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    A hell no!

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  1. Yeah... as im coming from a PHP/JS/HTML/CSS background.. Yeah that is not quite the best for this....Once you have those OOP concepts down you should be able to tackle this problem with barely any effort. I hope so Any recommendations of a tutorial i should look into, and by that i mean a creators name?
  2. Yeah... as im coming from a PHP/JS/HTML/CSS background..
  3. o_O The getUpdateTag method returns some Packet object. Why on earth are you trying to cast that to an IBlockState? There's nothing even in the method's name to suggest that it might be even tangentially related to what you're trying to do. There isn't a simple method like getFacing because you have to create it yourself. Well, i put that there because i was testing all the super. statements, i ended on getUpdateTag(), not that i am specificly using it. Not much. Well, i cant learn by 'reading' so i tend to learn from tutorials.
  4. As a newb im looking into these things on google, not much luck yet with this public IBlockState getState(){ IBlockState state = (IBlockState) super.getUpdateTag(); return state; } Why isnt there a simple method like: getFacing(); that returns the face haha
  5. So, i went off on the code way you told me here, i ended up with this: My TileEntity: public EnumFacing getFacing(){ EnumFacing face = (EnumFacing) EnumFacing.NORTH; return face; } and my Special Renderer if(te.getFacing() == EnumFacing.NORTH){ GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); { GlStateManager.translate(x, y, z); GlStateManager.rotate(90F, 1, 90F, 0); GlStateManager.translate(-0.22, 0.5, .15); GlStateManager.scale(.5, .5, .5); for(int i = 0; i < te.itemCount; i++){ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderManager().doRenderEntity(ITEM, 0, 0, 0, 0F, 0F, false); GlStateManager.translate(-0.3625, 0, 0); } } GlStateManager.popMatrix(); } But i cant seem to find how to get the facing of the block right there... because i told it to keep on NORTH
  6. Hi! I made a oak shelf, i am able to add items on it with right click, but as you can see in the picture, the items are on one side only in the right position... As you can see: And yes, its pretty obvious, because i use static translates this is my SpecialTileEntity renderer part: private static final EntityItem ITEM = new EntityItem(Minecraft.getMinecraft().world, 0, 0, 0, new ItemStack(ModItems.tinApple)); @Override public void renderTileEntityAt(TileEntityOakShelf te, double x, double y, double z, float partialTicks, int destroyStage) { super.renderTileEntityAt(te, x, y, z, partialTicks, destroyStage); ITEM.hoverStart = 0F; GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); { GlStateManager.translate(x, y, z); GlStateManager.rotate(90F, 1, 90F, 0); GlStateManager.translate(-0.22, 0.5, .15); GlStateManager.scale(.5, .5, .5); for(int i = 0; i < te.itemCount; i++){ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderManager().doRenderEntity(ITEM, 0, 0, 0, 0F, 0F, false); GlStateManager.translate(-0.3625, 0, 0); } } GlStateManager.popMatrix(); } } How would i make it that it goes to the right side evertime? Thanks a bunch!
  7. Yeah, welcome to the age of tutorials where its like; Type this, do this and look it works without explanation :-) And some code you look at and be like; How do they know
  8. This wasnt the case This was I changed it too return name; instead of return this.name(); and now it works, thanks. I guess the guy changed it not onscreen at the tutorial
  9. Thats the thing i dont get How is it invalid IF it DOES exist?
  10. Hi, so i followed a tutorial on youtube and tried to make a block breaker. But the problem is when i start the game, it crashes with this: Error: So i went in my BlockBreaker class and see: this.setDefaultState(this.blockState.getBaseState().withProperty(TYPE, ChipTypes.BASIC)); Which is referring to the error, and the ChipTypes.BASIC refers to my enum handler: public static enum ChipTypes implements IStringSerializable{ BASIC("basic", 0), ADVANCED("advanced", 1); private int ID; private String name; private ChipTypes(String name, int ID){ this.ID = ID; this.name= name; } @Override public String getName() { return this.name(); } public int getID() { return ID; } @Override public String toString() { return getName(); } } What could be wrong? I did everything the same as in the tutorial thanks for any help!
  11. So, i did install the 64Bit, changed the JAVA_HOME , but what i didnt do, whas reopen the CMD then when i ran gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse it worked as a charm! Thankyou Diesie!
  12. I installed the new one, changed the JAVA_HOME path to it, but still nothing same error it still says that 3gb is my max size java -version in cmd shows me:
  13. 32 BIT VM? Huh? Wait where do i get the 64 bit then,
  14. There better be, i have 8GB total in my machine, and nothing heavy is running besides chrome haha
  15. Hey guys, i am trying to use 'gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse' But everytime when i come to the point of :decompileMc, it gives me an error: I already changed my gradle.properties to increase the size and i tried But it keeps giving the same error Thanks for any help!
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