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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hello! I am currently trying to make some kind of rail,but not like the minecraft basic rail,extending BlockRailBase;I want to use the onEntityColidedWithBlock method[or something alike] and a update method in my te class to expand the Block colision range;all of this making an entity like an minecart move Also,i want my rail to be using EnumFacing , Plane.Horizontal Now,my questions: 1:How do i lock my entity on my block to move only from a point to another 2:How do i use the update method so i detect if the state is north,to move the entity in the x axis etc. I am curently using a Base block made by me by copying all the vanila code,then removing the enumraildirection blockstate things but the rail doesn`t get "on" my custom rail..... 1.9 P.S.:The vanilla [or forge because forge might of patched some things] code of the BlockRailBase is confusing,or i might say it`s alike it`s class modifyer,abstract
  2. I was wondering....what does the end city dungeon nbt(named binary tags) files do in the minecraft structure assets folder,and are they really used to spawn the dungeon? if they use nbt to spawn,then they must of used the structure block to save the data as nbt And if this is what they did,what is the logic behind the structure block,what it is it`s radius(or do we have to do the structures in a blank world so it can copy everything],and where does it output the nbt files?
  3. ...Can i have some help?i need to find out how to make the block placeable in the helmet slot do i have to make a armor claass extending ItemArmor and make my block a helmet?
  4. it seems like u never made a custom resource pack....
  5. you can use json models,and use a generator to animate them
  6. Thx,but now i can`t figure out how to make my block go in the head slot code: package zhang.DBound.blocks; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockPumpkin; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; public class miku_aura extends Block { public miku_aura(Material material) { super(material); this.setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabCombat); this.setUnlocalizedName("miku_aura"); this.setHardness(0.5F); this.setResistance(6.0F); this.setStepSound(soundTypeMetal); } public boolean isItemValid(ItemStack par1ItemStack) { if (armorType == 0) //here lays a error { return Item == DBoundBlocks.miku_aura; //here lays a error } return false; } }
  7. dude,use voxel magica,is the easiest obj modeler,very user friendly,and free https://voxel.codeplex.com/ i think monument valley was created using this
  8. How can I play music when a player is wearing my block that is wearable as a helmet? i just can`t find a solution for it What do i want to do with it? watch this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmrA-gxJxgQ i want to make the floating colored cubes around miku,and make it play that music/other music also,has anyone figured out how to animate json models through java code?
  9. it worked! one more question:if i put a file in the minecraft/models/block folder named stone.json,will it override the original like a resouce pack?
  10. thx,i`ll start fixing it now,you`re awesome!
  11. he is talking about making blocks like aurora blocks from twilight forest in 1.8.9
  12. https://gist.github.com/DiMuRie/b14823c71a31348a9b7e ignore FancyRail
  13. Hello there,i am seeking for help:i have 1 block extending BlockPane,it has almost the same json files but it just renders as pink and black checkboards... github link where u can find the source code:https://github.com/DiMuRie/DBound.git you shall be searching for house_wall and rainbow_wall all the model files have as parents the original pane model... help
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