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Forstride's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Just tried that now, and it's getting called, but it won't activate the achievement: if (item.itemID == glowFlower.blockID) { player.addStat(achFlower, 1); System.out.println("Flower Child Achievement"); } I tried making it so other achievements would be the "base" achievement, but they wouldn't activate either. Completely stumped here.
  2. It's handled in another class: public class AchievementPickup { private ItemStack pickupItemStack; @ForgeSubscribe public void EntityItemPickupEvent(EntityItemPickupEvent event) { mod_BiomesOPlenty.onItemPickup(event.entityPlayer, event.item.func_92014_d()); } } My mod was originally a ModLoader mod, and someone ported it to Forge for me, so that's how they did it. It worked fine until now, so like I said, it has to be something with having them in a separate achievement page.
  3. Alright, so basically, I can't get custom achievements in my mod to activate upon picking up certain items. It's been working fine, but today, I decided to create a separate achievement page for them. The achievements show up in the page just fine, but I can't get them to activate at all. I have a "base" achievement that you have to get before you can get any other achievements (Like the vanilla achievement for opening your inventory). To get it, you have to pick up a flower. It worked before I moved it to the separate page like I said, but now it won't. Here's the declaration of the achievement: achFlower = (new Achievement(3047, "achFlower", 0, 0, Block.plantRed, (Achievement)null)).setIndependent().registerAchievement(); And how it gets activated: public static void onItemPickup(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack item) { if (item.itemID == glowFlower.blockID) { player.addStat(achFlower, 1); } } I have another class that handles the rest of the pickup stuff, but that's not important. I'm not sure why this won't work, but it has something to do with the switch to a separate achievement page.
  4. Bumping this, as I still haven't been able to get villages to generate my biomes. I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me get this to work.
  5. Alright, so basically, I'm trying to change which biomes spawn villages in my mod. Now, apparently this should be correct (According to ScottKillen, one of the developers of ExtraBiomes XL): BiomeManager.addVillageBiome(arctic, true); Placed in my mod_ file, and repeated with each biome that is supposed to generate villages in them. It compiles without error, but I'm not seeing villages anywhere. I've flown around multiple maps for roughly 10 minutes each, with only the biomes that have villages being generated, but still nothing. Am I doing something wrong? I'm still fairly new to Forge, so forgive me if it's a simple mistake.
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