). I am at a point where I am quite clueless as the tutorials on YouTube do not cover the area I am needing to go into. I do hope that this is not too much of a bother for you.
  18. "An unexpected problem occurred and the game crashed" "Exit code: 1" I don't know what to do. Please help
  19. https://mclo.gs/iVJZfGm https://privatebin.net/?442243857e9dcaca#5MhV8JAuhNJnN587jbG2pcVQi8VnvgAVafmpAd6Gnv91
  20. So im making a mod for minecraft and i want to add custom fishing rods... aka fishing rods with different bait, depending on the bait you can have a higher chance of getting other fish. I want to make basically custom fishing rods with at least one custom loot table for each (so that i can choose which fish have a higher chance of being caught in a simpler way with said loot table) Problem is i dont know even where to start with doing this, like at all. Im very beginner with modding minecraft, any help (links to any source which could help me with this is also very helpful) would be great. 1.20 forge(of course)
  21. Hi, my name is Gatis. Mostly all I do is play minecraft on Hypixel server. I play Skyblock where almost every player has installed QOL mods. They are nice and work nice but recently the grind I'm on requires not wasting time on boosts and if I'm watching something I usually miss it. Let me explain better. So there is "Mining speed boost" when it's ready message appears in chat. Mod I've been using allows to copy chat message, paste it in mod and next time same message appears it flashes big notification message on screen that speed boost is ready. The thing is somehow I still miss the notification. SO, I want to create mod that can detect that message and make more noticable notification (ex. bigger) or even stop me from moving for 10 sec if I don't use it instantly. I have no knowledge about java I have prepared intellij with forge on 1.8.9 I'm just left with this: package com.example.examplemod; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent; @Mod(modid = ExampleMod.MODID, version = ExampleMod.VERSION) public class GatisMOD { public static final String MODID = "GatisMOD"; \ public static final String VERSION = "1.0"; @EventHandler public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) { // some example code System.out.println("DIRT BLOCK >> "+Blocks.dirt.getUnlocalizedName()); } } I've watched many video, mostly they show how to setup everything but how to create, prepare file and later (export I guess) export to import in mods folder to use they don't I'd appreciate any help, maybe someone would explain some things to me. In future I have plans to make other feature but I guess not for now.
  22. I don't think embeddium and rubidium can be used together. Try removing one of them.
  23. I have been attempting to troubleshoot my personal modpack created on Curseforge for 1.18.2 Forge but I keep getting the Exit Code: 1 crash upon launching the game. When I open the debug.log I find the error for "Duplicate mods found" which simply isn't the case as there isn't a single mod with the same name. Most files are for the correct version as far as I can tell so I think there may be mods that are conflicting and the game is confusing them as "Duplicates". (Or I simply didn't check the versions correctly. Debug.log file paste: https://paste.ee/p/pQwZo#s=0 I don't normally frequent forums and don't normally ask for help online but guidance would be greatly appreciated. I can provide any other info needed
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