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  1. As others have said, the server should handle the actions of the keybinds rather than the keybinds themselves. Solutions involving working with keybinds on the server are not really solutions at all because they just cause more problems.
  2. Take a look at my auto-smelt enchantment code if you need any other assistance.
  3. I decompiled a 1.8 mod to port over to 1.9 (for personal use), but I'm stuck on a reference to a isChecked() method in the GuiButton class. I've looked through the decompiled Minecraft 1.8 source code and I can't find it. I even used the MCPBot and it couldn't find any isChecked method in 1.8. Any ideas?
  4. So how can I circumvent this? Do I just not set the HAND_STATES?
  5. Alright, I did this and the arrow does fire as if the bow was drawn back 100%. Unfortunately the bow still goes through the entire draw-back animation. My code now: EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) entity; ItemStack heldItem = player.getHeldItemMainhand(); if (heldItem != null && heldItem.getItem() instanceof ItemBow && this.getEnchantmentLevel(heldItem) > 0) { //player.setItemInUse(heldItem, heldItem.getMaxItemUseDuration() / 3); ReflectionHelper.setPrivateValue(EntityLivingBase.class, player, heldItem, "activeItemStack", "field_184627_bm"); ReflectionHelper.setPrivateValue(EntityLivingBase.class, player, heldItem.getMaxItemUseDuration() / 3, "activeItemStackUseCount", "field_184628_bn"); player.getDataManager().set(ReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(EntityLivingBase.class, player, "HAND_STATES", "field_184621_as"), (byte) 1); ((ArrowNockEvent) baseEvent).setAction(new ActionResult<>(EnumActionResult.SUCCESS, heldItem)); }
  6. I have an "Quickdraw" enchantment that works by setting the bow item in use immediately on right click, so it doesn't have to draw back all the way to be used. The basic code in 1.8 was: EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) entity; ItemStack heldItem = player.getHeldItem(); if (heldItem != null && heldItem.getItem() instanceof ItemBow && this.getEnchantmentLevel(heldItem) > 0) { player.setItemInUse(heldItem, heldItem.getMaxItemUseDuration() / 3); ((ArrowNockEvent) baseEvent).result = heldItem; baseEvent.setCanceled(true); } However the setItemInUse method seems to be gone in 1.9, and I can't find a suitable replacement. What can I do?
  7. Other than changing references and stuff, what else is there to do?
  8. Well see, it only moves the player's eye up a little from where it is. So it is off by a lot.
  9. The player's eye doesn't point at the specified block. That's what I want.
  10. Thanks for that. Unfortunately I can't seem to get it to look properly. My code: double dX = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.posX - DMTMap.STADIUM.secondCorner.getX(); double dY = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.posY - DMTMap.STADIUM.secondCorner.getY(); double dZ = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.posZ - DMTMap.STADIUM.secondCorner.getZ(); double yaw = Math.atan2(dZ, dX); double pitch = Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(dZ * dZ + dX * dX), dY) + Math.PI; Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.rotationYaw = (float) yaw; Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.rotationPitch = (float) pitch;
  11. Okay, I understand except for "vector math". I don't like to be spoonfed, but what "vector math" do I need to do? And how do I convert the vector into the pitch and yaw?
  12. By the looks of it, all this does is keep turning the player's head. I need to get the variables to line up with a certain block.
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