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Choonster last won the day on September 9 2020

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Reality Controller

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  1. Please don't post your email address publicly. I've removed it from your post.
  2. Duplicate of the following topic:
  3. Read Paint_Ninja's message again, there's an additional requirement that you're not meeting.
  4. Use DamageSource#getDirectEntity to get the projectile entity.
  5. The debug.log includes the crash report and other information, there's no need to post crash reports separately. Regardless, 1.16.3 is no longer supported on this forum.
  6. It's entirely possible for crafting table recipes to customise their output (including setting NBT/damage) by overriding IRecipe#assemble. I have a recipe that does a similar thing for armour here.
  7. ServerChatEvent was overhauled in the 1.19.1 update to support the secure chat system, it's probably not going to be possible to fix this without updating to 1.19.1 or 1.19.2.
  8. If you look at the loot table for cows, you'll see that it checks whether the entity is on fire to determine whether to drop steak; not whether the tool has Fire Aspect.
  9. I never found a way to ignore the errors; but I eventually replaced HWYLA with Jade, which doesn't have this issue.
  10. Instead of using an interface and extending the vanilla entity classes, could you use a capability? You could have a base class with the shared logic and then entity-specific implementations attached to different entity classes. If you need to do stuff every tick, you'd need to use LivingUpdateEvent.
  11. ObfuscationReflectionHelper methods always take SRG names, even in the development environment. In development, the SRG name is automatically remapped to the corresponding MCP name.
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